Sleeping lions (1/2)
A/N: blue is when they are speaking Korean.No one's POV: As the crowd began to get bigger and bigger Chanyeol and Rika stood there wondering what was happening as they heard someone shout
"Somebody call an ambulance" and with that Rika pushed herself to the front and Chanyeol followed. When they finally got to the front they saw a woman looking on in shock as a little boy was on the floor shaking uncontrollably as the woman went to touch him and Rika went running out as Chanyeol tried to stop her and failed.
"Dont touch him" she said as the woman looked at her shocked
"But cant you see what's happening to him?" she asked as Rika pulled her away slightly
"Yes, it's because he's epileptic and he's going through a seizure so the best thing to do is just to leave him alone until he's stopped" she replied
"A-are you sure?" the woman asked as Rika nodded
"It's the safest way for him and for us" she said as the two watched and soon the boys seizure began to slow down until it completly stopped as Rika ran forward and put the boy into the recovery position. "Do you know this boy?" she asked the woman as she shook her head
"No, he looked lost and began crying so I was about to go over and ask him if he was alright and then he just started collapsing" she said as Rika sighed and laid down on the floor sideways so she was facing him as he woke up.
"W-what happened?" he asked as Rika smiled
"Hello, I'm Rika, what's your name?" she asked
"Ryohei" replied the boy as Rika smiled and Chanyeol watched on confused 'Why are they both lying on the floor?'.
"Ryohei, we're playing a game called sleeping lions" Rika told him as he looked at her confused
"What's that?" he asked as Rika laughed a little
"Where we have to be as still as possible or we lose the game... can you stay as still as possible and in the same position as you are now for me?" she asked as Ryohei nodded his head and she smiled just as the paramedics began to approach them. "Why are there people staring at us... and why are the paramedics here?" he asked