Capture U (Bonus) (1/1)

Capture U kyeoptaaaaa__ 12120K 2023-11-03

”It’s okay you don’t have to worry I’m here at the airport already. C’mon Chaeyoung-ie I’m still gonna come back, I’ll be back in three days” It’s already 3 months since Chaeyoung and Mina started dating but I’m still having a hard time forgetting what I felt that day ”Hey! she’s here! cmon!” the guys who are standing beside me suddenly sprints towards these other group of guys who are holding camcorders, cameras with massive lenses ”unnie! what’s going on there?” oh right Chaeyoung is still on the other line ”not sure, prolly some press taking photos of a celebrity” ”A CELEBRITY! DUDE! YOU GOTTA CHECK IT OUT! IT MIGHT BE IU! OR OR TWICE! OR JENNIE FROM BLACKPINK!” this kid is getting on my nerves ”UNNIE PLEASE TAKE A PHOTO PLEASEEEE” ”LET ME REMIND YOU THAT I’M A PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER AND I DONT DO STUFFS LIKE THOSE PRESS PEOPLE” Imma bout to hang up on this ”aiiisshhh such a no-jam” okay that’s it I’m hanging up ”have a safe trip unnie- huh? what? oh- uhh Mina says if you have a spare  time you should visit Kobe, okay? call me when you’re Japan okay? goodbye, I LOVE YOU!” and she hangs up I don’t know if I’ll be able to live in peace and prosperity if I have Chaeng as my friend. I love that kid so much, sometimes I just want to strangle her with love I took out the Doraemon camera and wonder when will I be able to use it again? will I ever? ”I think I should let you go and rest buddy, you’ve captured enough moments” ”excuse me miss, is that a real camera you’re holding” this random guy approached me pointing at my camera ”y-yeah why d’you ask?” ”I’m a press from DODO News, my stuff including my cam and phone were stolen, and I really need to get a shot of that celeb right there or I’ll be there-” ”NO, I’m really sorry that you’ll have to lose your job but I can’t let you have my cam” but he’s persistent and pleaded ”but can you please be the one to take the photo? I’ll pay you 10x the photos worth, please help me out”  I can’t believe that I’m actually here with these people, pushing each other, just to have that photo of this celebrity. It makes me feel embarrassed not just because I AM A PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER TAKING PHOTOS WITH PRESS, but because... all these digital cameras and I'm using... a Doraemon 35mm Film Camera. Not too far, I can already see who is this person they badly want to take photos. A tall, blonde girl, I see. Probably an Idol or a Model, I knew every actress and I don’t think I’ve seen her before. I took out my scene-stealer yellow Doraemon cam and tried my best to take a close of shot of her face. *click* No, no way, is she looking at me? ”Your camera is cute” hold on, why do I feel like I know her? okay, she might’ve been an actress  ”I can’t believe after all these years, you’ll be here to finally take a photo of me” is she really talking to me? those eyes, her perfect side-profile, ”long time no see,” GOD FUCKING DAMN, what dafuq did I get myself into this time? ”.... Jeongyeon”