Avengment (1/1)

Dara heard the knock on the door. Eleven knocks to be exact. She took off her jacket and opened the door, “You’re finally here.” “Okay, I swore I came here as fast as possible, Sandara Noona.” He walked into Dara’s apartment like it was his own and sat on the couch. He spotted Bom emerging from the kitchen with an apple in her hand and waved, “Hello, Jenny Noona.” “What’s up, Dae Hyun?” Bom sat down on the couch with him, chewing on her apple happily. “Stop being such an ass, Dae Hyun,” Dara smacked his arm playfully. Dae Hyun giggled and tried to hide his smile. Dara remained expressionless and asked, “Why are you giving me that look?” “You know why…” Dae Hyun continued grinning and raised his eyebrows. “I don’t know.” “Me neither.” Bom added unnecessarily. “I saw what that policeman did to you in the car.” Dae Hyun eyed at her. Bom widened her eyes and stared at Dara with amusement, “No way, he kissed you?!” “What? No!” Dara denied vehemently and pulled Dae Hyun’s ear really hard, “Don’t talk rot!” “Ouch! Ouch! Let go!” Dara let go after her winced in pain, “I saw him touching your face and look at you with so much passion and love. Come on, it was so freaking obvious. I was just behind you guys when he was tucking your hair for you!” “Wow, Dara, that’s kind of cute!” Bom nudged Dara and teased her, “I knew it. I knew it. I knew he has a crush on you since centuries ago!” Dara tried to control her feelings and gave a serious expression, “I didn’t ask you to meet me here to tell me all that, Dae Hyun. This is strictly business.” After sensing the inner demon of Sandara Park, Dae Hyun stopped laughing and apologized, even Bom stopped teasing her sister, “Sorry, Noona. Well, you know, Taec Yeon trusts me now and believes I’m just a student from the university who has turned bad. He admires my intelligence and fighting skills to actually introduce me to the gang now.” “He doesn’t suspect that you’re an EHA member?” Dara asked with so much authority. Dae Hyun’s a disciple who worked for EHA as well. Dara had assigned him to pretend to be a student in her university and get to know one of Taec Yeon’s men in order to be a member of Club Eden. He won the trust of Taec Yeon and was one step closer into the real business of Psy’s dealings. “Nope, not at all.” Dae Hyun nodded and explained, “I asked him about Psy. I haven’t been able to see him yet. It is very hard for me to get close to Psy thought. Taec even mentioned that it was hard for him, himself, to see Psy regularly. Psy is very mysterious. Even Taec Yeon doesn’t know where he stays and the meeting place for them always changes to prevent us and the police to track him down.” Bom and Dara listened carefully. “Besides, Taec says they don’t even meet up at a regular timing. The meeting can be out of the blue so it was hard to track when their next meet-up would be. This is challenging for us to get close to Psy again after we missed the chance to kill him off.” Dara banged the table angrily, “Damn the police! We finally had a chance to kill him after we robbed his club and led him to expose himself in public but that damn police just had to spoil our plans!” “Another chance like this does not come by very fast. Psy has not shown himself since then. And we can’t track his home as well. He’s so good at keeping himself away but doing his stupid job so darn well.” Bom complained and sighed. Dae Hyun assured them, “Don’t worry, Noonas. I am confident that I can gain Taec’s trust and track their meet-ups to see Psy for myself. He won’t be safe for very long.” “Good job, Dae Hyun.” Dara said and gave him a quick pat on the shoulder. She looked at him and got reminded of Thunder – again. Dae Hyun was Thunder’s best friend and he was, also, devastated at his death. Dae Hyun was younger than Thunder but they clicked off very well after joining EHA at the same time. “Noona, did you get anything from that police?” Dae Hyun asked. “Yes, we can’t use the police to kill him off.” Dara gritted her teeth, “The worse punishment he can ever get is life imprisonment if he gets caught by the police.” “What?! That’s it?” Bom commented with disgust, “Life imprisonment is letting him off too easy! We mustn’t let him off that easily.” “Exactly. Such a person deserves to die.” Dara growled, her personality as Sandara Park was so prominent every time she mentioned about Psy. Her hatred for Psy was undeniable. Bom added, “This can only mean one thing…” Dara knew what Bom was thinking about, “We have to kill him off before the police gets to him.” “Now that we have discovered some leads, what is your next plan, Team Leader Sandara Park?” Dae Hyun smirked and rubbed his hands together to show interest. “Well, it’s your job now, Dae Hyun,” Dara smiled back at him with confidence and arrogance, “I placed a tracking device under his seat compartment. Not only it will track his location 24 hours a day, it records his conversations in the car. Dae Hyun, it’s your job to keep up with his daily routine and conversations. I’m sure we will get something out of him somehow.” “Wait… 24… hours?” Dae Hyun looked stiff. There goes his sleeping time, Bom thought to herself but did not voice it out since Dara was serious about it. Dara shrugged and smiled innocently to him, “Well, you can take shifts with Him Chan or Zelo. But. But if I find out you missed out something, your head is straight to the chopping board.” Dae Hyun shuddered after seeing her innocent face that was accompanied by her harsh and scary words, “Yes, Team Leader.” “Good.”    