Luhan (1/1)

10. Luhan   "Isn't that EXO's Luhan?", she asked visibly shocked by the appearance of the boy group member. Mika swiftly pushed you aside and grabbed Luhan's arm. After she realised that he was indeed real, not a wax figure or a imagination of her mind, she laughed insanely. Her body was glued to the boy.  When the deer-looking boy was about to respond, you shot him an angry glare. His lips were sealed, for now and he didn't want to interfere in your business. Things have gone beyond your control, you have to come up with an explanation or a white lie. Sometimes even lying wasn't considered as a bad act.  Your best friend eyed the boy from head to toe, analysing every feature, while she  expected that his appearance was part of a show she was miraculously chosen to take part in.   She waited for a camera team to occur, but, of course, it didn't. You were connected with them, so it wasn't concidence that he emerged at your home. In fact, now that people knew who you were, you couldn't go incognito through the streets.   "Indeed, that's Luhan, but I don't know him at all! EXO lived her during their pre-debut days and he would sometimes come around and look, whether we changed the size of our rooms. I forgot we made an appointment today, so yeah, that's why he is here today", you lied, even though you detest everyone doing that.  "you, I'm not dumb, you could at least tried to come up with a better lie, instead of your shitty one. I always thought of you as my non-biological sister. Our trust is broken now, thank you", she said, still watching in awe a member of her favourite group.  Luhan closed the doorstep and leaned against the wooden material, while he remained silent. He felt bad, because he was part of the dilemma, causing a friendship to break, but he didn't saw the point why they fight. We all have our little, dirty, secrets and your secret didn't harm Mika. It was human and he has got his own arcanums, too.   "I'm sorry for not telling you. You have always been fussing about them, lately it was worse than ever before. I reckoned our relationship would change, if I would spill the beans. I'm sorry and I never intend to harm you."  "So, I'll give you one try to explain everything to me", she replied, unsure.   "Mika, excuse me if I sound rude, but we have to leave soon. We can't afford being followed by a bunch of mad fans", Luhan explained. He tapped on the glass of his watch, in order to support the weight of his statement. "Mika, I can explain you everything while you change her attire and pack her bags. Is that okay with you, too?", he asked and made his way towards the living room. He didn't even bother to doff his shoes or his jacket.  "Sure", she answered.  You raised sceptically your eyebrow, but didn't bother to question her answer.  "I'll handle this. You may go now", Luhan explained calmly and sat down on the couch. His eyes darted to the TV screen. He was on your side and until now he hasn't done anything wrong at all.  "So, first of all you have to know -"                                      ~~~~~  You didn't know what they were talking about, because you went straight to your room to pack your bag. You grabbed your school uniform, school bag, a toothbrush, make-up, lingerie, hairbrush, your money, and some decent clothes, pressing it eagerly into the small space te bag afforded. Once you were done, you changed your outfit to a pair of skinny  jeans, paired up with a white, plain shirt.   Will