[M] Chapter Ten: Dear Mum (1/1)
Chapter 10 Dear mum After their guest left Sunny and Sooyoung went to tidy up the living room and doing the dishes while Tiffany prepared Taeyeon’s dinner and set it in front of her who was staying still, lost deep in her thoughts.“Baby eat..you must be hungry and then off to sleep, you had a very tiring and an eventful day…” Tiffany ordered her as she stroked Taeyeon’s gently “Call me if you need anything..” She kissed the crown of head and went to join the others two in the kitchen, who were teasing each other or more precisely Sooyoung teasing Sunny, to help them.“Hey what’s the bickering you two..”“Oh nothing Fany ah…Is Taengo okay..” Sunny asked as she threw a glare to Sooyoung who was still sniggering,“Yeah…I think she is..” Tiffany answered as she glanced at her frozen girlfriend while she took a towel and dried the plates“Hey Fany ah..Did you notice that Jiwoong kept throwing glances at Sunny every once in a while..” Sooyoung asked with teasing voice which made Sunny roll her eyes in annoyance“Huh..no..”Tiffany answered absentmindedly “Stop Soo..he wasn’t..” Sunny warned their tall friend“Oh yes he totally did…He’s a good looking guy and he’s well mannered I totally approve of him..” Sooyoung childishly said“Arrhg..I won’t and you should stop it..” Sunny said with a hint of frustration in her voice“Why not?”“Because I’m not interested in anyone…and stop setting me up you giant idiot..it’s not because you already have someone in your life that you should start meddle with mine..” Sunny said with a stern voice as she threw the towel on the table and stormed out of the kitchen“Jeez…what’s up with her..” Sooyoung sighed “I was just joking…”“Let her be Soo…” Tiffany said as she shook her head ‘if only you knew the truth Soo..’ and glanced again at her girlfriend who barely have touched her plate which made her frown, “Do you think she will be okay..” Sooyoung noticed the frown as she looked at Tiffany and then at Taeyeon.“I don’t know..maybe over time…” Tiffany said as she felt helpless that she couldn’t find a way to help Taeyeon dealing with her internal war“You should go back there with her..” Sooyoung told her “…I already finished and I should go apologize to Sun..”“Yeah..You should..” Tiffany said as she went toward her girlfriend and sat next to her, she breathed in and softly caressed her hair and cheek trying to comfort her girlfriend“Baby you okay?” Tiffany asked softly which made Taeyeon turn to face her with an empty gaze and leaned in and put her head on her chest while nodding as Tiffany continued her stroking and kissed Taeyeon’s forehead “I have 3 sibling..And Umma…Mi..” Taeyeon stated after a short moment of silence she did still not believe the event of this night, as she felt an emotional rollercoaster going through her whole brain“I know..Baby” Tiffany replied “You do..”“And she never wanted to abandon me…” Taeyeon started to tear up as her hand clutched into Tiffany’s shirt as the latter continued to cradle her, soothing her.“I know Baby..i know..” Tiffany simply said and kissed her again trying to comfort her “She just loves you so much and wanted to protect you..from him” she added but grimaced as she remembered Taeyeon’s father and his mean streak“Do you think she will still love me when I meet her..” Taeyeon asked her as she lifted her head to look at Tiffany; she looked like a sick child asking for his mother’s warmth“Of course baby boo..of course” Tiffany reassured her “If not they will never go and try to find you..” she added as she wiped her tears and pulled her into another hug“You..you will be there…right..” Taeyeon sniffed “..I mean when I meet her..”“Every step of the way Taetae..I promise” Tiffany replied with gentle smile plastered on her face “Ow my baby let it all out..” She added as she saw the teary eyes of her lover.They stayed still in each other arms for what it seems an hour as Taeyeon cried out all the pent up emotion from her childhood till now while Tiffany soothed her with sweet and gentle words.“It’s okay Baby boo…Everything will be okay.” Tiffany kept repeating as the sobbing of her girlfriend started to subside. She cupped her face and lifted it a little; her heart clenched when she saw strain of the remaining tears, the exhaustion and the disheveled look of Taeyeon and leaned in for a short kiss.