-21- This Is Not Happenin (1/1)
“ Honey, you doesn't sounds happy tonight. What's wrong ? “ Onew were being concern for Victoria.“ I can't just fool you right, Sweetheart ? ““ Now, tell me what's been bothering you ? “ “ I'm just worried for Amber. “ “ What about her ? ““ I don't know whether I should talk about this with you or not since it's kinda personal ... “ “ Try me. “ “ She's in love. ““ Huh ? For real ? ““ Eung .. but unfortunately .. it's a one sided kind of love. “ “ O-owhh .. “ “ And the worst part is .. she's in love with .. ““ With ? “ “ Key. “ There was a short dead silence after that and Victoria was sure enough Onew were currently in shocked right now. “ Onew ? Are you there ? ““ Y-yeah .. sorry for that. You're serious about this right ? I mean .. she doesn't seems to clicked with Key for the past years and .. “ “ She pulled a really great act in front of us right ? Can you imagine, she can fooled us with it all these years ? “ Victoria sounded quite annoyed with it.“ I still don't get it. “ “ She always had a thing for Key but she decided to keep it by herself since she don't want us to get worry for her and also she don't want things become awkward with Key. ““ How did you know all this ? ““ Luna and Jonghyun. ““ They knew it ? “ “ Yeah but Amber still didn't have a clue that we know about it. They knew it coincidently anyway. ““ OMG ! I didn't expect it turned out like this. I mean how would she face it when Key is already with someone else ? ““ That's what she's been doing these years. Keeping all the pain by herself. ““ Argh ! I feel so bad right now. ““ Me too. ““ So, what now ? “ “ I don't know .. I really want to talk about this to Amber but .. “ “ It's not easy .. I know. She had her reason to keep this from us. She don't want us to makes it harder for both Key and herself. She knew it all along the consequences later on. She don't want to put Key in the awry condition. He must feel really uncomfortable if he know about it since he had to take care of two hearts instead of one. Even a small mistake that he did after that will eventually hurt either one of the hearts. She thinks it thoroughly and maybe she thought this is the best for everyone. “ “ Owh Onew .. I wish you're here with us right now. “ “ I can always fly back to Korea if you want. “ “ Hehe .. it's ok. Just focus on your study there. “ “ You seriously think I can do that after you told me this ? ““ Owh .. sorry. I didn't mean to makes you worried. I just need someone to talk about it. ““ Hehe .. I'm just joking Honey. Sure that I will be worried for Amber but that's ok. I can cope with it. ““ Glad to hear that. ““ Ermm .. so, is there something else that you wanna tell me ? “ “ Nope. I don't think so. ““ What about the part that you miss me ? ““ Owh .. that .. haha .. Dae, I miss my Sweetheart badly that I will make sure to give him a really long hug if we meet. Happy ? ““ Very. “ Amber still hadn't get clue about her little secret already been discovered by Victoria, Luna and Jonghyun. As for Jonghyun, he only knew about it when Luna accidentally spilled about Amber's photobook that she secretly looked into back then while Victoria, she knew it on the night she interrogates Luna, after the graduation ceremony. f(x)'s House “ So both of you will go to the Korea University ? “ Victoria asked both Key and Minho while they just nodded to it. “ Then, why don't you join them Jjong ? “ She turned to look at Jonghyun now. “ I still hadn't decide whether to choose Korea University or Sungkyunkwan University. ““ It will be a lot of fun if you join us. Yoona also gonna be there with us. “ Key tried to persuade his hyung.“ You and your Yoona again. Don't you feel tired with each other ? “ He asked back. “ Talking about us. What about you ? You guys are worse than us. 24/7 with each other. “He just laughed at Key before his eyes shifted to Amber who silently enjoying her dinner. * Why did out of all people, you choose to like this Diva ? * ________ While Amber and Luna were washing the dishes in the kitchen, “ Cheongmal ? Tomorrow ? “ Key suddenly get excited while talking to the phone. “ What's his problem ? Did he want the whole world listen to his conversation with his girl ? “Amber shot a glare at Key who's smiling sheepishly all by himself at one corner.