Truth (1/1)

A White Lie MsTippani 128860K 2023-11-03

Sunny had an unimpressed face listening to the Lieutenant spill her feelings out all over the table.“I know! I shouldn’t have left, like I knew that! But I still left.” Taeyeon muttered. She took another sip of wine, squinting at the taste. “It’s just I kinda got recalled and I couldn’t miss it.” She trailed off.She placed her bottle on the table, opening her phone seeing no texts from Tiffany. “In my perspective, I knew she wouldn’t be in danger. Another guard can replace me, I do nothing but walk behind her anyway. What are the chances someone’s gonna try to assassinate a celebrity?”“Very little.” Sunny replied.“Yeah, exactly.” Taeyeon murmured, her head on the table she groaned in her arms. “And her like shop opening thing isn’t even that big of a deal. She wanted to like I guess introduce me formally to the media? I don’t fucking know but I didn’t see it as a big deal.”Sunny rolled her eyes. “Okay, I want to say something, but you can go on.”“It’s not as big of a deal as let’s say, her runway. I know for sure I have to be there, I need to support her because it’s her pride and joy. But a boutique opening is just any other event.”Sunny facepalmed. “I guess you have a point but let me ask you this. Why do you think she’s mad at you?”“Because I’m not attending that event with her? I dunno.”“Taeyeon.”“Yes.”“You dumbass.”“Okay yes that, but you know there’s a reason why she wants you there.”“She can introduce me to the world some day later, besides I’m not comfortable anyways.”“But you didn’t tell her! I hate you guys!” Sunny threw her hands in the air.The Lieutenant shrugged. “She’s so mad at me, I don’t even want to think about the moment I go home.”Taeyeon slammed her forehead on the table, probably bruising it. Sunny grabbed the Lieutenant’s collar, pulling her up seeing the red forehead she laughed.“I just didn’t see it as a big deal, that’s all. I didn’t mean to make her upset or anything.”“Quit telling me and text her that.” Sunny said, stealing spring rolls from her plate.The Lieutenant blinked. Sunny was right and she pulled her phone out of her pocket and started typing her apology.The Lieutenant knew she should call but it’s late and she wanted Tiffany to rest.So just to make sure the Lieutenant showed her apology to Sunny, making her triple check it.At the end she asked Tiffany to call her so she can explain it through call. She just hoped Tiffany wasn’t that bitter, but the probability of that was low.The Lieutenant walked in the police station, hearing the holding room echo with grunts.A small peek through the window she saw an officer mishandling a man, slapping him and kicking him.It was blatant police brutality. That wasn’t the way to go.The Lieutenant opened the cell, grabbing the petty officer by the collar and yanking him out.”What do you think you’re doing, Private Moon!” She hissed, shoving him in a corner as he adjusted his shirt. “Do you want a law suit on our asses?!””He spat on me!” He answered, standing up properly once the officer realized who she was.The Lieutenant couldn’t believe it. This man just pulled some stupid excuse out of his ass to justify the beating he was giving someone.“Who’s your fucking supervisor.”“Lieutenant Hoon.” He replied.Taeyeon rolled her eyes. That blasted bitch. Everyone was shit talking the new Lieutenant, but now she’s back she was going to change some things around here.”I’m writing you a shot for that. Get out of my sight, get the man some medical attention.” She pointed, slapping the back of his head for that.The private scurried away and when the Lieutenant went to the back where the offices were supposed to be, there was practically no one.She pressed the button on the glass door, opening the sliding glass to the police departments open offices.The Lieutenant laughed when she saw her desk and her former crew still in the corner.She was glad they didn’t terminate her belongings nor replace the spirit of her entirely.Besides, her chief said she could come back anytime and that he wouldn’t change a thing.The Lieutenant picked up the rather large 93 inch teddy bear from her chair, patting its head.She couldn’t stop laughing to herself when she saw all the little fake medals her crew attached to the bear, trying to make it look like her.The beige bear even got a pair of plastic glasses and a wig on it.The Lieutenant shook her head, placing it in a corner of her desk.She touched the top of her desk. It was clean as she left it, but then she saw all her figurines in various positions evident of how Heechul must’ve played with them.