“You must be really tired Baby..Come we should sleep the night away..” Tiffany stated as she pulled away and gently took Taeyeon by her hand and headed toward their room. Meanwhile Sooyoung went to her room to change herself into more comfy outfit she checked her phone and texted back her boyfriend and headed toward Sunny’s room and knocked on the door she heard a soft ‘come on in..’ and went in“Hey Sunny…” “Mmm..” Sunny hummed without sparing a short glimpse to Sooyoung as she busied herself with the file in her hand“I’m sorry for teasing you earlier…I never meant to meddle with your life…you know that..” Sooyoung apologized as she kept her head down “Okay..” Sunny simply answered as she took a glance to her friend; she sighed when she saw Sooyoung guilty look and cursed herself as she set the file aside “You are forgiven Soo…And I’m sorry too for my little outburst..”“It’s okay Sun..i kinda deserve it..” Sooyoung chuckled and sat next Sunny on the bed “What an eventful night we had today..”“That is so true..”“Do you think Taeyeon will accept her family?” Sunny asked “I think part of her already did..” Sooyoung answered “But do you think life will cut her some slack one of these day..She have been through enough…” She added as she sighed and rested her head on Sunny’s shoulder which made her tense a little but quickly relaxed“I don’t know…but we are always here to protect her if any..i will even pull my gun if I have too” Sunny joked“Ohh scary….” Sooyoung chuckled as she lifted her head and looked at Sunny “Thank you Sun for always protecting her and for what you did for her…with her family and all..” She added full of sincerity“Always Soo…always and she is my family too..”“I know..and I thank you for that..” Sooyoung said as she stood up and headed toward the door“Goodnight Sunny”“Goodnight to you too..” Sunny replied as Sooyoung left the room, Sunny bit her lips as she just stayed staring at where Sooyoung was standing. She took the file again and sighed ‘One case closed and one still pending…’ she thought as she opened the file again, with one of her fingers on her chin she went through her findings one last time and then called it the night as she went to sleep as well. In the next morning Tiffany woke up by her alarm as she reached her hand to snooze it off and looked at her sleepy girlfriend in her arms who didn’t get much sleep last night as she was restless tossing and turning and whimpering in her hold as Tiffany tried to soothe her and calming her down; she grazed again at Taeyeon’s face and leaned in to kiss her forehead while she softly tucked the loose hair behind the sleepy woman’s ear, ‘You and your little sister are like twins but with years apart’ she chuckled to herself as she remembered their guest as she softly touched Taeyeon’s cheek which made the latter groan as she tiredly opened her eyes and stared at Tiffany who was sweetly smiling at her.“Good morning baby boo..”“Mornin…”She said while yawned and put her face under Tiffany’s chin as the latter smiled and pulled her closer to her “Tired?” Tiffany added as Taeyeon nodded her head “Then go back sleep baby.” She felt Taeyeon shakes her head “Mmm…I missed you Mi and I..I just want to stay in your hold..” Taeyeon said nuzzled herself more comfortably in Tiffany’s embrace, which was true they didn’t really got time to find each other since Taeyeon went back home last night“Ohh baby I missed you too..” Tiffany replied “Tae..”“Mmm..” Taeyeon hummed as she lifted her head a little to look at her girlfriend“Ar..are you feeling okay about the event of last night?”“I really don’t know” Taeyeon replied with a sigh “And it’s still too early to think about it..” she added with a groan and hid herself even more into Tiffany’s embrace which made the latter chuckle “Take your time baby..”“Do you have to work today..” Taeyeon asked and peppered Tiffany’s neck with kisses which made the later squeal“No not until later in evening..” Tiffany replied as she yelped and found herself in a matter of second underneath Taeyeon as the later left hand softly caressing her cheek “And you?” She added while she leaned into the warmth of her girlfriend, enjoying their moment “…I took a week off..so I can be with you” Taeyeon