“ I bet he really want the whole world to know that he's happy right now. “Luna said casually but she was hoping Amber could get what she mean by that. She really want Amber to stop hurting herself and move on. She know that there's no way Amber could win his heart when he's already happy with someone else. “ Like I care about that. ““ Really ? You don't ? “ Amber narrowed her eyes when she turned to looked at Luna. “ I noticed that these days you keep on teasing me with Key. What's up with that ? “ She asked in annoyance.“ Just for fun. You shouldn't take it seriously if it's nothing right ? “ Amber gulped when Luna gave her a smirked. * By any chance, did she knew it ? * “ Luna, is there .. “ Her words hang on midway because she was startled by Minho's sudden shouts after that. “ Shut up ! Key ! I'm watching the TV right now. “Minho throw a small pillow to Key but he just ignored it. “ Are you saying something unnie ? “ Luna asked back in curiosity. “ Huh ? Ani .. let's play some game after this. ““ Nice. “ “ Alright. See you. I love you. Goodnight. “ “ Yah ! Do you plan to make us annoyed with your cheesy conversation ? “Jonghyun asked annoyingly after Key hung up on the phone. “ Haha .. if that's work then good. Anyway, I'm so happy today. “ “ What's up oppa ? “Sulli asked while heading her way towards the couch.“ My pretty doll are finally back from her vacation. We're going to meet tomorrow. “ He shrieked in excitement.“ Aaah .. that's why you behave like a maniac just now. “ Victoria blurted while the gang just chuckle at her words including the two girls who's still working on the dishes in the kitchen. “ Noona, how could you .. “ Key pouted at Victoria then turned to looked at Luna.“ Luna-ah ! I need someone to share my happiness. And you're that lucky person. “ He pointed at Luna who's stunned looking at him with a ' ME ? ' look on her face. She was currently standing at Amber's back on that moment with a plate on her hand. “ HUG !! “ Key ran towards Luna while spreading his arms wide leaving Jonghyun to jaw dropped looking at him. Just when Key was close enough to hug her, Luna quickly move to the side causing Key to hug not Luna but Amber, who's having her back facing him. The gang were stunned with the sight of Key back hugging Amber on that moment. Key was no better than them. He gulped when he realized their situation. He can't seem to get his hands off from Amber's body while Amber, she just frozen there since the moment Key hugged her. * Awkward ! * She was blushing hard and Luna easily noticed that. * Darn ! I hug her again. Is she mad ? * “ Ehemm ! “ Luna cleared her throat which made Key to startled and jerked backward.“ A-Amber .. “ Key stuttered while calling her name since he was so scared of Amber's reaction later on. Amber then slowly looked at her back but before she managed to face Key, “ I'M SORRY !! I DIDN'T MEAN IT !! DON'T BE MAD AT ME !! IT WAS AN ACCIDENT “ And with that, Key quickly ran off and headed his way out of the house leaving all of them dumbfounded. He was so scared until he cannot even dare to look at Amber and decided to just run away, saving himself first from Amber. “ What was that all about ? “Taemin asked while looking at Amber who's still hadn't cure from her shocked.“ Key oppa just hugged unnie. “ Sulli said with a chuckle. Both Jonghyun and Luna made an eye contact before looking back at Amber who's keeping her head hung low just to hide her blushing face. * Babo Key ! * She cursed him for making her blushing hard in front of the gang. ________ Next Morning Key parks his car nearby the Little White Cafe, since Yoona told him to meet up at that place. He then get himself out of the car and headed his way towards the cafe but before he can even step his feet into the cafe, he received a call from Yoona. “ Key. ““ Hey, pretty doll. Where are you ? I'm at the cafe already. ““ Really ? Can you wait for awhile ? ““ Hmm ? Wae ? “ “ I'm at the boutique across the street right now.. shopping some cloth for me. ““ Arasso. I'll wait for you. “ They hung up after that but instead of waiting for Yoona, Key decided to just look for her. He want to surprise her since it's been almost a week that they hadn't meet with each other and he can't help but to miss her so badly. He don't mind waiting for her but he feel so excited when he heard Yoona's voice just now. So, he stick with the idea on giving her a surprise by looking for her. He walked along the side walk, headed his way towards the pedestrian but before he could reach the place, his eyes captured on somebody not far from