GD was handling the evidences on his office table and scratched his head in confusion. It was already in mid-afternoon but he still could not find any more information about EHA because the organization was extremely secluded and secretive. Tablo must be a really capable guy to handle all these in secret, he thought. Suddenly, he was reminded of the words spoken by the pink-haired “Butterfly”. It was a nickname given to the sniper he encountered that day. He could not get her out of his mind no matter how hard he tried. The silvery stars on her mask, the pink long hair, the long eyelashes that tried to distract him, the butterfly weapon that sliced his skin and most importantly, her velvety and gentle voice which seemed lethal and harmless at the same time. “Mister Blondie, aren’t you giving this pretty lady here a chance to atone for her mistakes?” He opened his eyes and his mind was in a whirl again, “Why does that voice sound so familiar?” The voice had some sense of familiarity to it but he could never guess where he had heard it before. The phone on his table rang and brought him back to reality. He picked up the phone to realize it was Mr Yang. “GD, there are reports saying that Psy is heading to the ferry terminal for a drug dealing with the Thais. Go there with your team members immediately and investigate this case.” Mr Yang ordered. “Yes, sir.” He placed the phone down and got his things to meet his team members, “Team, get ready in five. We have a mission.”  TOP and GD stayed in the car near the ferry terminal. For many years, Psy had been known to be making donations and doing a lot of charity to the society, making people think that he’s a rich businessman who gave back to society. However, the police had suspected he had used these charity purposes to transport the drugs from one country to another using the name of the donation centers. Today was another chance to nab him and they could not be careless about it. Psy had gotten away all the time, distracting the police to different locations and caught him empty-handed. The police had always followed Psy carefully but the transaction was not made by him personally. It was unpredictable who would do it this time. This time, GD was sure to nab him because this transaction had to be done by Psy personally since the Thais did not trust others except for Psy himself. Besides, the number of bodyguards Psy had increased from that day. GD and TOP spotted Psy in his usual suit get-up and glasses as the bodyguards surrounded him so closely that they hid him so well even though he was big-sized. TOP narrowed his eyes and looked carefully where they were heading, “There’s something amiss about that guy today. Don’t you think he’s being too carefree about the transaction?” “I think so too. There’s something about him that’s different.” GD opened his eyes wide and gulped, “Taec Yeon isn’t there with him.” GD looked at Psy from top to bottom and stared at his shoes. All of a sudden, he drove off the ferry terminal and increased his speed. TOP was bewildered and asked, “What the? What’s going on?” “That’s not Psy.” “That’s not Psy?” TOP repeated. GD called Gummy and ordered, “Gummy, the Psy at the terminal is a fake. He must be in Taec Yeon’s car. They must have switched at the corners when we tried to follow them. Don’t lose Taec Yeon’s car. They’re going to the real location. I had Jun Hyung patrolling at the terminal in case anything happens there. We’ll contact again.” He swerved at the corner, going as fast as possible to meet Gummy who was tracking Taec Yeon’s car on her own. GD explained to TOP, “Psy only wears one brand of shoes. He never wears other types because he has extremely flat feet so he had them tailored. Those shoes can be found at some night market. It’s not Psy.” TOP was speechless, “You’re indeed a fashionsta.” “Thanks but there’s no time for compliments.” They arrived at a venue for containers shipping. It was very difficult to track Psy in such a big place. However, GD had called for back-up to find Psy. TOP and GD got out of the car, along with their guns on stand-by. They turned at a corner to find Gummy and three of their colleagues as well. “Gummy,” TOP whispered as Gummy came to them. Gummy whispered, “I followed Taec Yeon. Psy’s in a different drag today. He’s wearing a light blue polo t-shirt and jeans. He looks completely different, especially without the sunglasses. We were almost fooled.” “Where is he now?” GD asked. “He’s in the red container, along with Taec Yeon. I think they are waiting for the Thais. I don’t know how they are going to make the transaction though. It has only one entrance and we’re here.” Gummy reported. Meanwhile, TOP’s attention was distracted by a figure hovering at the top of the container. It was shocking how a person was able to go all the way up there. There were no stairs, no ropes or anything to bring a common human being up the container but he was sure there was someone up there. Walking stealthily, he informed GD, “Boss, I’m going somewhere to check something out. I think there’s something going on up there.” As GD looked up, the figure was gone, “What?” “I’ll be right back.” TOP ran as quietly as possible to the back of the red container and tried to spot the figure again but it was moving quickly. He moved back to have a good look at the figure. He widen his eyes in disbelief, “She’s here. That red-haired lady.” He hid himself from