“That man child.” She muttered under bear breath, putting Spider-Man back in his place.Taeyeon sat on her desk and in the quiet giant work room she swung her legs.It was so empty, she wondered why, but no one really told her anything.But when the sound of footsteps and angry shouts echoed she turned her head, watching from afar the scolding Minho got from the replacement Lieutenant.He bowed respectfully but the Lieutenant saw his clenched fists.When the bitchy Lieutenant Hoon turned her back Minho stuck both his middle fingers at her back, muttering curses.When Minho walked back he looked so grumpy.”You good?” Taeyeon laughed, patting his back as a greeting.”She’s extra cunty today because you’re here.””Me?””Yeah she hates you.”Taeyeon laughed. “Best be going, don’t want her to yell at you some more.””Can we have you back? At least you brought in donuts.” Minho went to her drawer and grabbed a juice box.The Lieutenants jaw dropped. “Excuse you!”“Oh shit, my bad forgot you were back.” He sheepishly said, offering her the juice back as a truce.The Lieutenant stared at him in disbelief.She went around the desk, opening all the drawers seeings snacks in every nook and cranny.She saw a couple of her crews belongings. Heechul’s comic books, Key’s video games, Minho’s snacks.“Really?! You guys have been using my desk as storage?!”Minho laughed and he was going to defend himself when half the people in the office trotted in.“No way! Lieutenant!”“Lieutenant Kim! You’re back!”“Guys guys, this means that skanky whore is gone, Lieutenant Kim’s back-““Shh! That bitch’s office is down the hall! Lieutenant Hoon can hear you!”She chuckled as her colleagues greeted hers they even gave her hugs, told her about how their new supervisor was a pain in the ass.All she did was nod politely, even if she did agree she couldn’t do it. Wasn’t professional.When Heechul and Key came in, the two men came running to her, picking the small Lieutenant up and swinging her in the air.“Holy shit you’re actually back, can we get new orders for donuts in the break room?” Heechul whispered, patting her head because he found the Lieutenant adorable with the way she was frowning.Key smacked Heechul away, wanting to give the Lieutenant some hugs. “No, Taeyeon you have to terminate that bitch in her cave, she said we weren’t allowed TV in the lounge anymore-““I’ll see what I can do.” She muttered glaring at Key to let her go.Her Chief came in, and when he saw the commotion he weaved in the crowd smiling widely when he saw her.“Oh, Lieutenant you’re back. Welcome back.” He greeted can extending his hand.“Hey boss man.” She shook his hand and the crowd dispersed and went to work. They walked to her desk, even if the work room was open concept it was still somewhat private.“How’s the kids?” He asked a sly smile forming on his lips.“Wha-“ Taeyeon then deadpanned, rolling her eyes. “You heard too?”“Uh huh, hard to miss when it’s the talk of the town. Los Angeles, very own, Kim Taeyeon. Haha.”“Pfft.” She slumped in her chair. He has his hands in his pocket and didn’t look a day older.She had to thank him personally one day. He did after all, set her up with a job that eventually let her find her way back with Tiffany.He believed in her and was willing to do a lot for her, even in his busy schedule.Chief Lee always had a soft spot for the Lieutenant even if he seemed mean to her, it was all out of love.“Tiffany has been okay, I assume?”Taeyeon nodded. “You saw her on TV?”Chief Lee nodded. “She’s very pretty, commands herself very well in front of the camera. I always knew her as the angry lady yelling at my employees every time you got injured.”“She always hated my job, you know that.”“Of course, I do. I know you’ve done a good job when she comes in yelling at me for putting you in danger.”Taeyeon laughed, agreeing with him.“You know what I always say about leaving home, right? Now you got two little munchkins on the way, soon you’ll be wanting to come back home hearing them say ‘Daddy! Daddy!’” The man started to reenact an imaginary version of Taeyeon’s kids running for her.You always said to never leave home on a fight, because it could be the last time I’ll ever see my loved ones again.”Taeyeon snorted. “Thanks to you, I was able to be her guard you know?”Her boss nodded. “I didn’t realize it, till I saw the news. I always wondered what happened to you the last couple of months. You never updated me personally.”