him. “ Amber Liu ! “ Amber was standing by the ice cream stall, waiting for her ice cream to be done on that moment. * Should I have some fun with her for awhile ? Hehe. * He let out a chuckle when he noticed her expression of eagerly waiting for her ice cream. * She become childish whenever it comes to ice cream. * He saw she's walked away once she get her ice cream and Key just felt that was the perfect timing for him to pick on her. He walked and fasten his speed until he's nearer to her, he intentionally hit on her shoulder with his own causing Amber to stop on her track abruptly. “ What the ... KYAAH ??! “ She shrieked in annoyance looking at the top scoop of her ice cream falling down to the floor. “ HAHA !! “ She tilted her head when she heard that famous annoying voice coming from the front. “ YAH !! “ “ SORRY ! TOMBOY ! BYE ! HAHA ! “ Key quickly ran off from her and lead his way towards the pedestrian.“ KIM KIBUM !! YOU'RE SO DEAD ! “ Amber chase him from behind with the ice cream still on her right hand. She was sure enough that she'll be able to catch him after that since she noticed the traffic light by the pedestrian were still showed ' RED '. * I'll kill him for messing up with my ice cream !! * She was only about 10 more steps away from him when, “ Yoona !! “ Key was waving his hands happily on that time which made Amber to turned to look at the person from across the street.It was indeed Yoona, standing at the other side of the boutique but seems like she didn't realized Key's presence as she keep on looking at her phone while Key is still trying his best to get her attention. Amber just stood there frozen looking at Key that she didn't realized her ice cream starting to melting down, dripping down her hand. Little that she didn't know the traffic light already change to ' GREEN ' which made Key to dashed his way excitedly. Amber could have just walked away from there but something in her heart made her in an unease condition. She don't know why but her heart pounding so fast after that. She was sure it's not because of the feeling that she had for Key, it was more like an anxiety. Her eyes still fixated on Key while trying to figure out the weird feelings that she had on that moment but her daze were broken when she happens to hears a sound of car. By just listening to the sound, she knew that the car were speeding in its way and seconds after that she saw it coming from the corner of her eyes. She could feel the driver were loosing his control when she saw how his car not keeping on it's track. The first thing that came out from her mind was, “ Key .. “ She turned back to looked at Key who's half way towards Yoona.“ KEY !! “ She ran towards him, with nothing in her minds than to make him realized the harm nearby him or least to prevent the harm to him but when she thought she could reached in time, ' SHREEECHHZ !! ' “ KEY !! “ Her heart felt like stops to beat when her eyes witnessing everything that happen right in front of her. “ K-Key .. KEY !!! “ She ran towards him who's lying flat not far from where she's standing just now.“ KEY ! OMG !! “ Her tears won't stop flowing down her face while she carefully rested his head on her lap. She felt so terrified looking at Key like this, with blood starting to dripping down, scratches marks full on his body and how he just so lifeless looking at her. “ SOMEBODY ! PLEASE CALL THE AMBULANCE !! “She shouted her lungs out hoping for the people who's surrounded them get into an action .“ NO ! KEY !! “ She face the person right in front of her and it was Yoona, crying herself out loud looking at Key.“ AMBER !! OMG ! WHAT .. OH MY .. KEY !! “Amber could just watching Yoona like that. Yoona can't even touch Key because she was so terrified with the sight that welcomed her. Amber then felt a hand on her face which quickly caught her attention. “ .. A .. AM .. BER .. “ She was stunned looking at him before her tears running down more than what she had just now. “ It's me ! “ Key's eyes started to given in after that, his vision were blurry and he could feel that his body started to given in too.“ KEY !! NO !! WAKE UP !! KEY !! “ __________________________________________________ Author's Note : Finally, I can update the latest chapter.I've waited for two days for this ... huhu ______ Back to the story ..It's pretty tragic huh ?Have you expected this will happens to Key ?No ? Yes ?Tell me ok ..Hehe .. Leave me your comments ...