Kyu, what do you think yo (1/1)

Eunhyuk p.o.v---'Mmmm, my bed feels so comfy~ But why is it hotter than usual? And... and why is there something heavy on me...? WAIT.. SOMETHING HEAVY!?' I shot my eyes open, i saw a pair of brown eyes staring at me, 'HOLY FREAKING BURRITOS!'"KYU?! WHAT THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU DOING ON TOP OF ME?!" I yelled, he shrugged his shoulders but did not make any attempt to get off of me."Does this make you uncomfortable Hyuk?" He asked me with a teasing smirk."No, its actually really comfortable. Having your penis on mine you know, yeah its super comfortable." I said sarcastically."Good!" He said, still not moving. We stayed like that for a minute then i couldnt take it anymore! I was getting uncomfortable cause he kept shifting his weight which caused his penis to move against mine!"GET OFF ME ALREADY!" I pushed him off me and he landed with an OOF."YAH! That was really mean!" He whinned, rubbing his butt."I dont care, let me sleep. I dont have to go to work." I grabbed my blanket and pulled it up to my neck."No fair, i wanna sleep too! I have like 20 minutes till i start work, ima sleep with you for a while." He said climbing on to my bed."Whatever just let me sleep." "Does this make you feel weird Hyuk? Having a male sleep next to you? Shirtless?" He asked me."No, why would it? If i know you then i see no problem with two males sharing the same bed." I said, sleep creeping over me."Even if i do this?" He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. "You're always clingy so no problem." Then i knocked out.Kyuhyun p.o.v----'Jesus, this guy must have some gay in him if he doesnt mind me doing all of this.. but then again since im doing it does that mean i have some gay in me? Or no since im always doing this kind of stuff with him? Or maybe.. ahh you lnow what nevermind, im getting myself confused over here.' Hyuk was fast alseep so i decided that i should be heading to work now. I walked out of his room when i came across his grandomther."Good morning Grandma!" I said smiling and giving her a hug. "Good morning Kyu! Is Hyuk still sleeping?" She asked me smiling, i nodded telling her that he wasnt going to wake up soon. She said okay and gave me a chocolate chip cookie then left. I walked out of the house and saw heechul sitting in a sun lounger."Hey chullie! What are you doing up this early??" I asked, he looked at me then responded."What does it look like? Im sun bathing Kyu.""Why dont you do that on the beach?" I asked"Because, people are there." "People are always there Chullie.""Exactly." ----At the beach 3 hours later---"Kyu!! Kyu!!!" I turned around to see who was calling me and it was Hae's friend Sungmin. He came at me and gave me a hug, i ruffled his hair and smiled at him."Kyu, why dont you just get with Minnie already!" Said Kibum."Why dont you get with Siwon already?" I smirked seeing his reaction, he flipped me off then stuck his tounge at me, I laughed."Kyu, im still mad with what you did the other day." Said my cousin comming towrds us with a banana."Hey, im helping you arnt i?" I said, he rolled his eyes and stuck his tounge out too. "Anyway, here take this banana." He handed me a banana. 'Why did he give me a banana?' "Umm.. Why do i want a banana?" I asked, his frineds also looked at Hae weirdly."Eunhyuk is comming this way, i saw him when we got out of my house. I want you to use this banana on him." 'Eh? Im confused.;"Am i supposed to beat him with this or what?!" 'Or am i supposed to tease him with it cause he looks like a monkey?'"No you idiot! When he's infront of you, peel it and put it in your mouth. Do you understand now?" 'Ahhh i see... Hae you 15 year old perv!'"I'd rather beat him with it! I alreaady did too much to him this morning!" I whinned. He raised his brow."What did you do?" He asked me, i was about to say something when I saw Hyuk come this way."Tell you later, go you guys! SCRAM!" They left without a word."Hey Kyu""Hey Hyuk.""Kyu?""Hm""I can see the banana behind you. Im not going to steal it, i prefer strawberrys."DOnghae p.o.v---"Hae? Whats going on?" Asked Sungmin, Kibum also was curious. I looked at thim for a while then decided to tell them."Okay well.. I like this guy...""OMG HAE LIKES SOMEONE!?" They bothe yelled, splashing in the water. I stood their as the water splashed all over me."Are you guys done yet?" I asked."No." They both answered and