“Have been busy, sorry.” She said apologetically.“Clearly, you have two kids now and a celebrity wife!” He joked.Wife? She’s not my wife yet.The Lieutenant smiled, shoving his shoulder gently. “Heard you hired a new Lieutenant.”The man groaned, ruffling his greying hair. “God that was a mistake. I’m her boss, but she even yells at me! The nerve of that lady.”“I got a couple of complaints for her.”“If there’s anyone to challenge her authority, it’s you.” He said with a chuckle, looking around him making sure she wasn’t here listening into their conversation. “I’m planning of letting her go anyways.”“But you wouldn’t have a Lieutenant or someone in charge of these little kids.”“I’ll hire another replacement, but we’d like to have you back.” He said seriously.“Uh.” Taeyeon pauses, she shook her head. “I’m only here for a day, I was just planning to help.”“Yeah, I’d like to recall you back. We need you, more than ever.”Taeyeon sighed, as much as she wanted she knew Tiffany wouldn’t approve at all. She was halfway across the globe anyways.The man saw the reluctance in the Lieutenant and nodded understandingly. “I won’t ask anymore.” He said.“Come to my office to pick up your gear. I reckon you’ll stay for a couple of days to help the department with the Blood and Crips case?”Taeyeon nodded. “Yeah, I have to return back to London because of Tiffany. But I’ll try to help as best as I can. I’ve been Skyping the crew lately.”“Good, I’ll run you a couple of overtime cheque’s and all that.”“You don’t gotta pay me.”“Shut up, you fool.” He teasingly warned. “Can’t wait to get the units back into order now that you’re here.”Chief Lee left a couple of dollar bills on her desk. “Buy yourself a couple of drinks, you’ll need it. I’ll forward you the case I’ll be formally assigning you through email.”The Lieutenant jokingly saluted. “Yes sir!” The man chuckled and waved goodbye, jokingly saying he’s got his eyes on her.When Taeyeon thought her little debriefing was over, she got a message from the intercom that she had a visitor.She walked over to the glass sliding door, squinting when she saw a figure in a trench coat and a hat, looking down and acting suspicious.She pressed a button, letting the door open. Once she caught the whiff of that particular tobacco scent she knew who it was.“Oh, Mr. Hwang, hello?” Taeyeon said, holding the door open.When they said she had a visitor, she didn’t expect Tiffany’s dad of all people.The old man still looked pretty bad but he approached the Lieutenant gently.“I saw you in the news today.” He croaked, his voice was scruffy.“Huh?”“Airport photos?” He said quietly. He had a small smile but nonetheless looked down.“Oh, okay. Yeah. I’m going to assume that’s how you knew I was back in town?”He nodded. “It’s also how I found out that Tiffany is pregnant.” He whispered, looking around as if it was a sin.Taeyeon politely nodded. She didn’t know if she felt bad for Tiffany’s dad because the couple didn’t tell him, at all.The man’s infamous frown turned solemn.He looked saddened, and he fumbled with something in his pocket. Instinctively the Lieutenant stepped back a bit, cautious with what could be in the pocket due to the nature of his behaviour.Tiffany’s father pulled out a set of keys, he shakily held them. “Here.”Taeyeon reached for them. They seemed like regular house keys, she didn’t know what he was doing till he gave her a small piece of paper with an address written on it and a photo.“I want you both to have it.”“H-Huh?” Taeyeon didn’t necessarily recognize the address. She palmed the photo, seeing a younger Tiffany in the middle of the photo with her family in the background.The man’s calloused fingers pointed to the edge of the photo at the small house to the side.“We lived here, it’s where Tiffany grew up. By the beach?”Taeyeon sighed. “This is before your wife passed away, right?”Tiffany’s dad nodded. “Back when I still had a family.” He sounded bitter, but at the same time it was heartbreaking to hear.“I never sold it. My kids thought I did. We moved away, but I didn’t sell the house. It’s still there.”“Oh. Well, what’s wrong? Did something happen to it, do you need me to-““I want you to have it.” He said plainly.“What? Mr. Hwang.”