Chapter 02 (1/1)

Beads of water dampening bare chest, tiny droplets forming on the ends of his locks, and the same gaze Minseok can’t erase in his mind. Lu Han always looks like he wants to eat the shorter one up. His charm’s a waste, Minseok thinks. Such a pretty face bestowed to an unworthy filth. Minseok leaned against the glass window after realizing that Lu Han’s too close, too inappropriate since he’s only wearing a towel just right after his naked torso. "I-I’m going to the b-bathroom." Minseok slid his back against the coldness of the glass, far enough not to touch, and Lu Han’s gaze was still locked at him, doe eyes following his every move. Minseok made a run to the bathroom and slammed the door shut, blocking the wooden flat with his body. He could hear the taller man’s mocking giggle behind the walls.

Minseok immediately tapped the third key on his phone with trembling fingers, calling Yixing in speed dial. Every ring felt like ages for him, and he slightly covered his mouth when Yixing finally answered. He hid himself behind the shower curtains.

"Yixing! Thank goodness you're still awake!" Minseok's eyes widened in delight when he heard Yixing's voice."I was about to! What is it you want?" Yixing grunted.

"M-my... My r-r--"

"What is it?!"

"My roommate's Lu Han!" Minseok bit his lip when the loud noise came out of his mouth. There's a long pause of silent breaths and realization. "S-save me." The older one pleaded. Yixing sighed. This is one of those times Minseok thinks that his best friend is becoming the wise Dalai Lama he is."Hyung, you must learn how to save yourself."

And Minseok just nodded weakly. Yixing continued, "You're the one who told me about being done with his bullshit! Hyung, hwaiting!" Minseok inhaled all the strength he needed to face Lu Han--"Just text me, right before if there's a need to look for a dead body. I will dearly miss you." Sarcasm evident in his groggy voice, and the call ended. The floor drain sucked in all Minseok's spirit. All he has to do is to ignore him. Is that too hard to try? After showering, Minseok turned the knob and peeked through the little opening of the door, seeing city lights illuminating the dimmed atmosphere. He saw Lu Han sitting at the edge of his bed with his back against the headboard, playing with his phone.

"What took you so long? I've been waiting here for you. I almost fell asleep." Lu Han rubbed an eye cutely, Minseok almost falling into his enticing trap, but despise still lingered in his heart."Good night." Minseok didn't even bother to glance at the younger one, and just walked straight to his bed so he can bury himself under the soft duvet. His back was facing Lu Han's side, so he hopes that at least he'll have some sleep.

He doesn't think so either. Lu Han stood up from his spot, the older one noticing that he's only wearing a wifebeater and boxers, and said, "Then make my night good, Minseokkie." Weight was put on the edge of his bed, Minseok shivering with the nearing warmth of bare skin against his clothed one. His grip on his pillow tightened when he felt someone hovering on top of his blanket lump, unfamiliar smell of vanilla lingering through his nose, and all he could think about was shit shit shit fuck what are you doing?! Go away from me!Minseok couldn't take it anymore. He just wanted to punch Lu Han's face and get this over with. He sat up and shouted, "What do you want?!"

The coarse tone didn't surprise Lu Han, and the older one even earned a more entertained expression from Lu Han's face. Their bodies were only a few inches away, Lu Han staring down at Minseok who's hiding half of his face under the hem of the duvet. His eyes were pulling Minseok from deep enthrallment, from what Minseok thinks, just like the neon glow of the city lights silhouetting Lu Han's figure.

And Minseok's trying all that he could not to fall into abyss. "Getting a closer look at my new favorite toy." Lu Han answered, eyes observing every part of Minseok's face, amazement evident in his chord.

Minseok's eyebrows furrowed in disdained confusion, keeping his disconcerted look towards the intruder. What the fuck are you talking about?! "Welcome to Room 997, Kim Minseok."

And those doe eyes and charming smile never looked so mystifying before.

"Okay, so what did he do after that?" Yixing asked in anticipation, the resident gossip he is that Minseok knows very well. Minseok blinked more than twice, "H-he came back to his bed and slept." "O-oh."

Minseok gulped, "But since then, I couldn't get back on my own anymore."   The hallway where the lockers were located got jammed in no time as the bell rang for lunch break. Doors flung open and students stormed out of their rooms, some of them rummaging with their lockers and the others talking about where to eat with smiles printed on their faces.

But Minseok's not having the time of his life. He took out a couple of books from his bag and placed it in between his perfectly-arranged ones, then pulls his binder to put in his backpack. He needs it for Theology, very boring class that could be fun if not for their professor who looks like a walking corpse, he thinks. Loud chattering and hurried footsteps can be heard all around him, but Minseok didn't mind. It's the usual setting at a usual place with the usual