Smile (1/1)

You enjoyed your time with B2ST, it was like having 5 brothers look out for you. One in particular you didn’t really see as a brother.They would ward off 4minute, at lunch times you would share your lunch with them.“You make the most amazing food ~~~~~ ah!” Yoseob said with his cheeks puffed out with food.You giggled but stopped when you saw Kikwang come towards the tree.“Where have you been? I haven’t seen you in like 15 billion year,” Junhyung asked.Kikwang sat down. “Nowhere, just stayed at home.”You didn’t buy it, you took some food and sat down beside Kikwang.“I heard you were sick,” you said.Kikwang nodded. “Er yeah.”You picked up some kimchi with your chopsticks and pressed the food to Kikwang’s lips.“Say ahhh,” you said with a smile. Kikwang was too dumbfounded to do anything. He opened his lips and you placed the food into his mouth.You smiled and fed him his share of the lunch.Dongwoon and Junhyung watched jealously. “Why does ~~~~~ ah get to feed him?”“They look like a couple,” Doojoon noted. “They look completely comfortable together. And oblivious to everything around them.”And it was true, the two of you didn’t hear what the group was saying about you. You fed him and Kikwang would comply, you loved how his jaw moved when he chewed and then you looked at his lips.They were so tempting, they were full unlike Junho’s…you couldn’t help but wonder if Kikwang would be a forceful kisser like Junho or a sweet, loving soft kisser.“Oops!” you said as you poked him on the corner of his mouth with the chopsticks and the food, leaving sauce on it.Kikwang smiled. “It’s okay.”He was intending to lick it off, but instead you took a tissue and wiped the sauce off, he watched you with a passionate gaze. He so desperately wanted to hold you but he knew that people like him didn’t deserve happiness.However, he couldn’t bring himself to be indifferent or cold towards you. Especially since he loved how you would smile and laugh, it hurt to know that he could the cause of your pain.“There you go, all gone,” you said cheerily.From a distance, 4minute was watching. Hyuna was seething as she saw Kikwang smile because you were wiping his lips.“How dare she!”Jiyoon patted her shoulder. “Don’t worry, you’re better than she is.”Once you and B2ST had finished lunch, you all lounged on the grass. You allowed Yoseob to put flowers in your hair.“You’re so gay,” Junhyung said.Yoseob pouted. “I only wanted to make baby pretty.”“She’s already pretty,” Kikwang unexpectedly voiced out. Your heart fluttered and you blushed, the rest of B2ST smirked. *He’s beginning to talk more, ever since ~~~~~~ ah.*“Hey ~~~~ ah, how come you had to live with your aunt? If you were living in East Seoul and went to Seoul High why would you come here?” Hyunseung asked.You swallowed as the painful memories of your parents’ death came flooding back. Kikwang noticed how you changed from happy to miserable in seconds, he took your hand and squeezed gently.You gave him a small smile. “I’d rather urm…I’d rather not say.”B2ST understood that as s time to change the subject, but you stood up and pulled your bag onto your shoulders.“~~~~~ ah, are you okay?” Dongwoon asked.“Yeah, urm…I’m fine. I need to go, I’ll see you guys later,” you waved and hurried away.Hyunseung watched you power walk towards the main school campus, he looked at the others.Junhyung flipped him off. “Well done you fool, you made her sad.”Hyunseung’s face turned guilty.However Kikwang’s heart was heavy, as if your pain became his. *Why didn’t I do anything to make her smile again? Why did I just here like an idiot and watch her walk away?*---After school you decided to do something you hadn’t thought of since you moved in with your aunt, you decided to go and visit the cemetery where your parents were buried.You didn’t want them buried in East Seoul…but you wanted them close to you, so you had them buried in West Seoul.You decided to walk to the cemetery, and as you edged closer, your eyes filled with tears.You reached the cemetery and knelt down in front of the tombstone, you began to cry.“I miss you guys,” you said with a thick throat and then you looked up. “I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have asked to go home. I shouldn’t have been such a spoilt brat, it’s my fault that you’re dead…I’m so sorry, please forgive me?” you sobbed and clutched your aching heart.Suddenly you felt warm arms surround your body, you looked up startled.B2ST were hugging you.“Don’t cry baby,” Yoseob said quietly.Doojoon ruffled your hair. “We didn’t know, I’m sorry for what you’ve lost.”You sniffed and pulled away, you looked at your parents’ tombstone.“It’s my fault they’re dead.”Junhyung lightly poked your nose. “I’m sure it’s not.”You cried even harder. “It is!”Hyunseung hugged you again. “Want to tell us what happened?”Then you saw Kikwang’s guilt ridden eyes, he pulled you onto his lap and you cried into his neck. You felt him gently stroke your hair, in his arms, you felt almost complete.The rest of B2ST still couldn’t believe Kikwang was being like this, in all the years they’d known him, they’d never seen him take a girl…or even look at a girl twice. With you, it was like he was a new guy completely.Kikwang breathed in your strawberry perfume. He loved how you fit into his arms so perfectly, but there was a part of him…that was scared to be like this with you permanently. He came from a broken home, a fucked up life, a poor family. *~~~~~~ ah should be with someone who can support her financially. No matter how much of a dick Junho is, at least he could shower with his riches.