“Please? Please have it. It’s all I got, it’s all I can repay you two. Tiffany will love it.” He whispered, he was shaking so bad the Lieutenant.He seemed sincere because he didn’t act drunk, he seemed genuine.“I never asked for you to repay me, it’s okay.” Taeyeon reassured, wanting to give the key back.Taeyeon figured the man was still in heavy debt and she hasn’t been helping him anymore since she gave him his last payment.She knew this must’ve been the last of his assets or something, she didn’t want it if that’s all he had left.She couldn’t possibly take something he cherished, and for what? To try to make up for all the bad shit he’s done?Tiffany’s dad closed Taeyeon’s palm, securing the key in her hand.“Then do it for the kids, your kids.” He said quietly. “Your kids will really like it, my children loved the house. The families best memories are there.”“It’s not like you won’t be able to see your grandkids.” She spoke lightly, treading carefully because she knew this topic was touchy.She didn’t even know if Tiffany still regarded him as her dad and if the designer was going to let him see the twins.“I’m not expecting much.” He said. Soon the man wore his worn out cap back on his head and limped slightly out of the police department.Taeyeon wanted to say something but couldn’t find the words, so she let him go.The Lieutenant sat on the desk, placing the precious items near the picture frame of the couple.Just as she was going to get dressed to interrogate a couple, a beige folder was placed on her desk.A flash of her phone made her squint at the screen.Minho: Can’t find Tiffany’s brother? He’s not home. Wife says he left for a trip.The Lieutenant hummed, the man did go overseas a lot. He ran a restaurant or something and as far as she knew, he hadn’t been on dope since her visit.She always had gotten Minho to check up on him. Today they ironically needed him to ask a couple of questions but he wasn’t home.The Lieutenant replied a quick text and picked up the folder and opened it, satisfied with what she came to ask for and shut it closed.Two gangs fighting for territory, one has the upper hand with its influx of ports they have.They’re smuggling and dispersing drugs, weapons into South Los Angeles, one of the most violent parts of the county.The gangs, Crips and the Bloods have connections to a much larger international scale. The slip up of a drug bust by the police department allowed them to penetrate a bit deeper into what they needed.The folder pinpointed sensitive information of a dealer, which lead to a potential lead on who the bigger man could be.The information was gathered by Taeyeon’s team, lead by her through an unconventional way: Skype.The FBI is involved, working closely with the police department they were to depart to each of the potential water ports.London, Edinburgh, Bangkok, Venice, Dubai and Hong Kong.They were to investigate the coastal ports of trafficking activity because sooner or later once it’ll get out of hand.When the Lieutenant left the department, everything wasn’t exactly well.The police department was focusing on the problem but misallocated their resources. Around 15k of crimes were misreported.The Special Criminal Intelligence Unit and the Drug and Gang Unit had clashed.Taeyeon’s crew dissolved and were placed into these two units temporarily, and that caused the clash because no one was working on the side the criminal organization problem.Everything was placed on the back burner and when Taeyeon heard of complaints about the organization and leadership, she had to fly back.So she was here, doing what duty called because she had to. It was a sense of duty and the will to end the war on drugs. If she couldn’t stop it, she could try to suppress it.No one should go through what I suffered through. It’s horrid, absolutely fucking horrid. She reached for her phone, dialling Minho when she closed the folder, seeing the names and locations.“Change of plans, we don’t need to see witnesses for the next couple of days.”“Woo!”“But I still want you to accompany me with something.”“Oh come on Lieutenant!”When Taeyeon exited the call she checked her messages.Tiffany had read her entire lengthy apology, but didn’t call her back or replied.Taeyeon took a chance, calling her right now, but Tiffany didn’t pick up.She was in absolute hot water right now.