Too Much Wine (1/2)
Heechul's vision swam as he leaned against the wall of the elevator and waited for it to descend to the ground floor from the Art House. It seemed that the three glasses of red wine he'd chugged down during dinner had gone to his head. Everything around him felt like it were in slow motion and his body suddenly felt very heavy. Compared to the hundreds of times he'd been intoxicated over the year, something about this time felt different.
A pair of soft lips pressed against Heechul's neck as he shut his eyes and tried to stay upright. They were warm against his chilled skin, but the contact felt intrusive and wrong. A hand trailed down his chest as the lips on his neck inched closer to his face.
"Take me home," Heechul whispered, placing his hands on Seunghyun's chest and pushing him away. "I want to go home."
"Alright," Seunghyun complied, taking Heechul by the hand as the elevator dinging, signaling that they'd made it to the ground floor. "Follow me and I'll drive you home."
As Seunghyun pulled Heechul across the lobby a second set of elevators opened with a ding. Choi Siwon and Park Inyoung stepped out into the lobby, their eyes scanning frantically for any sign of Heechul. Siwon caught a glimpse of Heechul's long dark hair as the handsome painter's disappeared out the lobby doors several feet away from the elevators.
"Chulie!" Siwon called out to his friend, sprinting across the lobby with Inyoung in tow. "Wait!"
Bursting out the lobby doors, Siwon was just in time to spot Heechul sitting in a bright red sports car as it pulled away from the building.
"We have to follow them," Siwon told Inyoung as she dashed over to the valet and ripped Siwon's keys out of the box. "I don't like this."
"Heechul looked intoxicated," Inyoung observed, handing Siwon his keys as they sprinted across the street in search of his car. "Maybe Seunghyun's taking him home?"
"I hope so," Siwon answered, spotting his car parked on the corner.
"Why are we chasing after Kim Heechul, anyway?" Inyoung asked as they climbed into the car and Siwon frantically jammed the keys into the ignition. "I know he looked kind of out of it, but I thought you two hated each other?"
"I don't hate him," Siwon admitted, not caring if the whole world knew there secret at this point. "Chulie's my best friend. We grew up across the hall from each other. Even though we've been through a lot of drama, he's still my best friend. I can't sit by and watch him get hurt."
"Their stopped at the light. If we hurry, we might be able to catch them." Inyoung pointed down the street to where Seunghyun's car was sitting at the intersection. "Hurry!"
Pulling away from the curb, Siwon's breath caught in his throat as he watched the light change and Seunghyun sped down the street. Several cars separated them as Siwon did his best to chase after Seunghyun's sports car. Seunghyun wound through the heavy traffic in the opposite direction of Heechul's apartment, leading Siwon to believe that his destination wasn't Heechul's home.
"Shit!" Siwon cursed as he was caught by a traffic light and forced to stop, Seunghyun's car disappearing from view as it made a left turn. "I lost them!"
Inside Choi Seunghyun's car, Kim Heechul was barely holding on to consciousness as he watched the city lights flicker past them. Everything felt warm and his head was heavy on his shoulders as the car came to a stop and someone opened his door. Blinking slowly, Heechul allowed himself to be helped out the car, his movements complaint, yet involuntary.
"Welcome to the Hotel Seoul, Mr. Choi." someone greeted them as Heechul felt himself being led up a set of stone steps. "Who is your guest this evening?"
"This is Kim Heechul," Seunghyun replied, "He's my date for the night. It seems he had too much wine at dinner, so I'm taking him up to the room to lie down. Isn't that right, Heechul?"
"Yes," Heechul heard himself say, his words feeling strange on his tongue. "I drank too much wine. I don't feel well...,"
"Come along, Darling. I need to get you to bed."
"To bed," Heechul repeated, his vision swimming as he observed the elegant lobby they were now moving through. "I need to sleep...,"
The next thing Heechul knew, he was sitting on a large king sized bed inside a spacious hotel suite. Seunghyun was moving about the room in front of him gathering different items and humming to himself. Heechul watched him through half lidded eyes, his mind drawing a blank when he tried to comprehend the situation.
"Here, drink this." Seunghyun instructed, handing Heechul a glass of water. "Alcohol dehydrates you. It will help with your hang over in the morning."
"Thank-you," Heechul mumbled, taking a sip of water as Seunghyun sat down on the bed next to him. "Where are we? I wanted to go home...,"
"Just relax, Darling." Seunghyun soothed, taking the water away and sitting it on the nightstand. "You're not feeling well, so let me take care of you."
"I want to go home...," Heechul said once more, his words falling on deaf ears as Seunghyun began unbuttoning his jacket. "What are you doing?"
"Undressing you so you can lie down and rest," Seunghyun explained, pushed Heechul's jacket off and reaching for the hem of the elder male's shirt.
"I...," Heechul began, his words trailing off as his shirt was stripped over his head and he was left sitting half naked on the bed. "Wait.., I...,"
Falling back against the pillows, Heechul stared blankly at the ceiling as the same pair of lips from the elevator found their way back to his neck. A deep sense of relaxation seeped over Heechul as he lay upon the bed, Seunghyun's lips moving across his skin and the younger male's hands exploring his body.
"I told you we'd both have a good time tonight," Seunghyun whispered in Heechul's ear as he began undoing the handsome painter's pants. "I just wish you hadn't acted so stubborn during dinner. This is always more fun when both of us are sober."
"I drank too much wine..," Heechul mumbled, eyelids fluttering and body trembling as Seunghyun's lips pressed against his own.
"Where did they go?" Choi Siwon panicked as he drove in circles a few blocks away from the hotel. "I can't find them!"
"Calm down," Inyoung tried to sooth, "Maybe he took him home."
"They were going the wrong way," Siwon reminded, "Where are they? Maybe I should call the police...,"
"It's not illegal to drive your drunk date around," Inyoung pointed out.
"He wasn't drunk," Siwon argued as he spotted a bright red car parked in a valet lot. "I saw Seunghyun put something in his drink. Chulie looked really out of it. I've seen him drunk dozens of times and that's not what it looks like. He's a loud drunk. Tonight, he was silent like he didn't know where he was."
"Is that their car?" Inyoung asked, "That's the lot for the Hotel Seoul. Maybe they got a room."
"We have to hurry," Siwon panicked, whipping his car into the lot and jumping out.
"I used to work the desk here in college," Inyoung informed, the information easing Siwon's panic as they sprinted into the building. "Staff aren't allowed to give out room numbers, but I know how to look them up in the system. We just need a computer to use."
"Welcome to the Hotel Seoul," a staff member greeted them as they ran up the to front desk and Inyoung rounded the side of it. "I'm sorry, you're not allowed back here, Ma'am."
"We're looking for a friend," Inyoung dismissed, shoving the woman out of the way and typing Seunghyun's name into the computer. "He checked in a moment ago with a drunk man. It's important we find them."
"Ma'am...," the woman panicked, trying to take her computer back as Inyoung located Seunghyun's room number before clearing her search and shutting down the computer so they staff couldn't follow them. "Please?!"
"Sorry," Inyoung apologized as she sprinted around the counter and headed for the elevator.