2.Normality (1/1)

NORMALITY    "This seems like the ideal college for all of us to enter," the youngest of them all, Seungri suggest, being the brains of the group, the others trusted him on things concerning their changing of school and similar situations.    "So, what is it this time?," curiously, Seung Hyun, the tall guy with the dark intense eyes asked.    "The previous school had sent us here for a higher educational studies. We are scholars," Seungri explained to the others, and at the mention of the previous school, one of them grinned a dark grin. It was no other than the ganka* of the group, Jiyong.     "The previous school benifit us well, remind me why we can't continue our study there."    "Asks the trouble maker himself, remember, you were studying too hard on the women and your study turned to the principle's daughter. Yeah, that's why," Taeyang, the short yet charismatic one reminded his ganka of his own doing.    Jiyong nods his head in a way that he's starting to remember the event.     "Yeah, she was a lost cause, she couldn't get over me, that pitiful girl, but if you have gotten the information correct, I wouldn't even have to get involved with her and we would have continue our fun there," Jiyong glares at Daesung accusingly.     Daesung was the only one who has the rare instinct which could go wrong at times and since what they were looking for has almost about extinct, it became a million times harder.    "I'm telling you all, the feeling I got this time is different, a very strong sense, a huge amount. It just feel right," Daesung clarify with much confidence.    "I'm not into homo so, fingers crossed," with fingers crossed, the group of Scedovins looked right ahead at the entrance sign of their soon-to-be college.ganka* = leaderSo, um, I'm still developing the story line. It's going smoothly so far. Pls, who am I kidding, I've barely gone through two chapters and I am already feeling suffocated. This is not good, I need to go get some sleep, eat a little many things, take a long bath, watch running man and repeat the process. Damn. Whatever. Look forward, I guess.