“It’s a little old, but a couple of renovations wouldn’t hurt. Can’t believe he gave this to you.” Minho said before getting scared by the long board he kicked on the floor.Taeyeon felt the wooden panels, she nodded. “Man, the style back then was so shit. Thank god the outside is beautiful.”The two went to the address Tiffany’s father gave her. It was only a half hour drive to Diamond Bar, but nonetheless it wasn’t too far.The said house was situated in a neighbourhood tucked away behind other residents, it wasn’t necessarily secluded by the area but it was huge.It was beautiful, seeing something so natural in a city erupted by skyscrapers the Lieutenant understood why Tiffany and her siblings loved growing up here.There is room to grow up. They could run around, play, be kids. Nothing stopped them, not even a picket fence.When they parked the car in the driveway the view of the beach literally right in their backyard was stunning.Houses like these go for millions yet Tiffany’s dad just… didn’t say anything about it and kept it to himself.“Yeah.” Minho picked up a photo frame, pointing at the centre. “Is this Tiffany? She looks so small.”“Yeah, her older sister is tall as fuck. I wonder what happened.”Minho snorted. “I wonder what happened with you too.”“I grew up eating sugary cereal. Guess that stunted my growth. My mother blames it for my height, why do you think after junior high I never ate cereal again.”“I remember that! Apparently Heechul said you came over to eat his cereal, his parents thought it was really weird.”“Black market cereal. Arrest me if you have to, but I loved that shit I had no shame eating it at someone else’s house.” The Lieutenant mumbled, she walked up the stairs, opening the first door she saw.Her eyes blinked, seeing the faded light pink walls of a child’s room.Minho peered from the Lieutenant’s shoulder, chuckling. “Man, this must’ve been Tiffany’s room.”“No shit, look at all the pink and sailor moon merchandise she has.” The Lieutenant picked up an aged teddy bear, squeezing its head.Over the years the direct sunlight coming from Tiffany’s childhood room’s balcony faded the colour on the walls.Surprisingly, everything was in its place and we kept tidy and clean, kind of.Except for a little bit of dust, but Tiffany’s father maintained it well over the years.The Lieutenant didn’t want to touch anything in this room, at least not yet.She smiled, every essence in this room just screamed Tiffany.It was adorable. Even the little toy figurine on the shelf drew parallels to that woman today; a cute loving innocent girl who only ever liked to indulge in fantasy and magic.“Lieutenant, look.” Minho calked.She stepped out into the hallway, following the ray of light coming from the open room door down the hall.She peeled in, finding an old bed but around the room were nicely hung up wedding photos.Pictures of Tiffany’s late mother. It smelt faintly of a floral scent, specifically rose.Is that why you wear rose all the time? Is it because your mother did?She could imagine the life in the room.That old school gramophone in the corner playing some rhythm and blues while the couple had that block TV going on in the background as they got ready for a date with their kids.She could imagine Tiffany’s mother sitting at her vanity, putting her earrings on laughing at the fool of a man through the mirror who danced to the tunes.A successful businessman, done in his luxurious attire fit for someone who owned a couple of car dealerships back in the day.As soon as Minho picked up that hat, she someone envisioned that fedora on Tiffany’s father’s head, tipped at an angle.And as usual, the charming bright little girl bursted through the present rickety door.Her smiles were as bright as can be even if the photo Taeyeon had picked up in her hands was tainted yellow.Mrs. Hwang turned around on that dusty stool, arms wide opening accepting the little toddling Tiffany who came running about in her pink princess dress.The woman picked the little girl up, resting her on her lap she started to do her hair in front of the mirror, little Tiffany adoring her mother.“I wonder what Tiffany’s mother was like.” Minho spoke, breaking her imagination into dust, bringing her back to reality.“Oh, she was amazing.”“You met her?”Taeyeon shook her head. “Wish I did. Tiffany talked about her all the time, where do you think she got all that attitude from?”“This woman? The one right here? She?!” Minho asked, pointing at the smiling bride in the photo.Taeyeon nodded. “The woman was fierce. F-i-e-r-c-e. Taught Tiffany to look out for herself because no one could do it all the time. Also gave her that witty attitude of hers, she was cool.”