*“You don’t have to tell us,” Kikwang’s calm voice said into your ear.You pulled back slightly and wiped away the tears, you stared into each of their faces.“N-No, I want to tell you. Friends shouldn’t keep secrets.”B2ST gathered around you.You took a deep breath. “Remember when you guys flipped when you found out I’m Choi ~~~~~ ah , ex girlfriend of Lee Junho?”They all nodded awkwardly as they remembered.~ Flashback ~“You’re the Queenka in Seoul High?” Hyunseung asked.You pulled a face. “Well not anymore, not since I moved here but I was. I’m Choi ~~~~~~ ah.”You expected them to immediately recognise the name, but they didn’t say anything.“Come on you must have heard of me?” you said, they still remained silent. “Don’t you read the papers or watch TV?”~ End of flashback ~“I was surprised you hadn’t heard of me because I’m Choi ~~~~~~ ah…the ballerina.”Yoseob’s eyes went wide with shock. “No way!”“The ballerina?!” Junhyung yelped. *I heard she was an amazing dancer…who knew she would be here sitting with me?*Doojoon nodded. *No wonder Junho dated her. She would have been rich and popular, guys would have been lining up wanting to be with her.*Dongwoon gulped. “You’re the youngest and greatest ballerina in Seoul. My mother and sister love you.”You laughed bitterly, no humour in your voice at all. “Not anymore, and it’s all because of me.”“Why can’t you dance now?” Hyunseung asked.They were all patiently waiting for you to continue.“I was the lead in the Seoul Ballet Theatre’s production last season, I was…”“Clara, the lead female in ‘The Nutcracker,” Dongwoon finished. Everyone turned took look at him. “What?”Junhyung shook his head and rolled his eyes, but looked back at you. “Carry on.”“The night before the first night of the show, my parents took me to this gala, it was a business dinner gala. I took Junho with me as my escort…”Kikwang’s muscles went rigid at the mention of Junho’s name, his blood boiled and his hands clenched into tight fists. *Why do I feel the urge to rip him apart with my bare hands? More than usual?* and then it struck him. *I’m…jealous!*You continued on. “I was the star of the evening…no…I was the star the moment I could go on pointe but apparently that wasn’t enough for Junho.”Hyunseung tilted his head. “What do you mean?”You sighed. “Junho, before I was his girlfriend, was the biggest playboy in our school. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was the biggest player in East Seoul, but anyway…he always wanted sex but I always said no.”Kikwang let out a sigh of relief. *Thank god she didn’t have sex with that pig…wait! She might have had sex with other guys before Junho…oh god no!*“He raped you?!” Yoseob shrieked, jumping to conclusions.You waved your hands. “No! If he did, I would have had him behind bars…I just caught him with another girl. You have no idea how humiliating that is for me, I was the head Queenka, the star ballerina of the company…maybe the country…and my boyfriend didn’t want me because I didn’t give him sex.”B2ST felt your pain and it just made them despise 2PM even more.“I didn’t want to stay at the gala, so I begged and forced my parents to leave early…if I had waited 5 minutes, if we had just stayed…they would be alive right now,” your voice shook as fresh tears formed in your eyes.“It’s not your fault ~~~~~~ ah, don’t blame yourself. Your parents wouldn’t want to see you hurting like this,” Doojoon said and lightly kissed the top of your head, and he felt this need to protect you…like an older brother would his sister. All 6 of them did.Kikwang’s eyes burned with jealousy, Doojoon smirked and held his hands up in surrender. *I’ve never seen this kid show this much emotion before.*Junhyung suddenly handed you a bouquet of flowers, and confidently they were your favourite ones.You snivelled. “When did you get these?”Yoseob grinned. “When we saw you leave after school.”~ Earlier ~Students eagerly rushed to their cars as school ended, some jumped on bonnets of the cars.B2ST saw you walk away in the other direction, your shoulders hunched in slightly.Yoseob pouted. “She looks so sad!”Hyunseung’s face lit up. “We should follow her!”Junhyung actually looked like he agreed. “Not a bad idea.”Kikwang nodded. “We can stop by and get her a bouquet of flowers to cheer her up.”They all exchanged looks and instantly dug inside their pockets, and pulled out a few coins. Hyunseung counted them.“This should be enough, it won’t be ones she would have gotten if she lived in East Seoul but it’s the thought that counts,” Kikwang said once Hyunseung confirmed the amount of money.The others smirked at him.“Oh shut up!”Doojoon snickered. “I didn’t know you were such a romantic!”Dongwoon chuckled. “Hyung you’re so falling for this girl.”Kikwang rolled his eyes. “I’m not, I’m just being thoughtful.”“Uh-huh!” they all humphed.~ Present time ~You looked up at Kikwang through your long eye lashes.“You got these for me?”Yoseob poked your cheek. “Actually, we all got these for you.”“But it was Kikwang’s idea,” Doojoon added.You smiled and kissed Kikwang’s cheek. “Thank you oppa.”Kikwang blushed and smiled down at you. *I really do think I’m falling for you.* =======Sorry for not updating yesterday...had to revise for an exam 0_0 but I'm back. Hehe sad chap but sweet...gotta love B2ST for cheering you up ^^ Hope you all enjoyed :DP.S: I hope you're reading Captured and the link to the story is on chap 13, just wanna remind everyone eheh, and once I'm finished with In Your Atmosphere, I will be posting the sequel :D Hope you're enjoying in your atmosphere though ^^