Bwoah? (1/1)
*Saya's thoughts* It's been about a week since I saw Bobae. All I could do lately was stare blankly at everyone and everything around me, never truly paying attention to anything. I have been trying to not show how troubled I was right now to everyone, but that hasn't been working out the way I had planned. I couldn't ask anyone for help really, since no one even really knew about what had been going on. Onew hasn't even spoken to me ever since that day when I came over to their dorm. I can't talk to Minho. I mean what would he think of me afterwards? And it's not like I would even try to talk to my umma. She was just barely getting better. Starting to cry, and actually care about some of the things I did. But then after we received that letter. She completely shut off again. Crawling back into her cave of despair once again. Besides I had too much pride to even attempt at asking for help from someone, even Eunji. I had been scrubbing the scuffed up dance floor for what seemed like hours. Staring blankly at that same spot I had been cleaning for the past hour. Thinking, and thinking, and then later on even more thinking. But nothing seemed to be working. I couldn't get my mind off of Bobae, the bank, the house, or my life at the moment. I've only been doing this lately, worrying about what I would do next, what would happen next, what Bobae meant by she could do worse than what she already has, and every other stress that seemed to find it's way to me. It left me in this non-functioning state. I grunted angrily as I stood from my position. I threw the old rag across the room in a fit. I began to stomp around the room, letting out an angry rant. "Stupid umma." "Stupid Bobae." "Stupid job." "Stupid bank." "Stupid house." The list went on for about half an hour as I stepped in frustration on any gleaming piece of wood. It's no use! There is' nothing left I can do! Suddenly I let out a sigh of exhaustion stepping away from my raging emotions. Out of instinct I began to sing the song I knew by heart. "Remember those walls I built? Well baby there tumbling down. They didn't even put up a fight. They didn't even make a sound." Out of nowhere I heard a scuff on the floor, and I looked up quickly to see none other than him. Choi Minho. *Minho's thoughts* I was wandering around the halls of the practice rooms deep in thought. Saya had been acting so weird lately. She's been quiet and always dazed off. she hasn't even looked at me for the past few days. And then Onew hyung was on the other quarter of my mind, he's been avoiding any human contact with anyone. Either in the library at lunch, or copped up in his room at our dorm. Has he even eaten anything lately? Suddenly I heard a familiar sound. I stepped closer to the door of one of the practice rooms when I gasped. "Omo! It's the voice from the first day of school!" Without thinking twice about it I grasped on to the cold door knob, and stepped into the room silently. I closed the door behind me quietly, but then halted in my steps. Shocked to see who it was singing this whole time. It was Saya. My feet didn't stop moving and suddenly I scuffed on the floor, almost tripping, but coolly regaining my composure. She looked up quickly and her eyes widened to a surprised expression. She fidgeted in her spot as she spoke quietly. "Minho what are you doing here?" I sighed scratching the back of my head awkwardly. I was still taken back by finding out it was her who I heard singing. "Um, well I kind of practice here 24/7. I should be asking you that." She looked down to the floor again folding her hands together. "No reason." I stepped closer and closer to her until her small fragile hand was within mine, and I had her looking up at me. "You sang beautifully you know." Then out of nowhere she threw her arms around me clinging herself to me, as her chest began to heave uncontrollably. I knew she was crying. What did I do wrong? *Saya's thoughts* I'm such a babo! Why am I even doing this? Once I met eyes with him, I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. Along with that I felt the held in sobs and pain build up in my chest until I couldn't hold it in anymore. "Saya what's wrong?" I figured I might just lie again. Or maybe even say nothing. But instead I did something differently. I sobbed out every bad thing that had happened to me in my whole lifetime on earth. Whether it was from falling off my bike. Or to losing my house. I said everything to him leaving no details out. And on his side he listened intently letting me sob harshly on his firm chest. I'm pretty sure by now his navy blue shirt was sopping wet. But he didn't seem to mind. Instead he interlocked his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him, letting me put all of my weight on his body. I wasn't even really touching the ground. He was pretty much carrying all of my weight to where it felt as if I were floating. I was thankful for that because I'm pretty sure if he hadn't been doing that I would probably fall painfully on my butt in a split second. As I continued to cry and cry on him my sobs soon became quieter. And soon enough I had let everything out and now I was completely inaudible. Silence filled the room. I kept my body clung to his though, only wanting to feel his body against mine for comfort. He petted my hair softly, gliding his long fingers through my bangs letting them fall loosely behind my ear. I looked up at him still sniffling. "I'm sorry." He frowned. "Wae?" I clutched on to the back of his shirt for support. "For crying on you." His eyes instantly turned rock solid. "Saya, that's what I'm here for. So you can cry on me. So you can tell me your problems. So you can tell me when your birthday is. I'm not here just for show you know." I smiled lightly hugging him once again. "You don't know how much those words mean to me." He tilted my chin up so I could meet eyes with his warm ones, which sent off a sense of protection through out my heart. "I'm also here to help you. Which I know how." I cocked my head, confused. "What do you mean?" He smiled even bigger speaking in an excited voice. "Let me coach you into being an idol for SM." All my sadness was gone, which only left my shocked expression. "Bwoah?!" Ok, I know. Bad Happyfeet for taking FORVER to update. Sorry!>.< I've had high school and such to focus on. And sorry for the crappy chapter. I actually had this prepared a couple of times, but I always kept erasing it accidently-_- But it's all good now I got it up! I promise for a better next chapter though!:) Anyways I've also been working on another story called My "Fake" Boyfriend. It's rated [H] Though only for language. Dirty minds thinking I would actually write smut. My mind is too clean!^.^(Nothing against smut though) Ahahah anyways I'll have the link for that if you are interested at the bottom, so thank you so much for waiting and giving me your thoughts on the chapters! It means so much to me, so please keep them coming it motivates me to update better:D Soooo see ya later and please comment and or subscribe they are loved<3 ~Happyfeet