Chapter 23: Night adventu (1/1)

“Annie, get changed” he whispered.“Let’s go find Luhan. Together.” I nodded and slowly moved away from Jongin, not wanting to wake him up. After I got out of bed, I quickly tiptoed to my dressing room. I pondered for a moment before deciding to put on thick sweatpants and a warm hoodie. After putting the clothes on I sneaked back out and grabbed my cell phone, stuffing it into my pocket. I followed Sehun to the hallway, where we he took off, running faster than a cheetah. I caught up with him in the foyer. “Oppa, you could’ve woken someone up with all that running” I quietly scolded him. Sehun gave me a small grin. “Look, the only person we have to worry about right now is Yifan. And maybe Jongin. But trust me, both of them are sleeping so deeply, that I guarantee neither of them will wake up before late tomorrow morning” he nonchalantly said whilst putting his shoes on. I stared at him in disbelief. “Oppa, what did you do to them?” “Relax, I just helped them to fall asleep with some all-natural products. They are fine, trust me” he said, patting my back. I stared at him for a while but then got dressed too. When we were about to leave, Jongdae suddenly jogged to the foyer. He placed his other hand over my mouth and the other over Sehun’s.“Listen. I’m coming with you to look for hyung whether you like it or not. If you argue with me I will wake this whole house up” Jongdae hissed at us. Sehun and I nodded quickly and Jongdae released us from his tight grip. He grabbed his jacket and stuffed his feet into his shoes and pushed us out of the house. The three of us silently sneaked out of the front yard and soon as we got to the street, we huddled together.“Do we have a plan?” I asked the boys. Both of them shrugged as a response.“Okay, well, what if you two take the car and I’ll go to his school to see if there’s any sign of him?” I suggested, to which Sehun shook his head.“No way. We have to stay together. As long as your parents are free you are not safe either. We can’t lose you too” he said and gently ruffled my hair. I winced in pain because of the bump on my head that Kris had caused me earlier.“You okay there?” Jongdae frowned when he saw me cupping the back of my head. I nodded.“Yeah, I just hit my head to the bedpost earlier when Kris threw me but it’s okay.” Sehun and Jongdae looked at each other and then pulled me into a hug.“We are so sorry, Annie. I’m sure he didn’t really mean to. But if he doesn’t apologize to you tomorrow I will rip his stupid thick eyebrows from his face.” I silently giggled at Jongdae’s choice of words. We then headed towards the car. After a full three hours of pointless wandering around town we were not only tired but also desperate. We had searched around his school and other places that he usually goes to, but there was no sign of him anywhere. We were sitting in the car, me in the backseat, Jongdae on the driver’s seat and Sehun next to him.“I don’t know what we were thinking-“ Sehun began, throwing his map aside.“- I mean, if he really was kidnapped; only an idiot would keep him somewhere so obvious.” Jongdae nodded in agreement.“Well, maybe we should be checking out empty warehouses and stuff” he suggested instead.“Sounds good. Annie?”“Let’s do whatever we can to find oppa.” After a twenty-minute drive Jongdae parked in front of old abandoned factory. Apparently the building hadn’t been used for years, since the windows were covered with thick dark vines. The factory was six stories high and there was absolutely no light in any of the windows. I was suddenly getting uneasy about our decision to go there. Before I had even realized, Sehun and Jongdae had already exited the car were crawling under gates. I quickly followed after them and squeezed myself under the gates as well. Sehun searched the windows while Jongdae went ahead and opened the main door, which to our surprise was unlocked. I followed after him. I heard Sehun let out a small scream and turned around to discover that he had fallen down. I ran to him and helped him up.“Oppa, are you okay?” I asked like worried mother. Sehun let out a small laugh.“Yup, I’m fine. I just tripped, that’s all” he convinced me while I inspected him in case of any bleeding wounds. I didn’t see any, so I walked with him to Jongdae, and like three scared school kids we stepped inside. It was dark as hell inside. We could only see as much as the starlight would let us. I held on to Jongdae’s shoulder as I followed them up a wide staircase. The sand between our shoes and the floor made a rustling sound. Suddenly I heard a ‘clink’. I looked down and saw a drug needle, which I had accidentally kicked with my shoes.“Are you sure that this is a good idea?” Just as Jongdae was about to open his mouth to answer me, the sound of heavy footsteps echoed in the second floor. We froze in our spots as we heard a man yelling:“WHO THE HELL IS IT?!” We saw light flickering, probably sourced by a flashlight.“Guys” Sehun whispered in horror.“I’m outie five thousand” I said and decided to sprint out of the factory with me boys following quickly behind me. I don’t know how, but within thirty seconds we were back in the car, with Jongdae starting it in a panic. As soon as the car was ready to go, he left the factory parking lot so fast that the tires screeched. I looked behind and saw someone pointing a flashlight towards us, then disappearing inside the building again. I turned back around and took Sehun’s shaky hand in mine.“Can we agree that from now on we just drive around?” he asked, his voice quiet and scared.“Absolutely. That factory is a beautiful building, though. It’s such a shame that it’s occupied by drug addicts” Jongdae said. Sehun and I looked at each other, as if we were saying we could’ve died and he thinks about the architecture?  *Luhan’s POV*I was trying to get some sleep in my freezing cold cage, only to be woken up by the kidnapper man (or Annie’s dad) screaming while grabbing his flashlight.“WHO THE HELL IS IT?!” I heard him screaming from the floor below me. After that, I heard a car screech its tires and leave the building. The man came back and his wife was seemingly nervous.“What was that?” she asked, coaxing her husband to sit down next to her. The man turned his flashlight off and ran his fingers through his grey hair.“I don’t know. Some abandoned house freaks I guess” he laughed. His wife sighed in relief.“Thank god. What did they look like?”“From what I saw it was two guys and one girl. They left with a black Mercedes Benz. I think that the drug needle really scared them. Good job, babe” the man said sappily and cuddled to his wife. I buried my head between my arms and tried not to hear them. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________DUN DUN DUUUUUUUHI made a new chapter (: Did you guess the ending? Did ya? Did ya? I bet ya didI really have nothing else to say than thanks for reading and I'll see y'all next time! Yup. That's all. *GIf not mine* Btw, do any of you even read these chapter ending thingies? :D Thank you for my subbies by the way!