Chapter III (1/1)
Chapter IIIThose stupid, annoying pricks! Hyuna ruffled her hair, she opened her locker and placed her books inside, It was finally lunch time and Hyuna doesn't even want to see EXO even once. She hated them instantly. "Hyuna-ssi.." Hyuna turned and it Nichkhun's friends, "Wae?" Hyuna smiled, "Let's have lunch~! Nichkhun hyung looks upset today he didn't even talked to us once." Hyuna frowned, "Where is he?""The tree you both always go to." Junho replied smiling, "Ah, mianhae but I can't eat with you today. Nichkhun must've been upset because EXO shoo him away in the tour." Junsu glared at the distance, "Aish! Those new kids." Wooyoung scoffed. "I heard they're trying to get our title." Chansung simply said, "They can have it." Taecyeon sneered."Calm down guys! I got this." Hyuna winked, they knew Hyuna had a great plan. "Here it is.." They gathered listening to Hyuna's plan. "Unni! be careful!" Hyuna nodded in confidence. "Of course I'll be careful don't worry." Hyuna assured them and they nodded. "We'll be going now, we'll see you tomorrow Unni!" Hyuna nodded and waved. Hyuna went to the garden and saw Nichkhun frowning at his food.What a baby! aiiish. Hyuna snickered and went to Nichkhun's back sneakingly. "WAAAA!" Nichkhun jumped up tightening his grip on his food. Good thing it didn't drop. "HYUNA! You scared me." Nichkhun held his chest his breathing becames uneasy. "HAHAHA! Mianhae oppa!" Hyuna hugged Nichkhun and he hugged back. "I missed you." "Oppa I didn't continue my tour with them, They're a bunch of perverts." Hyuna pouted and Nichkhun laughed. "I knew you couldn't stand them.""Yeah, I didn't. I hated them when they told you to leave. It was rude." Nichkhun nodded and frowned. "Maybe it's because I suck in the tour." Hyuna shook her head. "Noo! Oppa you were really great." Nichkhun smiled at Hyuna's compliment. "2pm said you were sad." Hyuna pouted. "Not anymore, because you're here." Hyuna blushed. "Ayyy!" Hyuna hid her face. "Stop doing that." Hyuna complained and Nichkhun laughed."Aish! This kid!" Nichkhun hugged Hyuna, "I'm really going to miss you so much after this year." Nichkhun sighed. "Me too oppa, I will miss you too." Hyuna teared up. "Yah! You cry baby~" Nichkhun teased. "You did this topic, you know I'm a cry baby~" Hyuna frowned shifting away from Nichkhun. "Aish.. Mianhae baby Hyuna~" Nichkhun cooed shifting closer. "Kekeke~ Okay!" Hyuna hugged Nichkhun giggling. Little did they know they were being watched by EXO. "What the hell are they doing? All PDA and shit?" Chen scoffed. "Nichkhun is ugly." Kris declared. "Yeah, he doesn't deserve Hyuna." Sehun glared. "Guys just stop hating on them please?" Baekhyun begged. "Will you shut up Bacon." Chanyeol teased making Kris and Sehun laugh. "Tsss, Yoda." Baekyun fought back."What did you say Bacon!?" Chanyeol raged, "Yah yah! Stop fighting!" Luhan broke them up and Baekhyun frowned away. "I wish me and Hyuna-ssi can be friends.." He muttered but Luhan heard it, Me too.I don't hate EXO okay? I made this story as 'Hyuna x EXO'Hyuna and EXO are my ultimate bias so don't post hate comments if you think I hate EXO. You're wrong because, I love them <3