-04- Double Date (1/1)

“ Sulli, I think that's for you. “ Amber shouted as the door bell rang. “ Owh, he's just on time. “ Sulli quickly ran towards the door. “ Tae-e-e ... You ? “ “ Yes, me. “ “ What are you doing here ? “ “ I'm here for the date. What else ? “ “ Sulli, I'm here too. “ Sulli was about to speak when a voice suddenly stops her. “ Kai ? Suzy ? “ And that person was none other than Taemin, himself as he was ready to pick up Sulli but was surprised to see Kai and Suzy was there before him. “ What are you two doing here ? “ He asked the same thing as Sulli which only made both Kai and Suzy to get annoyed. “ Ok. What's wrong with you two ? Aren't you guys who made us agreed on the date at the first place ? What's with the act now ? “ Kai shot both of them a weird glare while Suzy already have her arms crossed on her chest, waiting for their reasonable answer. “ Is this some kind of your prank Taem ? “ “ No, no .. Erm .. I thought we'll be meeting at the amusement park ? “ “ Oh, well .. since you told us to take this date seriously, we decided to carry on with the flow, starting with picking up the date. “ Kai explained with a wide grinned on his face but that doesn't help to loosen up the confusion on both Taemin and Sulli's face. “ Which you suppose to do it Taemin, instead of I'm going here to meet you. “ Taemin doesn't know how should he act towards Suzy who's right now pouted at him which then only made Suzy left with a disappointment and just given in. “ Alright. I'll forgive you. “ “ Ok, let's not waste more time. Come on. Taem, let's just use my ride. “ He just nodded and followed Kai who's already heading towards his car, with both Sulli and Suzy followed behind him.

______________  “ This is wrong. “ “ What ? “ “ You should be sitting at the back with Suzy. “ “ Why ? “ “ Are you on a date with me or Suzy ? Because I don't mind if you want to change the plan. I wonder how does it feel to going out with a guy as in the form of a date and this could be my opportunity. “ Kai shots a mischievous smiles which then made Taemin to feels freak out for a while. “ Forget it ! “ The girls at the back already laughed their heart out at Kai's words. “ Seems like you do want to change the plan. “ “ Who says ? “ He gave a glare at Kai before turned to looked at Sulli who's sitting at his back. “ Let's change Ssul. I'll sit at the back. “ “ Arasso. “  Both Sulli and Taemin happened to gave each other a glance while they were changing the seat since they felt awkward with the treatment that Suzy and Kai gave them. They were obviously not used with it and they also didn't expect that their dates will took this matter seriously as they intended. Like really serious until the level that Kai keep on using his sweet words for Sulli while Suzy at the back, keep on acting cute towards Taemin which slightly made him feels uncomfortable though there's a few times happened to made him enjoyed.

____________  Everland

“ Let's try the Double Rock Spin. “ Taemin suggested but was rejected by Kai. “ No. The girls are afraid of those. “ “ No. I'm not. “ Suzy defended herself. “But Sulli is. Just look at her. “ Kai pointed at Sulli's already pale face which only made Suzy and Taemin to laughed at it.  The truth is, Taemin knew that Sulli was always afraid of the thrill rides but he also know that Sulli would eventually took the rides since part of her still want to have the fun and it would be alright for her even if it means that she have to go through those extreme games because Taemin was always there with her. Her courages will gained whenever Taemin was around her and it was all because she trusted her best friend.  “ Nah, Sulli will be fine. Right Ssul ? “ Sulli was about to utter a yes when suddenly Kai took a hold on her hand, making her frozen in surprised. “ I don't think she's alright with it. Here's the deal, I'll take my date and you take yours. Let's just go to anywhere that we want. Ok ? “ Taemin can't even protest because Kai already dragging Sulli with him towards the other side, leaving him dumbfounded by Suzy's side. “ So ? Are we going to try that Double Rock Spin or not ? “ “ Huh ? Y-yeah. Absolutely. “

