:/ (1/1)

Shy Innocence PierrotLuv 12120K 2023-11-03

I missed my Lee Taemin! Busy or not busy, i was going tofind him today, and see him! Classes were finally over, and ranto his last class. I wait and wait from across the door. He comesout. "Tae---" and i stopped. A girl was clinging onto him, andthey were holding hands. Some girls knugde my shoulder. "Iknow that i don't like you, but who da fuck is that girl?" I wasscared at her language. "I...i don't know?" She laughs and walksaway. "Of course. He would dump this girl that's way to innoncent,"he snickered and walked away. Wh-what did that mean? I sawhim go inside his car and that girl! I walked a little further, and sawthem leaving. I stood there emotionless and Haejin comes runningup to me. "Who was that girl?" he was panting hard. Who wasthat girl? Who was that? She looked familiar though? Who?"I can't believe you let that slut snatch away your boyfriend!"everyone was yelling. A...a slut? Slut? Meaning...a real slut?Taemin hangs out with those kind of people? I grabbed Haejinshand and place it in my chest. "Whoa whoa! Byul." "Wh-what isthis feeling? Love? Can't be?" He let go first and i blushed atmy realization of what i just did. "Sad, or Jealous," he said.Jealous. Jealous. Jealous? I kept thinking of that word. Forthe rest of the day i could'nt forget that scene. Linkingarms. Going inside Taemins car. But i thinking that i misunderstood"Yeah!" i stood up. It can be just a friend or a person from thesame company. Byul, don't be jealous! I sighed. Of course hewould'nt. He would, and never cheat on me. He trusted me withHaejin, so i have to trust him! The next few days i kept on seeinghim with that girl. I didn't like it, but he seems to really nice to her,and friendly. So if i start raging or annoy him with questions, thenof course he'll hate me. ~~~~~~~~Taemins POV~~~~~~~~~I can't believe that i had to take care of her. (not revealing name)She's 2 years older than me, and told her dad to come here, andtake care of her. I hated her, and especially the fake nice andinnocence from her, and being all lovey dovey. If Byul see's this,then i don't know what i'll say to her. Or if breaking up with me!No, even if she did, i was going to keep her by my side. Whateverit takes. And especially finding a way from this beast! "Getoff me!" i yell at her. We were now at the company, and notat our classes. "Keep doing that and you'll regret it," she keptsaying for the last few weeks. I ignored her. "Oh, Taemin!"Manager hyung greeted me. "Here's your phone back. And yourschedule is over now," he says. I was more than overjoyed!I read all my text messages from Byul. I felt sorry now. I thinkthat i should plan a surprise next week.~~~~~~~~~~Mysteries pov~~~~~~~~~~,~~~By next week, Byul is going to be gone! Forever, and ever.I loved Taemin, and needed him. He may not look at me, buthe will soon with my power, and my dads. Byul, preparefor something unexpected, and cruel coming your way into yourlife. Good luck~