Cabin (1/2)
Choi SIwon let out a long sigh as he guided his black sports car up a secluded mountain highway. He was a few hours outside of Seoul in the lush green countryside, the view outside the car breathtaking. Though, the scenery was a nice contrast to the hustle and bustle of Seoul, Siwon wasn't very happy abut his trip outside the city. The number one fact that bothered him about his trip was that he was alone.
A few weeks had passed since the incident at the gallery and Heechul had been very distant ever since. It seemed that Seunghyun had caused Heechul to retreat further into himself and away from Siwon. The normally very vibrant painter had been a faded ghost of himself after his showcase. Despite the success of the evening and the money Heechul had raked in from selling all of his work, the artist didn't seem happy.
Siwon understood that Heechul had been through a lot the past few months. He was amazed at how brave his best friend was, not shying away from confronting Seunghyun and making sure he was brought to proper justice. But, the pressures of Seunghyun's lawyers and the the chaos of what happened at the gallery had put a damper on Heechul's spirits. The fact was that Kim Heechul was exhausted.
"I just wish he wouldn't push me away so much," Siwon lamented as he turned his car into a long gravel driveway.
Even though he was trying to be patient with his new lover, Siwon was abut to lose his mind waiting. Heechul only allowed him a few kisses and soft caresses, their evening together mostly consisting of dinner and watching TV until Heechul fell asleep with his head in Siwon's lap. Watching Heechul sleep innocently in his lap was something Siwon had never imagined could be possible again after their split, but it wasn't enough to satisfy the need inside him. Being so close to Heechul, but not really being with him, was torture.
Letting out a frustrated sigh, Siwon guided his car up the long driveway until a massive cabin with large windows came into view. This morning, Siwon had received a call from his agent about a possible client wishing to commission a sculpture for their new vacation home in Gangwondo. They wanted to meet with him today and discuss the project. He'd been told to pack a bag for the evening because the drive back to the city was long and the client expressed he could spend the night if he needed to.
Siwon wasn't particularly excited about driving so far to meet with a patron, especially since he'd been unable to contact Heechul all morning. Over the past couple of weeks, Heechul's disappearances became a regular event. Often, Siwon would spend hours trying to call the painter, only for Heechul's phone to be answered by HanGeng, who would tell him Heechul was in a meeting. Siwon didn't like not knowing where his lover was, for after what happened with Seounghyun, his imagination went terrible places.
Parking the car in front of the cabin, Siwon opened his door and stepped out into the fresh mountain air. He took a deep breath and filled his lungs with the cool refreshing scent of evergreens and soil. It had been years since Siwon had left Seoul, his days being too busy to allow for vacations. Being outside the city felt nice. He only wished Heechul was with him. This was a place that Heechul would enjoy very much.
Despite his delicate diva like looks and attitude, Heechul was actually quite fond of nature. Heechul's grandparents were from the mountain region. They had a large home nestled in the forest overlooking a river. Siwon remembered the stories Heechul would tell him about spending the summer with his grandparents as a child and how he'd loved exploring the forest. If only Heechul had answered the phone, he could have come with him today.
Ascending the steps to the cabin's large front deck, Siwon rang the doorbell and waiting patiently for someone to answer. After a few moments, the door swung ope the reveal a short older man dressed in a uniform. The man looked at him as if he were inspecting something unpleasant, his eyes scrunched behind his glasses full of judgment.
"I'm here about a commission," Siwon informed the man. "My name's Choi Siwon."
"The young Master is expecting you," the man confirmed, stepping aside so Siwon could enter the cabin. "I'm SooMan. I tend the the house. Please remove your shoes and follow me?"
Doing as he was told, Siwon slipped off his heavy boots and slid his feet into the pair of guest slippers by the door. SooMan guided him down a long front hallway and through a spacious living room with floor to ceiling windows and a heavy stone fireplace. Around the corner from the living room was a large kitchen and a short hallway leading into a rounded atrium.
The atrium was made of tall glass windows that showcased the view of the mountains outside and the gushing river below. Dark stone covered the floor and there were baskets of dying plants hanging pathetically from the ceiling, leaving the room bare and void of life.
"The young master wishes for you to design a sculpture for the center of the atrium," SooMan explained, "He said that you could make it any design you wished, for he trusts your judgement. If you wish, I can get you some paper and measuring tools if you want to sketch ideas."
"That would be very helpful, thank-you."
"Also, I will provide dinner when you're hungry." SooMan informed as he turned to leave.
"Is the master of the house here? I would like to ask him some questions about the commission." Siwon asked, "I need to know a price range and...," "Money is no object," SooMan assured, "You have free reign of the space. The young master will be here later to discuss a second commission of a more private nature, if you have questions."
"Second commission," Siwon mumbled to himself as he took a seat on the window ledge and pulled out his phone.
Unlocking the screen, Siwon pulled up a conversation he'd attempted with Heechul earlier that morning. He'd sent several texts, but had yet to receive a reply.
HORSE: Princess, where are you? I'm out of town until tomorrow, so don't worry too much. I wish you'd answer me.
PRINCESS: Where have you gone, you naughty horse? I just woke up to half a dozen messages saying you were gone? I needed you today, Horse!
HORSE: It's four in the afternoon, why are you just waking up now?
PRINCESS: I'm sick :(
Siwon's heart dropped as he read Heechul's reply. His best friend was sick in bed and he was too far away to take care of him. Looking up, Siwon nodded politely to SooMan as the caretaker placed a pad of paper and a measuring tape on the windowsill next to him.
PRINCESS: Are you ignoring me? I said I was sick! Where are you? I need soup.
HORSE: I can't bring you any. I'm in Gangwondo for the night. Call HanGeng. Maybe he can get you some.
PRINCESS: Gangwondo! I'm here dying and you're on vacation! Hannie's not available. He went to China to visit his mother this week. It's her birthday. Come home, Horse. I demand soup!
HORSE: I can't, Princess. I'm sorry :( It's too far to travel just to bring you soup. I'm working on a commission. I can call Leeteuk for you.
PRINCESS: Forget it! I'll just die!
HORSE: Chulie..,
PRINCESS: I'm turning off my phone. If i'm still alive tomorrow, I'm going to make you pay for abandoning me, Horse!
"If I'd known he was sick, I wouldn't have driven all the way out here." Siwon lamented, feeling terrible about leaving his lover alone sick in bed. "Maybe if I hurry, I can drive back to Seoul tonight."
Putting his phone back into his pocket, Siwon picked up the pad of paper SooMan had brought him and set to work. Though, he was determined to make the task a quick one, a couple hours passed and Siwon found himself still sketching. It was hard to create a design for a patron he'd never even met. He had several options sketched out, each design created to compliment the shape of the room and the beautiful mountain view. Siwon wasn't quite satisfied with any of his plans, for they lacked a personal touch to acknowledge the commissioner.