Final Battle (1/1)
"It's a good thing that he collected all the elements. But now, he must face Dalhyun." As those words left his mouth, a dark figure with wings rose behind him..."It's about time.." The figure spoke."W-Who..." Sungmin stuttered, shocked by the sudden appearance of the mysterious person."Dal, show yourself!" Yesung shouted.At Yesung's command, a man with long silver hair tied into a ponytail appeared from the darkness. He was wearing white robe, and his eyes were a cold blue.“You haven’t changed a bit, have you? Since I turned you into a cute wittle bitty poodle," Dalhyun smirked."WHY YOU LITTLE.." Yesung growled."So this is the little boy you chose as our new master?" Dalhyun said, lifting Sungmin's chin. "Well, he doesnt look like much."Y-Y-You..." Sungmin panicked, "You're D-Dalhyun?!"Without a word, Dalhyun stalked away. "We shall now commence the final test.""But I collected all the elements!" Sungmin shouted. "What test?""The final test, to see if you're worthy. Worthy to become our master." Dalhyun explained."And how?" Sungmin asked."By defeating," Dalhyun said. "Me."Sungmin looked at Dalhyun, startled. His face.. His voice.. It was all.."Kyuhyun?" Sungmin whispered."This isnt the Kyuhyun you're used to Sungmin!" Yesung shouted."B-but... He looks.." Sungmin muttered."It's Dalhyun!" Yesung hissed. "Kyuhyun was Dalhyun all along!"Kyuhyun-now-turned-into-Dalhyun cleared his throat. "It's time to fight Sungmin." he said, eyes cold.Sungmin stared, mouth agape at Dalhyun. He remembered Kyuhyun's perfect smile, his face, his voice. And he no longer saw Dalhyun staring coldly down at him, but he saw Kyuhyun's kind gentle look.He couldn't bring himself to fight against Kyuhyun; he just couldn't. Thinking of the times they had together made it even more difficult for him."Sungmin! That's not Kyuhyun!"He heard someone shout.He came to his senses and looked around him to find a flustered Yesung standing far away, along with Kibum. He seemed to be banging his fists in the air- Against an invinsible force field.He turned to see Dalhyun looking at him.It was no longer the kind face of Kyuhyun, but instead it was cold and hard. It broke Sungmin's heart. Tears formed in his eyes as he held out Stella."M-Must I really fight you? Must it r-really be th-this way?" He stammered. He knew it was Dalhyun, but whenever he looked at that face, he still thought of Kyuhyun.Dalhyun said nothing but simply smirked at Sungmin. Spreading his wings, he flew up to the air. Sungmin looked up after Dalhyun. Then suddenly hail started falling from the sky, hitting Sungmin on the face. But this hail was different- it wasn't cold, it was hot! Burning hot."Wha-" Sungmin winced in pain, everything seemed blurry but he could hear murmuring from around him."Wat-" He heard someone shouting; but what was he saying? Wat- Water- Watery! That's it! Water to defeat fire."WATERY!" He screamed, holding Stella out. Watery flew out of the wand and bowed. Moving up, she travelled to Dalhyun before stopping halfway. As if it was magic, Watery was water one moment, and ice the next.The hail stopped to fall, and it turned to snow; tickling Sungmin's skin as it fell."Huh?" Sungmin said “That shouldn’t have happened...”. Summoning Fly, he rode the phoenix up towards Dalhyun.“I control elements representing the Moon, such as Watery and Snow. Yesung, on the other hand, controls elements representing the Sun.”Sungmin turned to Yesung and Kibum for confirmation, and they both nodded sheepishly. He seemed to signal to Yesung for some help but Dalhyun gave a chuckle in response."Resistance is futile, my dear." He said, lifting Sungmin's chin. Dalhyun lowered his face to Sungmin's, resulting in a kiss. Sungmin's mind was suddenly filled with knowledge.All the information was wasted on Sungmin though, who had retreated back blushing and shaking in- what was it? Excitement? Fear? Happiness? Sungmin wasn’t sure of what was going on anymore.Standing up with difficulty, he realized for the first time what was actually happening. The man standing in front of him was not Kyuhyun, but Dalhyun, the Spirit of the Moon created by powerful wizard Kangin. He was Sungmin, no longer the same person of the past, but an Element Captor with a job.Silence filled around Sungmin. He could only hear his own breathing. His mind became clear. He swallowed, and clenched his fist around Stella. Looking up at Dalhyun, he held forth Stella.