started spazzing again. "Okay we;re done now." "Okay so... wait a second. Why did you guys freak?" "Cause, we remembered when you liked Jounghyun. Poor kid got bubblegum in his hair." Said Kibum"And when you liked this one guy in 6th grade, you kept bullying him, still couldnt believe he got with you!" Added Sungmin, "Whenever you like someone you're mean!""Aishh i know i know. I cant help it okay! anyway are you guys going to let me tell you who it is?" The both nodded, "Okay.. its the guy whos right next to kyu, they're really good friends and he also works in chullies shop. Chullie is his cousin.""Wow... he's really cute.. he has a nice body too..." Sungmin said, i glared at him and gave him a smack."OWW!! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Sungmin pouted rubbing his head."KEEO YOUR EYES OFF HIM! HE'S MINE!" I said pointing my finger at him."Whatever i like Kyu! Man, you guys are lucky.. Both your men work in the shop. Mine gives people kisses when they pretend to freaking drown!" "BOTH?! YAH! I SAID I DONT LIKE SIWON!" Defended Kibum"Bummie, we all know you do." I said patting his shoulder, he splashed more water at me then swam away. I looked to see if Kyu was going to do what i had instructed him to do and what do you know, he is!Kyuhyun p.o.v----"I know you like strawberries! Its just that i thought you were hungry so i hid it so you wouldnt take it from me." 'Aish Kyu, what happned to your lying skills!? He's lookin at me funny!'"Aish whatever, wanna get in the water?" He asked me."Im still working, but keep me company yeah? I only have like 20 minutes left." "Sure." 'Alright, BANANA TIME!'  I started unpealing the banana real slow.. when i saw that Hyuk was staring i put the banana in my mouth looking at him."Erm.. Kyu..""Hmm?" I hummed since the banana was still deep in my mouth."What cha doing there?" He asked, looking at me weirdly."I am... *COUGH COUGH* AHH!! *COUGH* THE BANANA *COUCH* IM CHOCKING! *COUGH*" THE BANANA WENT TO DEEP! OMG IM CHOCKING!!" "Thats what she said!" Hyuk errupted in laughter, i spit the banana out and grabbed a bottle of water. I drank it till there was nothing left. I was still trying to catch me breath."Hahaha Kyu.. what were you even thinking of deep throating a banana? Do you have some gay tendencies?" He laughed patting my back."WHAT?! NO!" "Hahaha aww man, my tummy hurts!" He started laughing again."Why you..." I jumped on him, we landed on the sand and i was on top of him, i grabbed his shoulders and started shaking him."YAH! STUPID KYU! THIS HURTS!!" He yelled."HAHAHA TAKE THAT YOU STUPID MONKEY!" I laughed evily, he managed to push me so now he was the one on top of me."HAHAHA IM TOP NOW BITCH! EAT SAND!" He started throwing sand at me, we were both struggling and laughing when my knee accidently brushed against something."Ahhh~~~" Moaned Hyuk. Uh-Oh."Hyuk... Did you..." Befor i could finish a very familiar voice interrupted."Having fun there?" Hyuk and I both looked up and saw a very angry looking Donghae. I was going to say something when i realized the position Hyuk and I were in, ahh no wonder why this kid is mad.. but then again.. he asked me to turn hyuk gay! And this is pretty gay! So why is he mad?!"What do you think you are going kyu?" He asked with a bit of venom in his voice."Umm..""YAH!!! KYU WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!" 'OH FUCKING GREAT! ITS SUNGMIN!'"Ummm sorry you guys... this is embarrasing. Kyu! Get up already!" Yelled Hyuk who was already standing."Right, sorry sorry!!" I said, sungmin still looked mad, kibum looked calm, and Hae looked irritated. "Anybody wanna go for some cake? My shifts over hehehe..." I said -----------------Hello readers! :D i hope you are enjoying this story because i sure as hell am! xD Hae why are you getting mad when you asked him to turn hyuh gay!Hae: I DIDNT KNOW HE WOULD BE TOUCHING HIM!"Me: Oh you knew damn well!Hae: No i didnt! Wahh your mean! *RUNS AWAY*Me: Hae! Come back! I need yooouuuu!!!Kyu: Way to go smart oneMe: Shut up before i make you shark bait.Kyu: O.eMe: Anyway, again i hope you enjoyed this chapter and i will update later on the day or tomorow. Later on im going to update my other fics so if you havnt already please read the others! ^^ Leave me comments they make me happy! :DHae: Dont leave comments! She made me cry!Me: *Throws book at hae* SCRAM! Dont listen to him xD leave me comments ;)Subscribe&Comment <3