Confession (1/1)
After hours of being over the Hoang's house you finally arrived back home. When the car pulled up to the drive way, you sighed in relief and got out of the car. Without waiting for your parents you headed towards the front entrance and waited for the butler to get the door open for you and walked in. You greeted the butlers and began heading upstairs to your room ,until your dad called out your name. " Minhee." He said coldly, you stopped in place and turned towards his direction. "Yes,Father?" You answered, and gripped on the stair rail. "Are you trying to embarrass our family?" Your dad questioned, "Your behavior today over the Hoang's was unbearable to look at." You dad continued. "What? I didn't - "Shut your mouth and just listen. You were yawning, falling asleep, you know how embarrassing that is to see your daughter to do that in front of the Hoang's family?! I just wanted to shoot myself, when I saw you yawning, how am I suppose to face them now?! and didn't I tell you to turn off that damn phone of yours?!" Your dad ranted, until your mom went up behind him and rubbed his shoulders to calm himself down. "Go to your room Minhee." Your mother breathed, you did what you were told,and went up stairs. "Yebo, I'm sure that Minhee didn't mean to do it." Your mothered said as she rubbed her husbands shoulder,and watched you walk to your room. When you arrived to your door,you stood in front of it and deeply sighed, and opened the door. You walked in and closed the door while pulling out your phone and reread Kai's message. " no matter how difficult it is,I will find a way to see you." You read his message out loud and held your hand close to your chest while having a huge smile on your face and saw a figure coming out of your restroom from the corner of your eye. You turned towards its direction, and released your hand from your chest. "Mrs. Kim, what are you doing here?" You stuttered, ignoring your question she jumped into a different topic. "Okay, Who is he? Tell me now." Mrs. Kim commanded, and took a seat on your bed. "Oh he's Uhh, he's Uhh, no one." You nervously said, and held onto your phone tightly. "Jung Minhee, you know I will never tell your parents about these things. I not cool enough? What is it you kids call these days...ahh, am I not hip enough for you?" Mrs. Kim breathed. You sighed,and took a seat on the floor. "His name is Kai." You began. "That's it? Where did you meet him? How did you meet him?" Mrs. Kim asked in curiosity. " Wait, his name is Kai? Does he not have a proper name? Minhee! Are you talking to gangster?" Mrs. Kim slightly hollered. "What? Gangster? Mrs. Kim he is far away from gangster. Well, to be honest...last night, Eun Mi and I kind of snuck out of the house - Mrs. Kim's eyes slowly widened, " how did you guys sneak out?!" She slightly hollered. "Wait, Mrs. Kim just listen." You said, " Eun Mi and I jumped down my balcony and went to a club. But some how we ended up going to a male strip club, I had no idea how that happened. So, Eun Mi and I was heading towards the back of the line I suddenly tripped on something and fell flat on my face. Then, he appeared and helped me back up to my feet. " you explained. "Minhee,please don't tell me this Kai guy is a stripper." Mrs Kim guessed, you stared at her a blinked a couple of times, " he's a stripper isn't he?" She added, you quietly nodded and continued on your story. " oh yeah, he also helped us get in the club too, Eun Mi told me that he might have interest in me because he was constantly grabbing onto my hand." You said and held up the hand that Kai held. "He held your hand too!? Minhee, you guys just met and your already holding hands with him?" Mrs. Kim said in a concerned tone. "Mrs. Kim, it got more intense when he did a lap dance on me." You explained to her and suddenly remembered the moment when your lips touched his. You smiled and felt your lips. "He did a lap dance on you..." she said coldly, "wait,you guys kissed too?!" Mrs. Kim exclaimed, you slightly nodded your head and smiled at her. "But Mrs. Kim! He is a REALLY sweet guy! I don't know but...I felt like it was love at first sight when I saw him." You explained, and decided to show her your text messages from him. "Minhee, he said he wants to see you again." She said as she giggled at the other messages. " His messages are really cute, but cheesy at the same time." She said and handed you back you're phone." Oh Minhee, is he handsome?" Mrs. Kim added. "Yeah,there quite cheesy but I find them cute." You smiled, and twirled around in happiness. " Oh Mrs. Kim, he is the most handsomest guy that I ever met in my life. His muscles are prefect...especially when his shirt is off. If you met him,you will immediately fall for his amazing smile and his cute self." You giggled and remembered the moment when Kai ripped off his jacket and revealed his milky chocolate abs. Your legs became like jelly as soon as the image of Kai's muscular body appeared in your mind "he is so good looking..." You mumbled to yourself. "Minhee, let me just say this before you do anything, this Kai guy maybe a sweet guy in the outside but he can be possibly an ugly monster in the inside too. You never know if this guy may want to harm you in the future. So, be extra careful when your around him okay?" Mrs. Kim warned you. "Oh and does Kai have an actual name? Or is that is name." She questioned. "Oh it's Kim Jongin." You smiled, "Oh , and Mrs. Kim, can you help me with something?" You sweetly asked and gave her your puppy eyes. Mrs. Kim glanced at you. "You want me to help you meet up with him don't you?" Mrs. Kim said with one eye brow raised, and suddenly your eyes widened from hearing her answer. "Wait, hold on when did you two decided to meet up?" She questioned once more. "Oh We'll, I never had a chance to reply back to his text message yet." You continued,and grabbed your phone. "Minhee, call the him and ask the boy when he wants to meet up." Mrs. Kim commanded, and did what she told you to do and dialed his number. As soon as you clicked the call button, your heart raised to your throat when you heard the phone ringing,and suddenly heard some rattling noises coming from the other line. “Minhee? Your pulse skipped, hearing your name. Like echoes across a canyon, the familiar voice reverberated through the line. “Kai?” “I was just going to call you, I got a little worried because you didn't