Forever (1/1)
“Hi, can I help you with anything?” The shop assistant asked him and Renjun nodded, swallowing thickly and smiling nervously since he never really was used to doing things like this.“Um…yes…I was thinking if you could do me a favour,” He started, knowing full well what he wanted the shop assistant to do.“Well, that’s what I’m here for,” She replied easily, smiling genuinely and causing his muscles to relax. “See, I have a boyfriend that I want to propose to…” He said warily, hearing a vague hum in response and deciding that the other didn’t care. “And I need to know his size.”“Ah, the classic,” She said while smiling goofily, leaning on the glass counter in front of her to look at him closer. “You want me to find out his ring size, right?”“If you could?” He asked, shyly looking down and coughing slightly. “I know it’s hard but-““Chill, I’ve got you,” The shop assistant cut him off, winking before gesturing to the cabinet beneath her arms. “Do you want to pick a ring now?” ~ ~ ~ “Hey, Chenle,” He greeted, the sleepy younger with worse bed head than his own as Jem barked at his boyfriend. “I was thinking of buying Jaehyun-hyung a present since his birthday is coming up…do you want to come with me?”“Ge, you’re like in your early twenties with a budding artist career on Instagram,” Chenle started, running a hand through his already messing hair and doing not much to fix it. “Would it kill you to go alone?”“Yes it would,” He stated childishly, pouting and trying his best to look adorable, not missing the wary gaze that Chenle sent his way. “I want to spend time with you.”“I literally live here now,” Chenle pointed out, crouching to pat Jem who hadn’t left him alone yet. “The company also opened a studio nearby for me.”“Just come with me please,” He begged, not knowing what would happen if Chenle didn’t tag along with him. “Fine,” His younger boyfriend grumbled and walked off to probably take a shower, leaving Renjun to hide a smile as he continued making breakfast. ~ ~ ~ “What about this one?” He asked Chenle, pointing to a necklace that had a sun as it’s piece as the other fiddled with the cloth mask over his mouth that prevented people from recognising him. “It’s like him!”“Don’t let Mark-hyung hear you say that,” Chenle replied before humming and caressing his waist gently. “It’s cute.”“I’ll get it for him,” He told the shop assistant who was the same one that he had visited the day before, smiling gratefully at her when she winked at him - Renjun noticed the hold on his waist becoming noticeably tighter as the shop assistant giggled. “It’s a beautiful necklace,” The shop assistant started, making sure to retaliate Chenle’s deathly glare with a bright smile of her own. “For someone special, I presume? Boyfriends usually get their partners this.”“Ah, it’s for my best friend,” He explained before Chenle forcibly hugged him from behind. “This one’s taken by me.” He heard Chenle state warningly before the shop assistant giggled once more and he sent her an apologetic look. “Card?” Renjun nodded in affirmation, finding that he couldn’t reach his wallet that was in his back pocket because of his koala-like boyfriend.“I got this one, ge,” Chenle whispered to him as he scanned his card with his promise ring glinting, Renjun feeling a kiss to the top of his head shortly after. “You owe me food.” ~ ~ ~ “Did you get his size?” He asked once he entered the shop later that day when Chenle had left to record his next song. “Yep! The ring you liked had that same size too!” The shop assistant exclaimed, taking out a small box and opening it to showcase the silver ring. “It suits him. It really does.”“I just hope that he’ll say ‘yes’,” He whispered, scanning his card on the machine as the shop assistant looked at him with a small smile.“Of course he’ll say ‘yes’,” She replied, voice equally as soft as if what they were discussing was illegal. “He’s madly in love with you.”“So am I,” He chuckled, picking up the small box with the ring and practically running out the store while shaking his head. I really do love him, don’t I? ~ ~ ~ “You know, after all these years, I would have thought that you would stop working at this cafe,” He stated, staring at Mark and Donghyuck who were bickering behind the counter when they should have been making his coffee. “Even I quit.”“Not all of us are getting sponsored by big brands on Instagram,” Donghyuck retorted, snorting before Mark rolled his eyes and began to make his latte. “Where’s your ball of sunshine anyway?”“He should be here soon,” He answered as he focused on Mark who was currently heating up the milk for his latte. “What if he says ‘no’?”“Then I’ll break up with Hyuck,” Mark replied cooly, pouring the milk into his cup as Donghyuck rolled his eyes. “You wouldn’t do that,” Donghyuck stated confidently as Mark chuckled and leaned over to give the smaller male a kiss on the cheek before handing him his latte.“Yeah, I really wouldn’t.” He heard Mark agree and nearly snorted into his latte at the whipped status of his friends. “Which means that Chenle won’t say ‘no’.”“But like-“ His sentence was interrupted by Chenle walking through the front doors of the cafe, the bells jingling to signal his arrival and Renjun felt as if his whole world stopped once more. The younger was clad in simple jeans and a simple shirt but somehow still ended up looking flawless. “Ge? Is everything alright? This was pretty abrupt,” Chenle asked him soft Chinese as Renjun shook his head and grabbed the younger’s wrist, dragging him to the back staffroom where Doyoung had granted him access for today. “You’re scaring me.”“You’re scaring me,” He retaliated, swallowing thickly before releasing a breath he was holding and sunk down to the floor on one knee, holding up the box. “Chenle, will you-““Oh my god!” He heard Chenle scream and saw the younger cover his mouth with his hands in shock.“Hang on, I haven’t even asked you ye-“ He was cut off by Chenle squealing and jumping up and down in excitement or happiness - he didn’t know.“Yes!” Chenle screamed, nodding his head like crazy and falling messily to his knees before hugging Renjun tight. “A million times ‘yes’!”“Wait, I haven’t-“ He cut himself off, shaking his head and pulling away to look at Chenle in the eyes. “Chenle, will you marry me?”“Of course I will, ge,” Chenle answered, smiling sweetly as Renjun let out a breath of relief and leaned forward for a sweet sweet kiss. During the kiss, he carefully took the ring out and exchanged Chenle’s promise ring for his engagement one - simple silver band that hosted a diamond heart as its centrepiece. Renjun furrowed his eyebrows and pulled away when he tasted something salty invade the kiss, noticing the tears running down Chenle’s cheeks minutes later.“Chenle,” He whispered, bringing the younger closer and kissing his forehead. “Chenle, it’s alright. We’ll be okay.”“It’s not that,” Chenle protested, hiccupping slightly as he wiped at his own tears. “These are happy tears, ge! Happy tears!” Observations of rich people #97: You will allow them to cry but only for tears of happiness. “Hey, ge.” He heard Chenle whisper softly to him, humming and running his hands through the younger’s hair. “You…you do love me…right?” Observations of rich people #98: Sometimes the things that come out of their mouth are completely unnecessary.“I just asked you to marry me, Chenle…” He pointed out, amused tone creeping into his words as he rested his forehead against Chenle’s own. “Don’t ever doubt my love for you because I will never doubt yours.” ~ ~ ~ If you told Huang Renjun several years prior to today that he would be married to one of China’s greatest singers, he would have told you to stop dreaming. However, that dream seemed positively and utterly real right now as the cold metal of his gold wedding ring invaded his warm skin with Chenle’s smile doing nothing to make his heart calm down. “I now proclaim you husband and husband. Everyone please welcome Mr Huang Renjun and Mr Huang Chenle. You may now kiss your husband.” Observations of rich people #99: Their name definitely sounds better with your last name attached to their first. Without hesitation, Renjun reached out to grab the back of Chenle’s neck and forcibly pull him down to plant a slow and loving kiss to his lips, one