The Inevitable (1/1)
I walked upstairs and stopped in front of Yoochun’s door. Normally I would burst into the room, but something made me knock first and wait for an answer. I heard some sort of an answer so I opened the door. Yoochun was laying on his back on the bed. I walked up to the bed and he sat up. He patted the bed next to him. I sat down next to him.“I need to tell you something” I said.“What is it?” He asked.I couldn’t tell him, not yet. My heart was too afraid. I looked down to my feet.“Actually, I want to show you something… tomorrow, but for now I just wanted to say good night” I said.He shoved a little closer to me.“Good night, angel” He hugged me.I felt tears coming up. ‘Be strong Ruby, you knew from the start that he had to leave someday’ I told myself. I pulled back and immediately stood up, turned my back to him so he didn’t see me crying. I walked to the door.“I… I’ll see you tomorrow” Yoochun said.I nodded and left the room. I ran to the bathroom and splashed my face with water. I went to my bedroom and heard my mom go to her room. I tried to sleep, but I couldn’t stop thinking about how I should tell Yoochun he had to go. I decided to get up and take a walk. While walking, it started to rain, but I didn’t care. I cried along with the rain and walked through the whole of Between Heaven And Earth. When I got back home, I felt that my feet were actually very tired. I walked upstairs, changed and went to sleep. This time I slept within minutes.The next morning I woke up and stood up from my bed. I felt a little dizzy and hungry so I quickly went downstairs and ate some breakfast.*Yoochun’s POV*
I sat at the table and Ruby came down. I smiled, but she didn’t even notice me. I let her eat her breakfast, but when she washed her plate I decided it was enough and I hugged her from behind.“You didn’t even notice me” I sadly said.“Oh… I’m sorry” She said in a flat tone.“You wanted to show me something right?” I asked.She nodded. “Let’s go” She said.*Ruby’s POV*
I didn’t want to be close to him, it only made sad. We walked to the blue tree and I stopped there. I turned to him.“I’ve never showed anyone this, nobody even knows this place exists, not even my mom” I tried to smile.He took my hand. I looked down at our intertwined fingers and back up to him. I pulled him along to the tree, where the tree house was hidden in. I climbed up in the tree.“Ruby, what are you doing?” He asked.“Just climb up and you’ll see” I said.I climbed up to the highest point of the tree house were I had a view over Between Heaven And Earth.“Ruby where are you?” He yelled.“One more stairs up” I yelled back.He came standing next to me and I felt he didn’t look at the view, but… at me…“Look, you can see Ellie’s house from here” I said and pointed.“Who built this?” He asked.“My dad…” I said.“I think you miss him”“No, I don’t, I have my mom” I said.“But still… after all he is your dad” He said.“I don’t care, he’s never been there for me” I said.“Ruby…” He whispered.I kept my mouth shut, knowing what I had to do, knowing what was coming. I sighed.“Yoochun, my mom says you’ll have to be going soon” I said.“Go where?” He asked.“Back home, back to Earth” I said.“But… what about us?” He asked.“You know as well as me that a relation between an angel and a human is impossible” I said.“So?! You’re just going to say goodbye and pretend you’ve never met me?!” He yelled.“What am I supposed to do then?!” I yelled back.“Come with me” He said.I sighed. I climbed all the way down to the ground and he followed me.“Please Ruby, come with me” He pleaded.I shook my head. “I promised my mom I would stay with her” I said.I walked away from the tree, towards my home.“Ruby!” He yelled.I felt dizzy and I stumbled a bit.“Ruby! Are you okay?” He asked.“I’m fine”He touched my forehead with his palm.“You’re really warm, you should lay down, I think you have a high fever” He said.“I said I’m fine” I repeated.He lifted me up.“What are you doing?!” I yelled.“You are sick” He said.He walked all the way to my home, carried me upstairs and laid me down on my bed.“Now, don’t get up before you’re healthy again” He said.“But…”“I’ll call Ellie, Liam and I are going fishing and he made me promise to come, I’m sorry angel, else I would have stayed with you” He said and kissed my forehead.Yoochun left and it didn’t took long before Ellie came. She blabbed the whole time.“Ah… Ruby? I think I forgot to tell you something… did you know that Uriel, the member of the Council of Human Affairs, the one that can blind angels… he searching for Yoochun” Ellie said.“What?! Why?!” I yelled and threw the blanket off of me.“He has seen you 2 when you flew him home, when he got hurt. I don’t know what he is going to do, but it isn’t a good thing that Yoochun has seen your wings…” Ellie said.I realized he was going to hurt Yoochun.“Where is he?” I panicked and stood up.Black spots blurred my view and I sat back down on the edge of my bed.“Ruby, are you okay? You should lay down” Ellie said.“I’m fine, just tell me where he is” I said.She sighed.“He’s at the blue tree with Liam” Ellie said.