Meeting 2PM and JYP (1/1)
Your eyes widened as you walked into the building. It was huge. You had no idea how you were going to find JYP's office in a building this big."Annyeong Haseyo," You greeted a very pretty secretary "I'm ~~~~~, I have a meeting with JYP." You informed her"Ah Yes, ~~~~~, We've been expecting you," The secretary said with a smile "JYP's office is right over there," The lady pointed across the hall "2PM and JYP are waiting for you, I will let them know you are here."The lady led you down the hall and into a very large office"excuse me sir but ~~~~~ is here.""Ah good, thank you Jenny." You heard a male voice say. You thanked the lady, who you now knew as Jenny as she left."Hello ~~~~~, we've been waiting for you, how was your flight?" JYP asked"hello," You greeted "My flight was good and so was the drive here." You said with a smile"So I trust my nephew treated you well? Please sit,"JYP gestured you to sit and you took a seat"We have a lot to talk about and a few introductions to get through."He looked over to the seats at the back of the room that 2PM were sitting on and you nodded your head and waved to them."Ahh, very good so we'll start of with introductions, I am Park Jin Young, If you need any help with anything please, don't hesitate to ask, now for them,"He gestured to 2PM and they stood up to greet you"This is 2PM," JYP continued "2PM, please introduce yourselves.""Annyeong Haseyo, I'm Junho," he greeted with a smile "I saw your video and I think you are a very good dancer."You smiled and starting to fangirl mentally"Hello, I'm Nichkhun," Nichkhun greeted you in English "You should talk to me because I speak english." He smiled and winked"HEY! I SPEAK ENGLISH TOO!" You heard a yell "I'm OK Taecyeon, You should speak to me more than Khun hyung Okeeeeh," You giggled at him, he reminded youof Jason a little bit"Hello, I'm Wooyoung, I don't really speak English but we can still be friends.""I'm Junsu and I was old are you?""I'm 17 and I was supposed to start my last year of highschool this year but I'm here instead," You answered with a smile. Junsu nodded in understanding"I don't know why I'm always last," The maknae said "Annyeong Haseyo, I'm Iron Maknae Chansung and I like Bananas."Once again you giggled -"heheh So I guess Chanana is real- you thought""Okay, Now It's your turn to introduce yourself!" They said in unison -did they practice that? Hmmmm...-"Ummm...Hi I'm ~~~~~, I'm a big 2PM fan so you really didn't have to introduce yourselves," You giggled "I'm looking forward to spending time with you," You smiled at all of them."Yes, Now that introductions are out of the way we have to talk about your work here, I understand you are very good at filming and editing videos, am I correct?" JYP asked as you nodded "Well, you are to film 2PM's new music video, we believe that it would give a different feel and attract people if someone like yourself filmed it. I also understand that you are quite the dancer and choreographer, because of this I am expecting you to choreograph the dance routine for their comeback single to. 2PM's scheduled to comeback in about six months time but a date will be set when the time comes. I hope you work hard." JYP said with a serious yet kind voice."Yes, I always work hard," You replied JYP smiled at you and continued speaking"next thing to discuss is your studio. We have personally picked a studio that you make customize and make your own, just to make you feel more at home. Feel Free to make into your dream studio if you desire. This studio will be used to edit film and also to come up with the choreography. 2pm will use this to practice at a later date. This studio is within walking distance of where you will be staying."You stared at JYP with big eyes -omoooo- you thought -my dream studio can finally exist-"Ohmygoodness, thank you," you thanked JYP "but may I ask where I will be living?" JYP smirked at you."Yes, that brings us to our final thing to talk about. Because you do not know anyone in Korea and I assumed you were not going to be a permanent resident of Korea, You will be living with 2PM.""WHAT!?!"JYP could see the 7 pairs of shocked eyes staring at him"yes, ~~~~~ will be living with you," JYP Chuckled "and that is all we have to talk about, Yevin should be waiting for you outside ready to take you to 2PM's dorm, goodbye." JYP smiled as you left the office still half shocked___________________________________________________________________Brunette SORRY I HAVEN'T WRITTEN ANYTHING IN SOOOOO LONG BUT I'LL TRY TO UPDATE MORE FREQUENTLY...I just suck at keeping a plan schedule thing. ANYWAYS...yo :)