onho "Im lost" (1/1)

Drabbles Jinkisbelly 9770K 11 month ago

"Baby where are you? You left to go get a coke and check on if Taemin and Kibum got checked in alright almost 45 minutes ago." "Hyung I need your help."  Jinki quickly sat up from his position on the bed. “Okay what’s wrong?” “I’m lost.” Minho mumbled softly. ” I tired to remember all the turns you know, but I got jostled around… and I lost my sense of things.” "Oh baby are you okay? You aren’t hurt are you?" There was a sniffle on the other side of the line. “I’m fine.. I just. I wanted to find Kibum and Taemin… but I didn’t know my left from my right or what was around me so I just.. I’m sittng on the floor between two what I think are vending machines.”  "Okay I’m coming to get you. Did you get on the elevator?" Jinki grabbed his door key and quickly rushed out the door."No."  "Good. Baby what do you hear around you?" “Nothing, but the hum of whatever I’m next to.” Jinki hummed as he stepped into the open elevator and clicked the button for the third floor. “Jinki I’m sorry.”  "Don’t be. You’re my Husband. I’d go looking for you all over the city if you were lost Baby." Jinki looked both left and right once he stepped off the elevator before asking, "What number was Kibum’s room again?" "322."  "Okay I’m almost there." Following what the sign said Jinki moved left. After a moment of walking he reached another intersection. He looked both ways and saw a little sign indicating the vending machines. He smiled and gently jogged toward it. As he got closer he began to see his husband’s brown huge furry slippers that he just had to have for their vacation. "Jinki I hear someone coming… and I really don’t wanna explain what I’m doing. It’s embarrassing enough I got lost."  Jinki quickly ended the call, sliding the phone in his pocket and softly saying, “Then it’s a good thing it’s me Baby.” "Jinki!" He bent down to help the man up and gently kissed his cheek as Minho wrapped his arms around him. “Baby maybe you should have gone with me.” The man pouted. “i wanted to prove I could do it without help.. that I was better getting around. Jinki quickly slid on the man’s black glasses onto his face, “You did great baby. Come on it’s story time.” Minho leaned onto his shoulder as Jinki hooked his arm around his waist. “Thank you.” "Anything for you baby."