Chapter Ten (1/1)

Chapter Ten      Mr. Y,      Love is life...           Now, I finally understand. Everyone has to face a lot when it comes to love. It's like a game. You have to gamble, to take risk in everything because without giving effort unto something, it's not worth it. I mean, once you strive for something, the product is one thing, you can't believe you deserve.          Others might get this definition in a literal way. But me? Just simple. I felt complete, having him with me. Because we both know why. He's my other half, and having him makes everything perfect. And I'm so thankful the fate brought us together, to each other. We started with weird things, the thought of it, I can't help but to still smile. It's one of the greatest chapters of life, knowing him, having him with me.          He became my strength, also my weakness. He became my happiness and also the reason for my tears. But despite everything that we had gone through, it's like an obstacle we're able to get rid of, together. It's like, we're in a new start once again. But unlike the first time, this obstacle is something we will face together.           I am so thankful he didn't stop from loving me, he didn't let go. He's too precious to me, and I love him, so much. I'll love him until my last breath. He's my always, and my forever.   PS: Thank you for a wonderful word with you, Mr. Y. You don't know how much you helped me with things. I hope we could meet, someday...   ~S~     Jiyong folded the letter and stared ahead of him. He's currently sitting at a very familiar bench. He smiled.  "I don't know, even with this things, fate still brought us together..." He said as he traced the words written at the bench.  He doesn't know how she discovered that place. It's a secluded part in the Seoul City, he doesn't actually have any idea why is there such place as that. But he's thankful that the place exists, he was able to think about things by himself.  He made it as his sanctuary actually. He knew, nobody even pay plenty of their times at the place. It's always been him.   That's why, he was behind shock after he saw words written at that bench he's currently sitting at. The words written then seems like from someone who just broke up with her boyfriend, with the letter 'S' at the last part. He concluded, that letter must be the first letter of the girl's name.  And because he also spend his time writing songs at that place, he wrote back, with the letter 'Y' at the last part. Y for Yongie, the nickname Dara gave him.  Now, reading her letters, he realized, the girl he's been writing those short letters, and the girl he loves, is just a single person.  "Ironic... Really ironic. Fate brought us together, yet, fate stole you away from me..." he said.  He scribbled something at the piece of paper her brought along with him. After writing what he wanted to write on it, he rolled it and put it inside a bottle.   Holding the bottle, he stood up and looked at the sea in front of him, then to the bottle he's holding.  "You'll always be my love..." he whispered as he threw the bottle at the sea, joining its waves.   ~~~~~o0o~~~~~   "Hyung, please take good care of yourself, while you're inside, okay?" Daesung reminded Jiyong as he just nodded in response.  "Though you are being unfair to me, Jiyong, because I'm the eldest from the group, I'll let you pass. Just be careful and don't forget to take good care of yourself especially your health, while you are inside, okay?" Seunghyun remind