Sulli's POV

“ Where are we going ? “ “ We should go to where a couple should go. “ “ Mwo ? “ “ There. “ He suddenly pointed at the Helicycle. “ That thing ? “ “ Yeah. It should be fun. Come on. “ And once again this Kim Jongin dragging me with him. “ Can't we not held hands ? It's embarrassing. “ “ Eh ? What to be embarrassed off ? We're a couple anyway. “ A couple ? No way ! “ Mwo ? “ “ We are on a date remember ? Do I have to remind this to you again and again ? “ Oh, yeah. I forget that part. We're a couple anyway, for a day. “ Sorry. Forgot. “ “ Besides, you won't mind if Taemin are the one who's holding your hands. “ “ That's because he's my best friend and I get used to him. “ “ Seriously, like we never hang out before. “ “ We have but we never get so intimate before. “ “ So, now we have to since we're on a date. And don't make me remind it for you again. “ “ Fine. Owh, it's our turn now. “

We took the rides and I must say that the scenery of Everland was breathtaking. I can see everything from up here. I saw the roller coaster, which slightly scares me and I also spotted the cotton candy shop which I already put the note for myself to go there after this ride and this time I'll be dragging that Kim Jongin and next to the candy shop was the gifts shops,  “ Owh ! “ “ What is it ? “ “ That's Taemin right ? “ “ Huh ? Owh, yeah .. and Suzy. “ “ Taeminnie !! “ “ Yah, what are you doing ? “ I heard a chuckled coming from Kai but I don't care I just have to shouted my lungs out so that Taemin will hears me. “ Taeminnie ! Over here ! I'm up here ! “ “ Stop it. He won't hear you. “  And after a few moment we were already passed by the shops and I can't help but to felt disappointed at the fact that Taemin didn't turned to look at me. I mean, I'm sure my voice was loud enough and I can even felt my throat started to felt hurt because of the shouting. “ So, why did you choose me ? “ “ Hmm ? “ “ For your date. Why me ? “ “ Owh, it's Taemin who choose you not me. “ “ Huh ? “ “ You see, we have agreed on choosing each other a date since we knew each other's type well. “ “ So, that's mean Suzy was also chosen by you ? “ I just replied with a light nod. “ And, does that means that I'm your type ? “  My eyes widened at his sudden question. I didn't prepare for this. How should I answer him ? Eventually, this makes me think. Did I ever see him as a guy ? I'm certainly not so why did Taemin choose him for me ?  “ I'm sure there is something about you that Taemin thinks it's fit with my ideal guy. “ “ Taemin thinks ? How about you ? What do you think of me ? “ Ok, why did this guy become serious so suddenly ? “ Err, you are handsome ? “ “ Ok, so that is why Taemin choose me. Because of my looks ? Only that ? “  Seriously, I don't know how to answer him anymore. Where is Taemin when I need him. He should be the one who explain this to Kai since he's the one that choose this guy for me.  “ Hmm .. I like someone that I can depend on, well, not too much but as long as he was there when I need him. It would be really great if he knew me well, someone that has a sense of humor here and there and someone that I can feel comfortable to be with. So I guess, he sees that in you. “  “ Maybe, I do have something in there which I'm not sure which part is it. “  Thank God he's finally given in.  “ So, why did you choose Suzy for Taemin ? “ “ Simple. He likes a girl with a milky skin, a cute face and a girl that can easily lighten up the mood and Suzy suits the most with his styles. “ “ How about Min ah ? She's cute too. “ “ Well, I happened to know that Hongki oppa likes Min ah and I don't want to ruined that for him. “  __________  “ So, where do you wanna go next ? “  To find Taemin since I'm so uncomfortable with you right now. Where is the Kim Jongin that I've known for almost 5 years ? It disappeared just like that ? Why did he act so differently ? Why did he acts like a Romeo right now ? That's so not him. The Kim Jongin that I've known would never talk so lovingly at me.  “ Err, anywhere. You choose. “ Great ! I should have not told him that. “ Eung, let's go to the gift shop then and buy some cute couple headbands huh ? “  Couple what ? Ok, don't get me wrong. I'm not against all of this couple stuff, in fact I'm so into it but when it comes to Kai, I don't think I can go with it. It just so weird ! And this is all that Lee Taemin's fault. Out all of many guys, why did he have to choose this guy for me ? He knew that we were almost like a best buddy in the class and there's 0% of chances that I might like this guy as more than that. Oh yeah, they did warned us about it anyway and I just have to followed my stubborn head just to find a boyfriend.  “ Sulliver ? Are you coming ? “ “ D-dae. “  Sulliver ? Only Taemin and my girls sounds right when they called me by that name. It sounds awkward from his mouth.