“Shame her father did what he did to her mother.”The Lieutenant glanced at Tiffany’s father who was kissing his wife in the photo. That smile he had showed that he was head over heels for his wife, yet in a long time she hasn’t seen that man have an expression other than angry.“You think people can change?” Taeyeon quietly asked, placing the photo back down.She was only curious to what he’d say, only because she found change hard.“Hm?”“He was once a good guy, turned bad. You think he can be back to good?”Minho nodded. “People evolve, people don’t just stay static characters their entire lives.”He caught the look from the Lieutenant and understood why she asked.“It takes time to change, you know? It’s takes time for people to realize that change too.”Taeyeon sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed. “I made a mistake, and I’m trying to fix it.” Her eyes flickered at the dim room.“I know, I see it. All the time.” He said with a smile when the Lieutenant hummed back. “Before if the department needs you, you come right away no questions asked.”Taeyeon shook her head, she did just that recently.“Now, you say Tiffany this, Tiffany that. It’s not a secret you’re the workaholic robot around here, but you’ve included her in your decisions now-“Haha, funny you say that.“I came here, without really thinking about Tiffany. She’s mad at me now because I didn’t stay for an event she wanted me at.” The Lieutenant blurted out.Minho shrugged. “With change it’s a process. Old habits die hard, and you’ve done really well, you know? Does anyone tell you that.”“Don’t praise me, I got an earful from Sunny and I suspect Tiffany is going to kick me out of her penthouse.”Minho laughed, hands in his pocket he enjoyed the chit chat he had with the Lieutenant about her personal life.Just a couple of months ago when things went south for the couple, Taeyeon barely spoke.The Lieutenant started to explain what happened, ending with the emphasis that she didn’t want to be thrusted into the media. Nor did she think the designer would be in danger and a temporary replacement would do.“Maybe you should’ve talked to her about it.”“Yup. But I didn’t.”Minho shook his head, patting the Lieutenants shoulder. “This is what happened last time when you two didn’t talk. It turned into this clusterfucker.”“I know.” She said sadly. Her hand clutched the side of her pants, tugging at it.“Then get into the habit of telling her upfront, you don’t have a reason not to.”“I’m trying.”“I know, but you know, don’t be too slow. Time is limited.”Taeyeon sighed, getting off the bed, she turned off the light and waited for Minho to exit the room.The pair walked back in the empty living room, the house as a whole was half furnished. Only some things were left like the stuff in the room but other than that it was a blank canvas.“We’re having twins.” She whispered, pressing her head against the glass. Her eyes resting easy on the pretty beach.She remembered what Tiffany wanted from the house back in London.For the kids.“I want to give her the world. I want my kids to grow up happy.” She whispered, shutting her eyes. “But everyday I wonder if I should’ve just let her go.”“Lieutenant, you’re fighting. Keep fighting.”When Taeyeon grabbed the handle of the balcony door, the plastic piece came off. The screen at the other side came undone and fell on the porch.She tossed the handle on the ground, sighing.“I want to be good again. I want to be the good guy.” Taeyeon said.“You are.”Taeyeon shook her head. Her lungs felt like collapsing, her head was spinning. “I am the bad guy. Did you forget what I did to Tiffany?” She whispered, not wanting to believe it was her who cheated on Tiffany.“Forgive yourself, damn it Lieutenant.” Minho muttered under his breath, he pulled Taeyeon into a hug, realizing that this was the first time the Lieutenant really broke down in front of him.“When news got out about my infidelity, what did everyone think? Truthfully.” She mumbled against his shoulder.She was so small height wise against the Sergeant. Minho always towered above her, but he always was her ‘little brother.’“I got really upset with you, only because I knew you were suffering, and it was unfortunate it ended up like that.”Taeyeon nodded.“Key refused to look at you, he still answered to your call, but he was quiet. He wasn’t in a good mood only because he couldn’t believe it. You know he loves Noona.”