Dinner (1/1)

Minho POV

"Uh Minho why don't you stay here for dinner?" Leeteuk asked. Oh my god, yes yes YES. I looked at Taemin and I see my-soon-to-be-love smile. I love seeing him smile. "Please" He mouthed. "Uh OK" I said happily, my heart racing. I see Taemin smile wider. Why am I so different from school than here? "Ok. Dinner's in 4 hours" Leeteuk said. Taemin and I watched him walk away as I took my phone out. "Yay! Minho-ah gets to stay for dinner!" Taemin said as He ran up and hugged me like a little kid. Aigoo! I smiled "Y-yeah" I said blushing.

As I took my phone out, I called my umma and asked if I can stay over for dinner. She said yes. I sat down across Taemin on the island. It was quiet, but comfortable. "Taemin-ah what do you like to do outside of school?" I asked. I sound like a stalker, hope he doesn't notice it sounds stalker-ish. "Bwoh? Are you stalking me?" Taemin asked teasingly. I blushed, "A-ani! I'm just curious." "Ah. Well I like to dance and sing. I like hanging out with Key-umma, and I like steak!" Taemin said the last one proudly.

Wow. I have never met a person that has talents behind that big brain of his. "Well, can I see you dance?" I asked. "B-bwoh?" He asked confusingly. "I want to see you dance Taemin-ah" I said.

Taemin POV

"I want to see you dance Taemin-ah" He said. But its embarrassing. I have never let a person watch me dance before but Key-umma. Just him. But Minho..... I don't know. "T-Taemin-ah?" I hear Minho's voice. I looked at his chocolate eyes. "O-oh N-neh" I said involuntarily. I walked to the dance room while Minho's behind me. My heart started racing when I reached the dance room.

I opened the door and all I see the big, spacoius room, the wooden benches on both walls, the blue wall decorated with white puffy clouds, the large mirror and the amplifire where I can plug in my iPod. (You guys know what I'm talkin about, the SM dance room) I turned around and see Minho peeking at the room.

Man, just looking at him makes me want to kiss him. His big, chocolate orbit eyes, his lips. "THIS room is the dance room?" He asked, his eyes getting bigger. Wow, I have never known his eyes coud get bigger. "Neh, suprised?" "I didn't know this plaace can fit a bance room!" Minho exclaimed. "W-well this house is kinda like a maze." I said to him.

I began walking in and turned around looked at him. "You coming in?" I asked curiously. He looked at me sheepishly. "Neh" He said quickly. And at that he followed me and I said, "You can sit anywhere you want."