“ Kai, I don't think we need this. “ “ Waeyeo ? I thought you like this kind of stuff ? “ “ I am but .. “ “ Omo, both of you looks so cute with those rabbit headbands. “ “ See, ajumma thought we are cute. Let's just buy this ok, Jagiya ? “  * J-jagiya ?! *  “ Jagiya ? “  Err, that wasn't me.

End Of Sulli's POV

Taemin's POV

Both Suzy and I decides to go to the gift shop after the Double Rock Spin game and here we are right now, with me looking at Suzy who's so busy choosing the bracelet.  “ What about this ? ““ Nice. “ “ How about this one ? I like this sheds of pink color anyway. Not like the previous one. That one is too plain don't you think ? “ “ I like this one too. “ “ But, I've got too many pink bracelets at home. Ottohkae ? “ “ Then, just get the silver one. “ “ But, that one is too plain. “ “ Err, then, it's not wrong to add more pink in your collection right ? Since you said it's nice. “ “ What do you think ? Which one is better ? Which one looks the best on my skin ? “  At a moment my brain jammed because of this pop quiz that was given by Suzy. For the first time I feel like Math was easier than this.  “ I think .. err .. pink ? “ “ Really ? Erm .. but I've got too many pink so I'll take this silver one. Ajumma, I take this one ok. “  Seriously, girls. Can't they not be so complicated ? Why did she have to asked when she already made her mind ? And,  “ Taeminnie !! “ “ Huh ? “ “ What's wrong ? “ “ I thought I heard someone is calling my name. “ “ Really ? I didn't hear anything. ““ But, it sounds like Sulli. ““ Hehe .. impossible. She's with Kai right now and we don't know where had they gone to Taem. Anyway, I'm done. Let's go somewhere else. “ “ Haunted house ? “ “ Ok. “

Suzy .. how should I describe her ? Weird ? Yeah .. weird. That's her. Why did I thought that way towards her ? Well, usually, girls will scream their lungs out whenever they are in the haunted house although some of them just let out a small yelped like Amber noona, but as for Suzy, she was none in those categories. For example, she would stared at the ghost who's appeared before us and started to laughed at the weird make ups that the ghost has on but of course she would flinch a bit at first but it was only just a little bit. Just like right now,  “ Taemin, look .. this vampire fake eye lashes almost fall off .. haha. “  Ok, I must say it's funny to looked at how haste the vampire right now to fix his fake eye lashes. I could even catch a glimpse of him glaring at Suzy from the illumination of the red fluorescence beneath him.  “ We better go now. He might eat us alive if you keep pick on him. “ Quickly I dragged that Bae Suzy out of the vampire's territory to avoid chaos that might happen because of her.

“ You are so unbelievable. “ “ I know right .. hehe .. but really those fake eye lashes thing are so funny. I could hear he hissed at me .. haha. “ “ And you are safe because of me. “ “ You should be going in the haunted house with Kai. He is worse than me Taemin. ““ Aah, so he influenced you a lot huh ? “ “ But, isn't it fun just now ? Don't deny it. You were laughing hard because of me. “ “ Who wouldn't ? Hehe. ““ Let's go find something to eat. I'm hungry. “ “ Arasso. Owh .. wait .. where's my .. “ Her expression suddenly change and she looks frightened at a moment. “ What's wrong ? What are you looking for? ““ MY PHONE !!! “

