Epilogue (1/1)
3 years later… “Does my hair really look ok?”“Yes, Seunghyun for the thousandth time, you look fine.”Jiyong rolled his eyes as Seunghyun looked into the small hand mirror that he had brought with him for the car ride over.“What about my tie? Is it centered?” Seunghyun stretched out for his boyfriend to look. Jiyong straightened the purple silk that hung around his neck and then smoothed down his lapels to finish off the adjustment.“Hyun, if you don’t settle down right now…”“I know I know, it’s just… well…”“I get that you’re nervous but I’m here. I’ll be standing beside you all the way.”Seunghyun took a deep breath as the words his boyfriend spoke calmed him down but after a few more minutes of silence in the car, Seunghyun started fidgeting again. Jiyong took the older man’s hand in his and played with the silver band on his ring finger.“Do you think there will be a big crowd? Like in New York and London?”“I sure there will be hundreds more, I mean come on who would want to miss Vick’s great return to the Korean silver screen.”Seunghyun nodded as he buzzed with energy. After a few more minutes both men felt the car come to a stop and heard the huge crowd that waited on the other side of the door.Jiyong saw the older man pale slightly and just before their car door was opened, he leaned over and gave Seunghyun a kiss for good luck. The dozens of flashbulbs of the paparazzi blinded them as they stepped out of the car together. People yelled at them to look to their left and right, but before they could get whip lash one of the ushers moved them down to start their walk on the red carpet. They heard fans screaming from the crowd as they made their way down, stopping to talk to reporters every so often.One caught Seunghyun’s attention and he pulled Jiyong along to talk as well.“Good evening Vick, what a great night for a movie premiere, right?”Seunghyun nodded into the camera. “Yeah I though it was going to rain earlier but it looks like it held out just for us.”“Speaking of “us” would you introduce your date tonight to all the viewers at home.”Seunghyun chuckled, playing the part of the suave movie actor even though Jiyong knew this was what he was completely nervous about.“This,” he looked to Jiyong and held up their joined hands “is my loving boyfriend Kwon Jiyong.”The reporter gave a smile and raised an eyebrow. “And how long have you been going out?”“A little over three years now.”Just then a girl from the crowd yelled out “Marry me Vick!” and Jiyong took the opportunity to raise Seunghyun’s hand, showing off the silver couple’s ring that he was playing with earlier as he yelled back, “Sorry he’s taken!”The reported jumped on the sudden showing of the ring and quickly asked, “Did you two get married while he was filming in America?”Seunghyun shook his head. “No we didn’t tie the knot. We just wanted to wear these as a promise that someday soon we will.”“Ahh, well you to make a great looking couple and I can’t wait to see the movie Vick.” The reporter finished the small interview and they moved on to the next. The next night found Jiyong and Seunghyun sitting in their living room eating take out as they watched themselves walk the red carpet from the movie premiere.“Wow, I really did look good.” Seunghyun remarked on himself.“Told ya so, but you didn’t believe me.” Jiyong said as he bumped his shoulder against Seunghyun’s.The older man leaned over and kissed his boyfriend on the cheek. “You’d think after three years I would learn to listen to you.”“I can only dream of it.”They continued their silly banter back and forth as they finished eating, letting the news coverage of the premiere become noise in the background. “And that was Vick, the supporting actor in the latest Hollywood blockbuster. He created quite the stir when his sudden coming out, sparking a huge scandal a few years ago, but now him and the rest of the world seem to have put it behind him and he’s back to show his true acting ability in his latest film, and Korea couldn’t be prouder of him...” A/N: Wow, what a journy it has been. This was my first fanfiction that I've ever written and I am truely sad to see it come to an end. I can't thank you all enough for reading this and sticking with me through all the ups and downs. To all my readers, subscribers and commentors, your words gave me the encouragement that I needed whenever I hit a writers block. To all my silent readers, if I can ask one last thing of you, it would be to say if you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed having you read it, even if its just a few words, it would mean the world to me.Like I promised, I will start writing Breathing Fire again now that this is done, but first I am participating in the 25 Lives (GTOP writing fest) so if you want to check that out here's the link.Againg thank you all so much for all you kind words of love and support. You guys truly have made my life more enjoyable and I will remember this feeling forever. I can't wait to share other stories with you all in the future!-Megan ^~^