CHRISTMAS (holiday) UPDAT (1/1)
“You really believed in Santa until fourth grade?”“Yes”“Aigoo” “Unnie, I think Tiffany unnie isn’t okay” Seohyun whispers to Taeyeon. They’re now in the car going back to their dorm after a very busy schedule. Tiffany wanted to sit beside their manager oppa, in the front seat so the two are at the back. Seohyun notices that her Tiffany unnie has been really quiet since after their interview, and it bothers her, so she asked her Taeyeon unnie. “Don’t mind her, she’s just tired. Go to sleep as well” Taeyeon said. She doesn’t want anyone, even their members to notice or get involved to anything about their relationship, especially their fights, so she decided not to argue with Tiffany. But she knows she’s acting the way she is right now for she’s mad at something; she’s just cannot pin point what is the exact reason. Tiffany walks straight to their room, opens the door, takes her shoes off, and runs to their bathroom. Taeyeon is just watching her, confused, as she closes the door. She takes a deep breath, to calm herself, she is too tired to have a fight so she doesn’t want to give in.“Aigoo” Taeyeon sighs and sits on the pink couch they have in their room. She lays her back on the couch and just looks at the bathroom door. Usually, if they’re both from a schedule, they will take a bath together so they can have dinner as soon as they’re done and sleep early, but now, she have to wait for her grumpy girlfriend to finish.Tiffany came out, wearing her white lose shirt and black shorts. Taeyeon smiles seeing that even how mad Tiffany can be, she’s still that girlfriend who wears her girlfriend’s shirt to sleep.“Hey” Taeyeon tries to approach Tiffany but she’s ignored so she walks straight to the bathroom instead. Tiffany lay to her side of bed, lying sideways so she can’t see Taeyeon. She's mad at Taeyeon for something she did and she wants her to figure it our herselfTaeyeon took a warm bath shortly and wears her favorite black lose shirt. She looks at her girlfriend still lying on bed.“Hey” She sits on her side of bed and moves closer to Tiffany. “Why are you mad?” She strokes her girlfriend’s back but Tiffany moves away.“Tell me why so I can fix it” Taeyeon said, raising her voice a little this time. As much as she doesn’t want to hurt Tiffany, she’s getting pissed for the way she is acting.“Nothing!” Tiffany answers in the loudest voice she can.“Then fine!” Taeyeon said, jumps off bed and takes her phone. She walks out from their room to avoid the fight she doesn’t want to be in the first place.“Maybe you did something that hurt her” Sunny said lying down, in closed eyes while Taeyeon sits beside her. Taeyeon walks to Sunny’s room to rant about how childish Tiffany can be sometimes, but she got rant from Sunny instead.“Ofcourse not!” Taeyeon said, rolling her eyes as she hits Sunny’s front so she’ll have her full attention. Sunny gets up, and opens her eyes wide.“Fuck!”“So you listen to me!” “What?!” Sunny shouts. She wants to sleep but she knows Taeyeon won't let her so she calm herself “Fine. Well, I think it is you who made a fuss again. I know you. You treat Tiffany like a baby but you as well tease her like fuck sometimes” Sunny said“What do you mean?” Taeyeon asks, but Sunny didn’t reply and just looks at her in wide eyes, seems telling her that she knows herslef what kind of girlfriend she really is. Taeyeon sighs and realize Sunny might be rightTaeyeon went back to their room and slowly opens the door, she sneaks and sees Tiffany watching a cut of the interview they made, when Tiffany saying she believed in Santa until she was in fourth grade and Taeyeon acts as if she cannot believe it.Taeyeon felt really guilty; Tiffany has told her how big deal Santa is to her when she was younger, and most of her peers do as well. She realizes that might embarrassed Tiffany and it maybe hurt her that she intentionally brag about it during their interview and now it is all over the internet.Taeyeon sighs, then, went back downstairs and prepares dinner for Tiffany. She knows the girl is hungry for she really does eat dinner.“Hey” Taeyeon slowly gets in their room, and Tiffany swiftly hides her phone and pretends she’s sleeping,“I know you’re awake” Taeyeon puts the food tray on the bedside table and sits beside Tiffany. She leans her chin on Tiffany’s shoulder and strokes her arm.“Sorry. I know what I did was wrong and really unnecessary” Taeyeon said. She pulls Tiffany to lays so they can be face to face, and she feels bad as she sees Tiffany sobbing; her face is so wet with her tears while she hides her face with her palms.“Come here” Taeyeon holds Tiffany’s underarm and pulls her up so she can sit up. Tiffany gives in.“Sorry” Taeyeon said again. They’re now face to face, with Tiffany’s legs on Taeyeon’s. Taeyeon holds Tiffany’s underarms like a kid while Tiffany holds Taeyeon’s left shoulder with her right hand while her left hand is gripping on Taeyeon’s shirt.“I was so embarrassed. You really like embarrassing me on cam” Tiffany sobs. It is heard in the way she sobs how hurt she is, and with how her body reacts, Taeyeon can see she isn’t pretending for attention anymore like she do sometimes.“It’s not that. I just love teasing you. You know that right” Taeyeon said, and wipes Tiffany’s face with her right hand. She strokes her hair off her face and kisses her lips once.“Stop crying. I’m sorry arrasso?” Taeyeon added and holds Tiffany’s sides, and pulls her on her lap so Tiffany is sitting on her astride. “I won’t do it again, that’s a promise” Taeyeon said and gives Tiffany another kiss on the lips. She holds Tiffany’s arm and put them around her neck. She’s looking up a little to focus on Tiffany’s face.“Please stop embarrassing me in purpose” Tiffany pouts, a real one. Taeyeon cups her face and makes her looks at her.“I’m sorry. I didn’t know you’ll be embarrassed about that. It’s cute” Taeyeon said“It’s okay. But next time, promise me you won’t do it again” Tiffany said and Taeyeon nods, wiping Tiffany’s face then kisses her chin.“Let’s have our dinner” Taeyeon said and Tiffany slowly moves off Taeyeon’s lap.“Yes Oppa, I will be there” Taeyeon is leaning on their headboard, holding her phone with her left hand while Tiffany’s leaning on her chest, hugging her waist, watching TV.“I promise I will” Taeyeon said as she strokes Tiffany’s back and gives her a light peck on her hair. Tiffany looks up to Taeyeon as she feels the kiss and puts her chin on Taeyeon’s chest.“Why?” Tiffany whispers. Taeyeon just smiles and pecks her lips and continue listening to the guy on the other line who’s her manager.“Yeah…” Taeyeon paused as she is cut by the guy on the phone. She continues stroking Tiffany’s back, pecks her nose and smiles at her sweetly.“Okay, I will. But not on 27th Oppa, understand?” Taeyeon said. Tiffany smiles this time. Now she understands, this is maybe about Taeyeon’s schedule again, and their manager wants to bargain her about on 27th, but she knows her Taetae won’t give in because that is their day.“Okay, bye” Taeyeon said and hangs up the phone. Taeyeon puts the phone and holds Tiffany’s sides, and lets her sit on her lap. Tiffany puts her hands on Taeyeon’s shoulders and giggles at her. This is bot