SC 1 : The Confession (1/1)
"Ready?"Jihyo asked her members. They were all squatting at the back of the stage. They can hear loud cheers and shouts from the people with them for a decade. The girls are all suppressing their tears. Today is the last concert of Twice as a group. Today is Twice's last performance. "Yah, we still have a 4 hour concert to do. We should not cry now, Save it later." Jihyo said making the others react in a playful manner."Hana, Dul, Set! Twice Twice Charanda!"Then the large LED stage opened and revealed the 9 girls. Once all around the world who attented the concert cheered as well as cried as they saw the girls.During the opening ment:The girls are catching tbeir breathe. Everyone's insanely quiet."Ok, let's greet everyone first. Hana, Dul, Set!""ONE IN A MILLION, ANNYEONG HASEO TWICE IMNIDA!" members"Should we introduce ourselves first? Who will start?" Jihyo asked looking at her members."NaJeongMoSaJiMiDaChaeTzu!" Tzuyu answered"Arraseo, arraseo. Annyeonghaseo, Twice Unnie Nayeon Imnida!" "Annyeong, Jeongyeon imnida! Its good to see you all here.""Annyeonhaseo, Twice's Dancing Mo-chine, Momoring Imnida!""Twice's Cutie-sexy, Sana Imnida!""Twice leader, Jihyo Imnida. Panggapsseumnida!" "Annyeonghaseo, Twice Black Swan. Mina imnida.""ANNYEONG! TWICE TUFO DAHYUN IMNIDA!""Ahhh chongmal shikuro Unnie! Annyeonghaseo, Twice Baby Tiger, Chaeyoung Imnida.""Annyeonghaseo, Twice's maknae, Tzuyu imnida."Then in their surprise, Once answered."ANNYEONGHASEO, ONCE IMNIDA!"The a loud applause was heard. The girls can't stop being emotional but still smiled. Good thing Jihyo is fast to intervine."Ok... Today is our 10th anniversary! We should all celebrate! Yah, member-deul! Once-seu! Let's save that for later arrasseo?" "Jihyo's right. Get yourself together. We still have a long night ahead of us! Right?!" Nayeon"Neh!" everyone answered"should we all shout our Cheer?" Jeongyeon"oh. Ok Once, Twice Charanda? Once-sue. Everyone ok?" Jihyo"Neh!"Twice gather their hands to cheer."Hana, Dul, Set!" Jihyo"ONCE! TWICE! CHARANDA!"And the lights turned off. The girls went to their position and the anniversary party started. During the last ment:Everyone's on stage except Momo."Yah! Momoring you're late! Aish jjinjja, how will you live without us? Hope someone will be there to guide you always you slowpoke!" Jihyo shouted making the fans and members laugh"aish jjinjja, can't you stop nagging? Jeongyeons even calm now. Plus cant you respect me as your Unnie even for this last concert?" "ah, ne Unnie, but ppalli wah!" Everyone laughed at the two's argument. "ah ne, sorry for this two. Everyday's like this always in the dorm. One of the things i'll miss after this." Nayeon said making everyone quiet."jalmoni, stop with those please we are not starting yet. Momo Unnie, ppalli!" Jihyo
Momo then went up the stage adjusting her mic. Mina went to help her, Sana is about to help but Jeongyeon stopped her. The crown goes wild when the camera pans to Mina and Momo shouting "Mimo", the two's ships name."Yah, still a baby." Mina"Yah? Yah? I'm your Unnie Myoui!" Momo said making Mina roll her eyes"Yah Unnie! You're like a baby!" Mina said again making Momo pout.The crowd goes wild as Mina held Momo's hand to join the others."Yah. Are you trying to kill every Mimo fans here?" Jeongyeon"No, i'm killing you after this." Momo"ok, ok, now lets proceed with our ending ment. Once please prepare you hankys, towels or tissues." Jihyo"Yah Jihyo?" Sana"wae? Just to make sure. I prepared my own towel too." Jihyo said showing her towel concert merch hangging on her shoulderThey keep on arguing. Momo just smiled and looked at everyone. They went to their own places, both Mina and Momo in the both ends."Ok... Let the drama start..." Jeongyeon said making everyone chuckle. "Who'll start?""Me!" Both Mina and Momo said in unison."Aigoooooo. Should we solve this in a legal way?" Jihyo"kwenchana, Mina can go first." "ani, Momo first.""you go first Minari.""You first Unnie.""arrasseo. Let me go first and you two be the last!" Nayeon said settling Mimo's argument.Nayeon started the ment true to Jihyo's words, tears flown down each others eyes. Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Sana, Jihyo, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, Tzuyu, then Mina. They all cried. Even Momo who's been tagged as one of the strongest memver when it comes to crying's been having teary eyes but not crying at all. She's just busy consoling Dahyun who's bawling her eyes out beside her. Now is Momo's turn to speak. She walked in front of the members and looked at them weirdly."Yah Momo!" Nayeon"Wae? Why are looking at us that way?" Jeongyeon"This Unnie is weird." Tzuyu"Why are you all crying?" she asked"Ya! Wanna die? Do you really wany us to say it over and over again?" Nayeon"10 years. 10 long years of trials, struggles and challenges. 10 long years of unending happiness with all of you. And for that i want to thank everyone who stayed with us, the people who understand us and never judged us. The people who always cheer for us no matter what. Those people are everyone present here tonight as well as the people who supported us from far away and neighboring countries. To our JYP family, thank you. To all generations of Once, thank you. Who would thought that we'll stay together for a long period of time? They would say everything comes to an end but for me its not the end of our bond as friends and family. Coz Its not like were not gonna see each other again. Were just disbanding. Disbanding doesnt mean we are not gonna be Twice again. It doesn't mean were not gonna perform again. It doesn't mean were disbanding our bond as family. We are still Twice no matter what.And to my members, You