Busan (1/1)

Apartment 412 thyramans 13250K 2023-11-03

Two weeks after their first kiss, Yuna was getting ready to bid farewell to Jonghyun for 3 months. They had spent almost every day together, trying to make full use of the little time they had. She couldn’t believe that they only had 3 weeks together before they were separated.“Ga, I’ll be fine here,” she insisted.Jonghyun lowered his head and planted a forehead kiss on her. “I’ll call you every night, araso? Stay safe.”“Yeh, Ahjussi,” she joked. “I’ve got Hyejeong with me, I’ll be fine.”“Aish, I’m trying to be a protective Oppa to you here,” he said.“How many times must I tell you you’re not my Oppa,” she poked him playfully. “Go now, or you’ll be late!”“Araso!” he said, picking up his bags.But he didn’t immediately walk away. Instead he stood frozen in his spot, bending his knee so that he’ll be of the same height as her and pouted his lips at her with his eyes closed.“Boya?” she asked.“Kiss.”“Ah, this guy, jinjja,” she sighed.He opened up one eye and mumbled with the pouted lips, “You don’t want to kiss me for the last time?”Yuna smiled widely, then grabbed his face with her hands and pressed her lips against his for a few seconds. A sweet grin appeared on his face as they broke apart, and he sneakily pecked her cheek before walking off finally. They waved to each other with smiles on their faces till he was out of sight, before Yuna finally sighed heavily. A deep sense of emptiness filled her immediately. Just then, her phone rang.“Yeoboseyeo?” she answered.“Yuna-ah?” a familiar croaked voice at the other end spoke up.“Ap..Appa?” she uttered.“Yuna-ah, it’s me. How are you?” he asked.“Appa! Where are you? I’ve been waiting for your call for so long! I thought something bad had happened to you!”“I’m safe, I’m fine,” he assured her. “I’m in Busan right now.”“Busan?”“Yeh, can..can you meet sometime soon?”“Appa, of course! Tell me where you are! I’ll come over right now!”**Jonghyun tapped his feet nervously as he waited to be checked in at the hotel. His body might be in Seoul but his mind was back home where Yuna was. The phone call he had made to Yuna definitely did not assure him that she was safe. He noticed Yonghwa approaching him, so he sat up.“Yah, we’re in Seoul now. Stop worrying about Yuna,” he told him.“Hyung, she told me she’s going to Busan to meet her father.”“She found her father? That’s good news, isn’t it?”“Hyung, I have an uneasy feeling about this,” he expressed his concern to his best friend.“Is this because of what your father said?”“You heard it, didn’t you? He said he’ll lay off her..for now. You know how he is! He likes to play with his words. I’ve never trusted him for once. What if he had meant he would find her when I’m not around? What if-““Yah Jonghyun-ah,” Yonghwa interrupted. “I’m sure your father couldn’t have possibly known she’s alone right now. If you want, you can call Hyejeong to check on her. Or Noona?”Ah, why didn’t he think of that. Jonghyun quickly dialed in his sister’s number.“Yeoboseyeo?” she answered.“Noona! Do you know where Ahbeoji is right now?”“Ahbeoji? Hmm, he said he had some business in Busan. Waeyo?”“B…B..Busan?” he repeated, bringing his eyes to Yonghwa, who seemed as shock as he was.