her and gulped. There must be a way to get up there, he thought as he spotted another container, but shorter. He had to find a way to get up there and nab her somehow. He knew this lady was about to spoil their plans again and he could not risk that. The police has been trying to track Psy since forever. He kept his gun and climbed up the container despite his stiff body and another after another until he reached the container where he spotted the red-haired lady. He panted, even though he was that exhausted, and looked around to find her missing. He turned around several times. He swore he saw her somewhere up here. “Looking for me, handsome lad?” The red-haired lady crossed her arms and said, with her mask still covering half of her face but it was definitely the same lady with the outstanding hair. “Look, young lady, if you want to play, go somewhere else. This is not a playground. You’re disrupting our plans. Go home.” TOP raised his gun at her. She was not afraid at all. Instead, she walked up to him again like before, “You’re the one disrupting my plans.” After her words, she threw powder on his eyes that itched his eyes and nose, “What the!” TOP was dumbfounded at her tactics once again. He did not expect that coming. That also included the kick to his thighs that made him bent a little. After regaining consciousness, he grabbed her arm and twisted it in a way she winced in pain, “Look, lady. I don’t hit women. I can nab you and put you to jail. But I have other businesses here so get lost!” “I’m not leaving!” She tried to struggle free but this time, TOP was more brutal. She took another of her shurikens from her hair and tried to pierce his thigh but his hand stopped hers and twisted it so she dropped it right away. So that’s where she kept the weapons, in her hair, he thought. Talking about hair, her hair seemed… fake. She growled and used her feet to kick him in the vulnerable part. TOP released her immediately and clutched his part in pain, “You merciless woman, that’s not playing fair!” “No one said about playing fair!” Bom smiled under her mask, feeling a little humour in his expression. However, TOP did not back down and went forward to her. He threw a punch which she successfully ducked. And then, he grabbed her shoulder and pulled her closer until he could feel her breath against his skin. Suddenly, he felt the perfume she used was so familiar, “You…” Bom slapped him in the face and kicked in his tummy but he grabbed her leg and made her fell on the floor. The sound of her fall reminded him that they were still on top of the container and that might alert Psy and disrupt the transaction. He took her in the hand and jumped off the red container to continue the dispute somewhere else.    On the other hand, thanks to Bom, Dara was able to sneak into the red container successfully. She brought along her sniper and was all ready to kill off Psy. Also, thanks to the tracking device, Dae Hyun had informed her about GD’s locations and was able to know the venue of the transaction. To her surprise, the red container was not as small as she thought. It was three floors with many rooms. She only managed to get into one of the rooms and the transaction can be made just anywhere, in any room. She had to be careful. She opened the door to already hear the voice of Psy. It was distinct and easily recognizable. “I have the money ready in the briefcases. Let’s just get down to business and exchange. I promise this will be a quick one.” Psy said to the Thai dealers. “I hope you keep your promise of what the contract says,” The Thai spoke in broken Korean in Thai accent. They were at the first floor, seemingly the dining room of the container. Dara smirked and took her sniper, “Finally. Psy. For my parents.” “Don’t move!” Dara shot but the bodyguard who was not there a second ago, went forward to protect Psy after hearing someone shouted, which made her shot the bodyguard instead. Psy was shocked at the words, as well as the sudden gunshot heard from upstairs by Dara. “It’s that damn shooter again!” Psy yelled in frustration. GD pointed his gun up to Dara and tried to shoot her down but she ducked it behind the pillar. He had a team of police behind him who went forward and catch most of the dealers. The bodyguards continued to protect Psy who brought him upstairs, totally forgetting that Dara was upstairs with a sniper. Seeing the dealers being caught, he ran upstairs to chase after Psy. Dara hid behind the pillar and shot two of his bodyguards. That alerted his other bodyguards to start shooting at Dara as well but she managed to run away as fast as a ninja. “Who are you?” Psy shouted in anger and took out his gun as well and began shooting in every direction, “Why are you trying to kill me?” Suddenly, a few more shots were heard and Psy found his bodyguards all dead on the floor. Within a second, he was strangled and dragged into one of the rooms and thrown on the hard floor. Dara locked the door and turned back to him. He looked afraid and turned from green to white, “Why are you killing me? Who are you?” Dara raised her sniper to his head and stared at him heartlessly, “Does this scene remind you of something?” Psy panted nervously and stuttered, “What… what are you talking about? You’re insane.” “No? Maybe because you kill too many people…” She bent down to his level and pulled his collar, “My parents are one of them, you bastard. Revenge is here.” Silence enveloped them. And then, a gunshot was heard.