Studying at Night (1/1)

Bedtime Stories pinksalt 5050K 2023-11-03

A very short one to start this collection.  Suho lived alone in a small apartment complex with a small white pomeranian Chi for almost three months.  During the three months, Chi had a strange habit that only showed when Suho was sitting in front of his study desk at night. Whenever Suho sat down to start his project or homework anytime after the sunset, Chi would start barking from behind him. However, when Suho turned around to check what was wrong, Chi would immediately quiet down and stare back at him.  Of course, Suho tried to train Chi to stop and even thought about putting Chi in a different room while he was studying.  In the end, Suho stopped studying at night, and decided to finish all his studies in the morning while the sun was up. This, fortunately, settled the matter, and Chi no longer barked.  Few weeks into January, as he was working on his Literature essay on his laptop, Suho felt extremely tired. Yesterday night was Jongin's birthday, and he was up all night celebrating with his close friends.  Slowly, his eyelids drooped shut and his head lowered itself onto the desk as he fell asleep in his seat in front of the study desk...  Suho woke up at the sound of Chi barking hysterically be