“W-What about Chief?”“Usually gossip like that doesn’t affect the man, but when he heard he sat at your desk while you were gone for awhile. He just sat there, he didn’t do anything.” Minho said, his thoughts scattered as he tried to string together his memories.Taeyeon hummed, pulling away from the Sergeant.“But we all forgave you, Taeyeon. Even Tiffany.”I refuse to believe that, because I can’t even forgive myself.The Lieutenant stuck her hands in her jacket pockets, walking back in the room. She gestures for the Sergeant to walk back in. “You have any tools?” Taeyeon suddenly mentioned, walking over the stack of broken wooden tiles.“What you mean?”“Hand tools, power tools? Saws, drills, crowbars all that?”“Yeah I got some in my garage, need em for something?”“You have any renovation experience?”“I took a couple of classes in high school, but that was a long time ago-“The Lieutenant had a small smile, turning around looking at the house once more.“Looks like we’re gonna fix this house. Together.” Taeyeon said, a hint of ambition in her voice.If I could give something to her, I want to do this for her, and my kids.Minho took a look back at the house. The framework was there, it needed some work.Perhaps a new modern take on it. That would take a lot of work and the two officers didn’t have a lot of experience in house work anyways.But a glance at the profile of the Lieutenant who had fingers tracing along a concrete pillar, he understood why all of a sudden she asked.“For your twins, and Noona.” He whispered, a smile forming on his lips.The Lieutenant didn’t respond.For them.Taeyeon coughed, clearing the room she opened the front door, shoving him out.“Let’s go, we still gotta get information about the coastal ports from the federal offices.” She said, doing a complete 180 from her soft side to her typical commanding officer persona.Minho smiled, saluting her. “Yes ma’am.”The Lieutenant as promised flew back to London after a day. She was pretty nervous.An angry Fany was scary.She learned of her brother being in London, but the man flew to Korea to be with Michelle, their older sister and would fly back with her here in London some other day.So she luckily just missed him. It was like dodging a bullet, he wouldn’t know what a buff military veteran would do to her.”Hey.” She called quietly once she was in the house. She placed her duffel bag on the floor, arms full of gifts like chocolates and whatnot for the designer.Her dogs seemed to shun her too, they didn’t jump around and run to her. Even Zero was in on it too.Tiffany walked past the Lieutenant and placed her dishes in the sink. Within minutes the designer was already dressed.Taeyeon scratched the back of her head, placing her gifts on the table.”Where are you going.” Taeyeon asked.Tiffany didn’t reply and left through the door.The Lieutenant frowned and walked out of the penthouse seeing Tiffany waiting for the elevator.”Fany..””I have a schedule.” She replied simply, her hands digging into her purse.”Why wasn’t I informed.”Tiffany shrugged, getting in the elevator.The Lieutenant rushed in the elevator, pressing the elevator button to hold open the door. “I’m your bodyguard I’m supposed to accompany you.””Really? Is my bodyguard supposed to take abrupt undeclared vacations too?” Tiffany snapped.”It was an emergency.” Taeyeon reasoned.Tiffany rolled her eyes and swatted Taeyeon’s hand off the door button, eagerly pressing the close one.“What is your schedule today? Don’t you have that opening-““Well since you didn’t think it was important I cancelled it and it’s postponed indefinitely.”“O-Oh. Okay. Uh.”When the elevator hit the first floor, the Lieutenant noticed Tiffany was waiting for the car.“No driver?”“You always drove me, I don’t have a driver anymore. But since you’re fucking busy with whatever you’re doing BoA gave me another guard slash driver.” Tiffany said bitterly once more, she was so snippy.The Lieutenant blinked a couple of times. She bit on her tongue, knowing Tiffany was very very mad at her.“But I’m back, you don’t need a replacement.” Taeyeon pointed out.“Too fucking late. Already paid for the new guard for the next day or so. Plus, it’ll give you time to do anything you want since you think being my bodyguard is nothing.” Tiffany snapped, trying to close the door but Taeyeon kept it open.“I didn’t say that-“

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