know what, We should remember that after all of this, we are still whoever we are. You are still Twice Im Nayeon, Twice Yoo Jeongyeon, Twice Minatozaki Sana, Twice Park Jihyo, Twice Chou Tzuyu, Twice Kim Dahyun, Twice Son Chaeyoung, Twice Hirai Momo... but you," Momo points at the surprised and confused Mina. "You! you might think of changing your name after this."Mina is shocked with what Momo said. A video was then played. The crowd as well as their members are quiet yet smiling at Mina.Its was a video of Momo. Sitting in the center of their practice room. Facing a mirror where 7 of her other members except Mina was sitting."what is this all about Momoring?" Nayeon said "and why is Mina Unnie not here?" Dahyun"actually i want to ask you a favor and Mina's involve that's why she's not here. Knowing Mina she might be in Hongdae looking for her subac juice now but that's not the issue here.""Then what is it?" Jeongyeon"just like what i said, i want to ask you a favor.""about?" The girls askedThen clips of the girls practising without Mina was played.After, the lights turned off. A very familiar melody was then played. In everyone's surprise, a spotlight was then lighted Mina.Momo's voice was then heard. . . The crowd goes wild. . . Mina's surprised face was shown in the screen. . .Then Momo's face was displayed, holding a bouquet of Mina's favorite flowers. With their members dancing and singing behind her. The whole concert venue was cheering Momo. She sing happily as she looked at Mina. Mina cant help but smile and tear up. Mina's feet were glued to where she is while Momo's been walking towards her until she's just some inches away from her, the music stopped. Then another clip of the girls who are all exhausted and tired was played. Mina as well as Momo is surprised by the additional clip."When did they took this? I dont know about this. Yah!" Momo said making everyone laugh."You better do this well Momo or else i'll kill you the moment we went off the stage." Nayeon said and everyone agreed."please just be happy together, arrasseo? I cant stand to see you both sad and staining yourselves. Plus i dont want another dance practice with Momo. She's scarier than our choreographer Unnies!" SanaAnd the other agreed to Sana's whine."Kidding aside, just be happy together and dont mind those people talking behind you. They dont know anything about you and they dont deserve explanations from you. Just be together and be happy with each other. That's what we really wanted for you two. And also thanks Chaeyoungie for adding this video message, we owe you more drawing and painting material. We'll let it all delivered to your house the soonest!" Jihyo"Assa!" Chaeyoung shouted earning a glare from Momo."You all really knew how to ruin my surprise eh?" "Saranghae Momo - ya!" the girls shouted."Ok, let's continue!" Dahyun shoutedMomo then looked at Mina who's busy Wiping her tears as well as composing herself."Ok, Maybe i'm a bit fast or late, either of the two, but what im sure is I love you Mina. I want to be with you. I want to be the reason why you're happy, i want to be the shoulder you can lean on when you're sad. I want to be your foundation of happiness and strength. I want to be with you every step of the way. Mina I love you and will you be mine?"In everyone's shock, Mina moved closer to Momo and kissed the latter. Momo hugged Mina closer as she savour the moment they have together with the whole JYP family, Once and Twice. A moment the couple wont ever forget. The couple's forehead were touching. Then Mina spoke."I love you too Momoring. Only you can make me this happy and i will do everything to make you happy too."And the crowd goes wild. Everyone's cheering. The Twice members are crying. JYP who's watching her girls just stood up and clapped his hands. The Twice manager's and staffs are all crying but smiles are plastered on their faces. "Why do i felt like im a proud mom?" Jeongyeon said as she wiped her tears"Same here. Im too happy for these two. At last!" Nayeon seconded wiping her tears using Jeongyeon's towel"Then, You two can stand as Momo (pointing Jeongyeon) and Mina's (pointing Nayeon) Parents when they decide that they'll get married soon. Woah. The mother-in-laws." Jihyo teased the two older members."and i'll appoint you as the officiant. God Jihyo will bless this couple's marriage. Woah. Daebak!" Jeongyeon"I'll be the maid of honor!" Sana said with her hand raised"i can be the ring bearer!" Chaeyoung"We'll be the flowergirls right Tzuyu?" Dahyun"I love the idea Unnie! And Once will the the witnesses!" TzuyuMomo and Mina just grinned at their member's plans. "we just confessed to each other minutes ago and now you're planning our marriage already?Aren't you too fast?" Momo"Dont want to Unnie?" Tzuyu"I want! But you let me plan my proposal first and I dont want to ask your help anymore coz you're adding some clips that should not be there!" Momo"But honestly its more fun coz you did it. Im thankful for all of you in helping this dork. I know you suffered so much. Let dinner be my treat tomorrow." Mina said making the girls cheered more after hearing about free food.Momo just shook her head. She's happy, Mina's happy, that's more important than anything else. Mina then wside hugged her and looked at her."I love you." Mina said"I love you too." she answered and gave Mina a kiss making the other members cringe but the crowd cheered.The concert ended with them singing the medley of their title songs and for the last time they shouted their cheer with everyone in the venue."ONCE! TWICE! Charanda!" Everyone"Jigeum kkaji Twice Imnida, kamsahamnida!"Then Twice's compilation of pictures and clips played ending with "We Love You" "Thank You" and "See You Soon".