The Royal Tea Party; part (1/1)
I'm updating!!!!!!!! RLAB! "Here comes the Ice Princess." Chanyeol whispered to the others. Chorong elbowed Chanyeol. "Ow! That hurt!" "It was supposed to. Next time it's a punch. 'Kay?" Chanyeol nodded in fear. Baekhyun and Chorong high fived each other the table. "Good moring everyone!" Suho's friendly voice greeted. In front of him was the one and only Soo Jung. Her head was turned up and she avoided any eye contact. Her toe was tapping eagerly. This happened every morning and lasted until Ji Hyo came down. Of course, Ji Hyo had sleeping problems so, she is no where from waking up at 9:00 am. "Sehun! Let's play the cup switching game!" Sehun's seven year old year old master Joon, gave him the puppy dog stare. Not only were a pair of six year old puppy eyes pleading him, but Luhan's and six year old Ji Ah's deer eyes pleaded him also. As much as Sehun wanted to reject, (the game is not as innocent as you think.) he could not abstain. "Fine! No gambling this time! I was broke the last time we played." Sehun said in a cautious voice. "But, Sehun, that's no fun... we love stealing your money." Ji Ah and Joon whined simultaneusly. (Put ten stars in the comments if you know where Ji Ah and Joon are from.) "Yeah, we love stealing your money." Luhan got in between the two kids and whined along. Everyone burst out laughing besides Soo Jung. Finally, Ji Hyo woke up."Sehun oppa, I'll pay you back later. Just fuc- whoops! Just play the game already." Ji Hyo ran a hand through her bed head. Kris handed her a cup of skim milk. "Thank you." Ji Hyo smiled. "Oh, wait! Luhan! Yoogeun's coming over later! And Hoo. We need to get the tea party set up!" Ji Ah put her hands on her cheeks and acted as if it was the end of the world. Luhan pretended to be just as concerned and checked his watch. "You're right Miss. Ji Ah, we better get the tea ready. I think we should use the blue china today." Luhan suggested."Yeah, cause Yoon Hoo and Jung Yoogeun are boys; we can't use pink." Ji Ah said almost robotically. Like someone taught her to say that. "Sehun! How many times have I told you not to tell the little kids that shi- stuff?! Color has no fu- freaking gender!" Luhan exclaimed. Sehun giggled. Luhan pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed."We don't have time for this. Let's go Miss. Ji Ah." he took Ji Ah's hand and guided her to the kitchen to pick the tea she wanted. She decided that milk tea with honey would be best. "Ji Ah, do you want Hyo Bin unnie to help you pick out a dress?" Luhan asked the small girl. The girl nodded. Hyo Bin looked up from her ice cream sandwich and stared at Luhan with eyes that could shoot out lasers. "Hey, I'm not the one going to fashion school." Luhan put up his hands in defense. Hyo Bin got up and gently took Ji Ah's hand. "What color dress do you want to wear?" Hyo Bin softly asked. Ji Ah put a finger to her lip and put on her thinking face. "White, to match the tea." Ji Ah said almost maturely. Hyo Bin nodded. She opened the clostet door in Ji Ah's, of course, pink room, and was amazed. The girl had more clothes than herself. Hyo Bin's a FASHION DESIGNER and she didn't have more clothes than a six year old. Ahem, a RICH six year old. "Wow, and they're organized by color! It must've taken Luhan forever." Hyo Bin blabbered. "Hm,o should we get the dolly one or the casual one?" Hyo Bin held up two dresses. One was poofy and looked like Barbie's wedding dress and one looked like something that Ji Hyo would wear. Hoy Bin guessed that Ji Ah would want the Barbie dress, but was surprised to hear, "Barbie is overrated. I want to be a tomboy!" "Oh, okay. Let's change into this one, I guess." "Yoogeun!" Ji Ah ran her flats to Yoogeun who was rubbing his eyes from sleepyness. He was in the arms of , none other than, Key of Shinee. "Yoogeun, it's Ji Ah. Go greet her." Key whispered to the sleepy and kinda grumpy Yoogeun. Yoogeun's sleepy eyes faded and his slightly pissed face morphed into a happy face. Yoogeun slipped out of Key's hold and landed safetly on the marble floor. He smoothed his crinkled shorts and tied his shoelaces. Finally, he ran to Ji Ah. Ji Hyo sat at one of the spotless tables and admired the happy mood. Kris stood at her side with his usual angry bird face. Ji Hyo turned around to look up at Kris. "What's wrong?" she asked in chinese. "Nothing, Mi- uh, Ji Hyo." he replied. Ji Hyo rested her chin on her hand and smiled. Efficiently, everyone who lived or worked here helped decorate the dining room into a perfect Alice in Wonderland tea party."Is something troubling you?" she asked again to Kris. "Or is your face just always like that?" she joked at this question. "Hyung, are you angry?" a baby-ish voice asked from behind them. The voice belonged to none other than Yoon Hoo. "You look like an Angry Bird." he giggled angelically. "Aw, he's so honest. Angry Bird oppa, smile!" Ji Hyo joked. She handed Kris a plate of marble cake. "That kid," Kris shook his head. Hoo's eyes darted everywhere in search of sweets and his crush Ji Ah. He found his target. "Ji Ah -ssi! Uhreum Ji Ah!" he called. Ji Ah turned around from her very importnant conversation with Joon and Yoogeun about RoboCop Polly. "Hoo-oppa!" she waved. "Hey, Hoo!" Joon followed. "Hi!" Yoogeun said lastly. Hoo's eyes darted from Ji Ah's smiling face and Joon's protective stance. Chanyeol passed Hoo with a tray of cookies and green tea, the smell distracted Hoo. Chanyeol saw Hoo's priceless face and ruffled the kid's hair. "There's more in the kitchen. But, Baekhyun-hyung will set them on the tables later. Bool Yi-noona just made cookies." The kid was kinda drooling by the time Chanyeol was finished. "Miss, Song?" Suho knocked on her door. No response. "Miss. Song?!" he said a little urgently. Still, no response