____________  In front of the Gift Shop  “ Are you sure you left it here ? “ “ Yes. I remembered I left it on counter. “ “ Let's just ask the ajumma. “ “ Owh, wait ! Kai and Sulli. “ “ Where ? “ “ There. Nearby the headbands shelfs. “ “ The ajumma is also there. Let's ask her about your phone. “ We quickly headed towards them but then I was left in surprised when I heard, “ See, ajumma thought we are cute. Let's just buy this ok, Jagiya ? “  * Mwo ? * “ Jagiya ? “ Err, I sounded so pathetic there.  I shouldn't sounded too surprised right ? But I guess I just did. But wait, they are not official yet so I should be surprised ! Anyway, both Sulli and Kai abruptly turned to looked at us, more like at me after I said those and it is so embarrassing to received such glares from them.  “ Err, I mean. Hi guys. “ “ So, are you guys official already ? Wow ! So fast ! “ Sulli looks flustered with Suzy's conclusion while that Kim Jongin just replied with a loud laugh. “ What do you think ? “ He asked us with his mischievous smiles.  * Seems like they really did ... *  “ Of course we are not. What need to think about anyway ? “  * Owh ! They are not. *  “ You are not ? Really ? Not a boyfriend and girlfriend yet ? But he called you ... “ “ Jagiya ... “ “ Yah ! Kai ! Stop fooling around and stop calling me that. “  Woah ! Sulliver is so strong. I'm sure there will be some bruise on his hand after those smacked that she gave. Well, who asked him to fooling around like that with Sulli.  “ Looks like you are having fun there Kai. There may be an evidence of your enjoyment after sometime. “ I said with a chuckle while pointed at his hand. “ Shut up Taem ! “

End Of Taemin's POV

“ So, how's your date ? “ “ Are you sure you choose the right person for me ? “ “ What about him ? “ “ I don't know. He just .. not himself today. “ “ Not himself ? By means ... “ “ You know how Kai is right ? He's such a funny guy but today, he seems too lovely. “ Taemin can't help but to burst out into laugh when he heard that from Sulli. “ I'm serious. At one time I felt like want to throw up with his cheesiness and his sweet talks. “ Now he slowly become serious. “ Like what he did in the car ? That kind of talk ? “ “ Yeah. You also finds it annoying right ? ““ Actually, I also felt the same as you. ““ About Kai ? “ “ Suzy of course. Kai is not my date Sulliver. “ “ Ok, what about her ? “ “ Have you noticed how she treats me. Suzy acted cute the whole time. “ “ I thought you like girl who acts cute ? ““ I do like but most of the time she seems like faking it. “ “ Mwo ? She did that ? Why ? ““ I don't know. You tell me. You knew her better than me. “ “ Then, you need to explain to me of why did your friend, Kim Jongin behave weirdly towards me too. “There is a short silence after that before Taemin decided to broke the ice. “ Hmm, seems like this date are not working out for us. “ “ Yeah .. both of us can't get used with them. “ Both of them were spacing out until Kai broke their dazed, “ Burgers are here. “ “ Chicken cheese for Sulli and Taemin while beef burger for Kai and I. “ “ Thanks. “ They muttered half heartedly. “ What's up with you two ? “ Suzy asked once she realized that both of them seems like not in the mood. “ Nothing. So what's next ? “ “ Well, we agreed to go to the water park earlier so I guess that would be the one. ““ Cool. Let's change after we done with these food. “ ____________   Taemin shots a glare at Sulli once she was out of the changing room with Suzy at her side.  “ Waeyeo ? “ She asked him. “ Do you have to wear that ? “ He uttered slightly felt annoyed looking at Sulli's outfit. “ Owh, come one Taem. Even now ? ““ I won't exaggerating things if your short are not so short Ssul. And what's with the shirt ? “  She wore a white loose tee with a broad shoulder kind of style and obviously Taemin could see the pink thin straps tank top that she was wearing inside it and she pulled it off with a short jeans.  “ Just be glad that I'm not wearing a bikini just like most of the girls here. “ “ Owh I would be glad if you do .. hehe. “ That was Kai and he received a smack at the back of his head by Taemin because of it. “ Aish ! What did I do ? And by the way she's my date so you don't have the right to scold her or what. “  He shot it sternly which made Taemin slightly feels taken aback with his words. Suzy sense the intense in the air in between Taemin and Kai so she quickly loosen it.  “ Guys, you made me jealous over Sulli. “ Both of the boys turned to looked at Suzy after that.“ No one cares about me. Both of you only have your eyes on Sulli. “ That happened to made all of them to let out a chuckled.“ Well, nothing much to complain about your cloth anyway. “ Taemin said it with a chuckle. “ What do you mean nothing Minnie ? Half of her shoulder were exposed and while you're making such a big fuss even if I'm only wearing a short. “ Sulli already had her arms crossed at her chest while glaring at Taemin. “ Hehe .. that errm .. woah ! Look at those slides. Let's go guys. “ He quickly walked away to avoid being nagged by Sulli.“ Yah Lee Taemin ! “ And she hurriedly ran after him leaving Kai and Suzy in dumbfounded looking at their childishness.