“Firey!” Sungmin screamed. “Form a barrier around Dalhyun!” The amber-clad girl grew from the staff, and summoned fire to go around Dalhyun.“This is nothing, boy!” Dalhyun sneered. He extended out his hand, and water extended from it, extinguishing the fire.Sungmin gritted his teeth. “Firey, try again!”Firey tried over and over again. At last, frustrated, the element flew towards Dalhyun and spun circles around him, creating a strong fire barrier.“Hah!” Dalhyun cried, and stuck out his hand, knocking Firey to the floor.“FIREY!” Sungmin screamed, and ran towards the fallen girl. “It’s okay, Firey, go back into the staff.” Sungmin said, a concerned look on his face. The orange girl nodded, and turned back into an orb.Absorbing the orange orb back into Stella, Sungmin summoned yet another element.“Woody!” Sungmin said, and the elf grew out from the end of the staff. Woody looked towards Sungmin for instructions.“Woody… Please, I don’t want to hurt Kyuhyun or Dalhyun, either one of them. I want to be Dalhyun’s friend. So please, don’t hurt him…” Woody nodded, seeming to understand Sungmin’s instructions. Flying towards Dalhyun, Woody extended her branches, trapping Dalhyun in a maze of wood.“Wha-?” Dalhyun choked. He extended a hand, trying to fire back the wood. “But how?” He gasped. “Woody is an element under the Moon!” Below them, Kibum turned to Yesung. “Yesung, why can Sungmin…?”“That kid…” Yesung said, grinning. “He’s become a true Element Captor.” With that sentence, Yesung rose to the confined space where the match was taking place. “Dalhyun, that’s enough,” He said, entering the space.“Wait Yesung you could enter this place the whole time? Why didn’t you help me!” Sungmin shouted, annoyed.Yesung smiled and shook his huge head. “I’m not allowed to interfere with the proving of your worth.” He turned to the trapped Dalhyun. “Dalhyun, this is over. If Sungmin can control your elements, it shows that he’s gotten control over the elements and is a worthy master of us.”“It’s not over yet!” Dalhyun shouted, his head hung. “The purpose of this is for me to acknowledge the new master right? No one can replace Youngwoon! No one!” Dalhyun screamed, tears running down his cheeks.“Look here, Dalhyun,” Yesung started, exasperated, but stopped when he saw Sungmin bend down to look at Dalhyun on eye level.“Hey, Dalhyun.” Sungmin said gently. “I don’t know about being your master, and I don’t really want to be it really. But I know two things now; that I want to protect the elements, and that I want to be your friend, Dalhyun. I don’t need to be your master yet, but I can just be your friend.”Dalhyun stared at Sungmin in shock. Closing his eyes, he sighed and faced the sky. “Friend huh… No one has called me by that before.”Breaking out of his wood prison, Dalhyun rose to the sky, wings curled around his body.“From this day forth, I, Dalhyun, the Tester for the new Master, now acknowledge Lee Sungmin as our new master.” Dalhyun looked towards Sungmin. “Doesn’t mean that I would accept your orders, though.” He said, turning away.Sungmin smiled. “Okay!”Just then, Dalhyun gasped as his wings began to disappear, he shot a glance at Yesung before his eyes closed and he fell from the sky."Dalhyun!" Yesung cried, dashing down to catch him.His white hair turned whiter than it already was, his skin became fairer. As he opened his eyes, Sungmin could see it turn to a deep red."Wh-What's wrong with him?" Sungmin stuttered. He knew it wasn't the Kyuhyun he knew but it felt like him."Sungmin, Kyuhyun's gone." Yesung's voice trailed off."What?""Kyuhyun is gone. There's no such thing as Kyuhyun anymore." Yesung looked at Dalhyun then at Sungmin, "It's just Dalhyun now." ----------------To our subsribers who have been subscribed to Element Captor for a really long time, I'd like to apologise that we have taken such a long time to upload this new chapter. The next chapter will be up soon, I promise HAHA. We literally took almost a year to post this and I feel so sorry. Due to some reasons, we won't be doing Season 2 of Element Captor. HOPE YOU HAVE ENJOYED ELEMENT CAPTOR SO FAR!