I warned you.... (1/2)

Amber and Minhyun were sitting next to each other on a park bench. She had her hood up and took a sip from the water Minhyun bought for her from the school cafeteria. She felt embarrassed to explode that way in front of the only high school friend she had left. She was happy to have her brother here to comfort her like he always did before she ran away from the perfect life she had at home.

“I miss mom.” She said.

Minhyun looked at her but she was still staring at the bottle of water in her hand. He sighed, “Why didn't you tell me how bad it's gotten?”

Amber shrugged, “I didn't think it was such an issue.”


“Minhyun, don't say it. I'm not going to find anyone else to love me. I've learned to accept that this might be my life from now on.” Amber wiped a tear that fell from her eye. “I mean look at me. I'm not pretty. I'm not attractive. I'm not smart. I may have a talent in dancing but that's all I have.” Another tear fell from her eye and this time Minhyun wiped it for her and she looked up.

Minhyun smiled sadly at his sister, “Amber, you have me. You have a mother and a father. You have a friend like Qian. You're not alone. You are pretty. You're my beautiful little sister. And if you weren't smart then how did you manage to get straight As in school?”


Minhyun smiled and pressed a finger to her lips, “Stop listening to what he says Amber. It's not helping you.”

Amber looked back at the bottle in her hand and let out a sigh as she thought over what her brother had just told her. She knew deep down that she needed to get out of this troubling relationship but the love she had for Wonhyuk wouldn't let her leave.


[Amber's POV]

Minhyun walked me to the college and had left a few minutes ago. I stood in the same spot he had left me in. It was twenty to 6 and I almost felt like going home but I knew that home was not somewhere I wanted to be.

“Amber?” I looked up and saw someone I never expected to see again.

I blinked, “Hoseok?”

He stood a few feet away from me with a bag over one shoulder and his other hand in his jacket pocket. He was staring at me and then looked down at my arm. I looked at my arm and pulled my sleeve down as I remembered I had the bruise on it.

“Did he do that to you?” He asked.