“ So, our date have left us ? “ Suzy asked with a chuckle while looking at Taemin and Sulli who are seating on top of the same buoyant with Sulli at the front while Taemin behind her, ready to slides down. “ Seems like the date has changed. You're with me now. ““ Excuse me ? You and me ? No way. ““ What ? What's wrong with me ? ““ Anyway, at least what we had planned has works out. “ “ Yup, see I knew they won't stand with us clinging with them 24 hours. ““ Yeah, add on with your cheesiness towards Sulli and so. ““ Not to forget your over cuteness towards Taemin, haha. “ “ Oh my God. You don't know how hard I contain myself to not to throw up because of it. That was so not me Kai. “ “ Yeah, me neither. I can't believe I uttered too much sweet words in just a day just to make her feel annoyed at me. ““ Well, they won't get it if we don't do it this way. “ “ See, they were better together than with us. “ “ We've warned them that this date won't working out but they were too stubborn. ““ Next. “ The staff signaled both of them to sit on the buoyant. “ What ? Like I'm riding it with you ? “ “ It's a couple ride. What do you expect ? ““ I want to ride it alone. “ “ Stop talking and just get on this thing. “ Kai just pulled Suzy towards the buoyant and made her to sit on top on it. “ Whatever ! “

So the date ended up with Suzy and Kai and Taemin with Sulli since Taelli had complained at how they can't stand both Suzy and Kai acts towards them. They agreed to just changed the date into a hang out day which only made Kai and Suzy to laughed it off since they did expected things will turned out that way eventually.

___________  f(x)'s House

“ How's your date ? “ “ Don't even talk about it. It's a failure. “ “ Why ? What happen ? “ “ Kai was obviously not my type. The limit between us are friends and that's it. “ “ Haha I thought so. “ “ How about Taemin ? ““ He felt the same with Suzy. He can't see her as a girl. But at least we are still having fun there. “ Krystal and Victoria just shook their head looking at Sulli who's now heading towards her room. “ Why are they so into this ? What's the rush anyway ? ““ Only they knew what they were doing Krys. Just let them be. “      ____________________________________________ Author's Note : I'm so happy to be able to update this fic.It's been awhile right ? I'm doing some editing for the chapters in this story that's why it took me sometime to post an update.  So how many of my readers guess right about who are their dates ? Hehe It's so typical to made Kai and Suzy as their partners but I guess they are just the right one for the role. I don't really know of Kai's character in the real life but I tried my best not to make him seems fake,means not appears far away from his real character.Same goes to Suzy though I've seen her for many times in the Invicible Youth 2 ( I missed Amber in this show )it's still hard for me to potray her character.Anyway, I just hope you guys to enjoy the update.Till we meet next time, goodbye for now.