I walked to the amplifier with my iPod on top and played 'wedding dress' by Taeyang. I started to dance gleefully.  Minho POV I started to watch Taemin dancing. Man every time I watch him dance, my heart skips a beat. His sexy body moving along with the beat. When the song ended, I frowned.He walked up to me sitting down in front of me. Loking at me with those beautiful eyes of his looking at mine. His skin glistening while he sweats. "Well" I hear him say. "O-oh you were great Taemin-ah" I said. "Jinja" he said surprised. I blushed. "Neh" I replied and ruffled his hair. His gorgeous red hair, felt so damn good under my  skin. His face was almost as red as his hair. Aigoo! W just sat there and talked for a while. Until we noticed that the sun was setting. "OMO! Hyung look! The sun's setting!" Taemin-ah said looking at the suset. Has he ever called me hyung before? We walked up to the window and s the sun setting. I looked at Taemin-ah smiling.His plush lips curving into a smile, his red hair covering his chubby cheeks. I jut wnt to kiss him so bad! As if on cue I kissed his cheek.  Taemin POVHe kissed my cheek. I bushed so hard and turned my head to look at him. Does..... Does he like me? "M-minhae Taemine! I promise I won't do it again!" He yelled. "C-can we forget that happened?" I asked. "Neh!" He said loudly.He and I walked quietly to the kitchen. I see Leeteuk cooking the dinner. Ahhh, I can just smell the food already. "Annyeong guys dinner is ready until Key comes" he said. "Ok" we both replied. Minho and I went to the living room. I went to the shelf next to the 62 inch flat screen. I bend down and looked at the movies. "Minho-ah what type of movies do you like?" I asked. "I like movies with action and comedy in it" he replied. I picked out the movie 21 Jump Street. "Is this movie alright?" I asked him. "Neh." he said smiling. I blushed a little. I tured on the DVD machine and put the DVD in.   Key POV Ugh working was soo exhausting! Sometimes, I just wish I had a vacation for… I don't know until I feel like going to work?! Well that's never going to happen. I'm getting my paycheck on Wednesday! Daebak!! I came inside and I see Minho and Taemin sitting together. Okay Minho an- BWOH?! I looked again just to make sure. I started to get mad. I came up to Kermit and yelled "Yah! Frog boy!" He turned around and had a shocking face. I started to chase after him around the house. "Yah! Key! Minho!  Stop!" I heard Leeteuk yell. Aish, why did he have to ruin everything? He was trying to molest my son! "Minhae hyung." I said bowing. " Well anyways, Dinners ready!" he yells. I looked at Minho and walked up to him and said, " If you ever try to molest my son again, I will fucking kill you" I said angrily. After that, I went to Taeminnie and hugged and kissed his forehead and walked to the table to sit down.  Minho POV The words from Key kept flowing in my head. I didn't molest him, I only put my arm over his shoulder! I mean I would've, but I didn't! It's not my fault he bent down and I kept looking at his sexy ass while you weren't here! Damn Key! I went to the table and sat down across from Key. He keeps glaring at me.Just ignore him Minho. Just… ignore. But I can't. He kinda scares me now. Damn Jjong what do you see in this guy?! It was a silent until Leeteuk cleared his throat. "So Minho what do you do?" he asked. "Well I really love sports" I replied. I hear Key scoff. "Oh really?" "Neh I play in every sport." I said. "Well what do like to do instead of sports?" I like to think about Taemin. And to think what he looks like underneath me when we're going to hav- "Minho-ah" "I like working out" I said quickly. Why am I being such a perv? I took a glance at Taeminnie and smiled at him. Aigoo he looks so cute while drinking banana milk! I felt Key staring at me. "Don't you dare molest my child, Kermit " he said "I'm not molesting him, and stop calling me Kermit!" I said angrily. And at that, he got up and started chasing me. I still don't see how Jjong likes him.I started running in circles around the island in the kitchen. " Umma! Stop jabael" I hear Taemin say. Thank you! I stayed at a corner catching my breath. Key is still staring at me! What. Did. I. Do. WRONG?!  I slowly went to my seat and ate silently. I was about to leave, as I see Leeteuk at the sink cleaning the dishes. I put my stuff down and asked I'd  help. "Neh" he said happily. I helped with the drying. "So, what's up with Key today?" I asked him. What a stupid question! How is he suppose to know?! " I don't know, probably work" he said cooly. As If on cue, I see Taemin-ah and Key walking to us. "Minho I apologize for coming up at you and chasing you. I was just exhausted from work today" he said. "it's fine" I said cooly. After that, he and Taemin-ah started walking to the living room."You still like him don't you" Leeteuk asked. "Neh" "When are you going to tell him" " I… I don't know" I said. "Again, I'm sorry I caused you guys trouble,Leete-" "Call me hyung" he said, smiling. "Hyung, do you ever get tired?" I asked. "Not really. I accually like it. I love my life. And Taemins like a son to me, just to let you know." he said.I finished helping Leeteuk hyung with the dishes and I was about to leave. "You should come back next time Minho-ah" he said. "Ok I hope so" I said. I headed to the front door until I heard my name. He hugged me "Bye Minho" Taemin said. "Bye" I said smiling. "Neh, bye Minho" Key said. I opened the door and was about to leave the porch until... "Yah! Kermit! Next time, take care of my baby will you" I hear Key ask. "I thought you didn't accept me" "I thought about it" he replied. "Hyung!" I yelled. He turned around. "You like Kim Jonghyun right?"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i feel like I'm confusing you guysim soooo sorry I didn't upload for a while! It's because of school y'know? Does The almighty Key like Jonghyun that way? We gunna find out!See you guys in the next chapter!