Waffles? (1/1)
*Warning for sexual assult in this chapter*Joshua and Jun sat huddled together in the room. Nervously awaiting Chan’s return. The had talked a bit, trying to figure out what Jeonghan would want with their younger friend. They assumed it had to do with what Chan said the previous night. Having to work for him if he lost the fight. “He wouldn't work for him. We promised to stay away from gang things.” “But if he's promising to keep us safe in exchange for him working for Jeonghan, you know Chan would do it.” Jun countered. Joshua ran a frustrated hand through his hair. He knew Jun was right. “Still. But what about us? Vernon? There's no way that man would just let us stay here without us pulling our own weight.” The sound of footsteps made the conversation pause. The door swung open hitting the wall and bouncing off dramatically. The sudden noise startled them both and they pressed further into the corner they were sitting in. Joshua putting himself in front of the other unconsciously. “Puppies! Good morning!” Jeonghan pranced into the room a smile decorating his face. Behind him The8 was seemingly sulking in the hallway. No Chan in sight. “We’re going for breakfast. Come.” Jeonghan’s gaze landed on Joshua, who turned and locked eyes with Jun hesitating. “Both of you are coming. Come on now.” Joshua stood nervously with Jun holding onto his hand. “What about Chan?” He asked in a moment of bravery, ignoring the shaking of his hands gripping tightly onto Jun to hide it. “He's being taken care of. Don't worry. Wonwoo is going to feed him later.” It didn't make him not worry. In fact Jeonghan’s choice of words made him worry more. Who knew what this Wonwoo person was doing with Chan in the first place. They hadn't been told anything and it was frustrating. They were walked to a garage. A few unknown people were standing near the garage door. Two men strode forward to meet the gang members. “Sir?” A buzzing phone stopped Jeonghan before he spoke. They all watched as he pulled out the device and read something on the screen. His shoulders tensed and eyes glared at whatever was written. He quickly turned around already calling someone. “Watch them. I need to take this. The8. Come with me.” The two walked back into the house the door slamming shut behind them. Joshua and Jun stood nervously, eyes darting between the door Jeonghan had left through and the unknown men they had been left with. “Well. Aren't you two pretty little things?” One of the men leered at them. A large hand coming up to grip Joshua’s arm to pull him closer. “Min. What are you doing?” The man next to him said in a tense voice. His eyes shifted around to see if anyone was watching. “Relax. I saw the boss parading this one around yesterday. In a collar even.” He laughed obnoxiously loud and Joshua flinched trying to pull away. The man gave a creepy vibe off and he didn't want anything to do with him. Humiliation filled him at the mention that he had been seen by other people with that collar on. He tried twisting his arm to be released but it hurt as the man kept his grip solid and immobile. “This must have been his bitch last night.” The man roughly pulled him away from Jun and he felt a hand groping at his ass. “How was the boss. But he fucked you good.” Joshua panicked, pushing at the man’s arms trying to make him let go. The older man was definitely a lot stronger as he didn't budge even the slightest and laughed at his attempts. The hand roamed his fingers digging painfully into his flesh. He felt like grime was seeping into his skin where the man touched and pinched. Using Joshua’s body as an outlet for his frustrations. “Let him go!” Jun shouted throwing a punch at the man holding Joshua. The hit landed on his arm and the man glared at him. Throwing his own arm out and pushing Jun so hard he fell. “Stay quiet!” He shouted not even phased by the punch Jun had thrown. The large man held Joshua’s wrists as he tried to struggle away, the grip so tight he felt his bones rub painfully against each other. “Min. Dude you shouldn't.” The other man helped Jun up, but still kept him away when he tired to help Joshua. “Shut it. It's been a long week. I'm sure boss wouldn't mind sharing a bit of this ass.” Joshua shuddered in fear as he was turned around and pressed into the other man. Disgust filled him as he felt the man rub his free hand down his chest and near his crotch. “What's going on here?” Jeonghan and The8 were standing at the door. His eyes were slits and bore into the man holding Joshua. Even though the glare wasn't aimed at him he felt fear ripple though his body. The presence of him filled the garage with a tense air. Although only the man holding him didn't seem to notice as his hands still traveled on his torso. “Ah nothing boss. Just keeping the slut occupied.” His leer was obvious and Joshua wanted nothing more than to punch it off his face. But his eyes were locked on Jeonghan and how rage seemed to flash onto his face. Before it vanished and left nothing but a too calm expression. “Joshua. Come here.” The man let him go when his boss asked for him. Joshua felt his legs nearly give out after he was released. He approached slowly and let his eyes fall hesitantly. Unsure if the anger was directed at him or not. Jeonghan reached out and pulled him close enough that he felt the other man's body heat. The gang leader leaned in his face close enough for his hair to brush softly against Joshua’s cheek. “Did he touch you down here?” He whispered, a hand ghosted above his lower back but didn't move further down. Joshua nodded not trusting his voice with how much he was shaking. His eyes focused on the red of the leather jacket the other male wore. The smell of the leather and some sort of earthy cologne made his senses focus on something other than the feeling of shame and disgust he felt with himself. Jeonghan smelt way better than the cigarette and alcohol scent that the ‘Min’ person had. A sigh escaped the gang leader. His arm tightened in almost what could be called a hug, before releasing him pushing Joshua behind him. “You must be new.” Jeonghan began taking a step towards the man. Joshua felt oddly relieved to have the barrier of Jeonghan between him and the man who molested him. Despite the gang leader being the very reason he was in the position to begin with. “Ah yea. Last week.” The man laughed gruffly. Jeonghan pointed at Jun and gestured him to move to The8. Who, without being asked, placed the two men behind himself. Jun’s hand held his own as soon as he could reach him. They both watched as The8’s own hand discreetly came to rest on a lump on the back of his shirt. “Name.” It was an order, not a question. The man looked visibly worried. “Min. Sir.” “Well Min.” Jeonghan pulled a pistol from his back waistband. Even without seeing his face, Joshua knew it was twisted in anger by the tone of his voice. “I don't like it when people touch what belongs to me.” The gun fires into the man’s leg. Min howled in pain gripping his leg and falling to the ground. Joshua jumps at the shot. He sees Jun just as surprised. Adrenaline and fear pumped through his veins. “Let this be a lesson.” Jeonghan kneeled near the man using the gun as a pointer. He gestured at Joshua. “When I say watch. I mean watch. No touching. He's mine. No one, unless I tell them, gets to touch him.” Joshua knows his face must be turning red. The stunned expression he had on turned into embarrassment as Jeonghan referred to him as his. Joshua grabs Jun’s hand tighter turning to him and burrowing his face in the others neck. Not wanting to see the other gang members expressions over the proclamation. With his order given, Jeonghan straightens and looks at the man's partner. “Bring my car around. Then get him fixed up. I don't want him near this house until he knows how we work. That goes for all new members. Understood?” The man's partner nodded hastily and ran towards the shiny cars towards the end of the garage. Joshua was terrified, yet at the same time so terribly lost and confused. Every moment he spent with this man had been a guessing game. Never knowing what to expect. One of the things that scared him the most was being treated less than a human. They had already escaped that life once. He was determined to find them a way out of this whole mess. Even if it meant sacrificing himself. “-shua.” Jun was gripping his arm pulling him into the shiny BMW that had been parked in front of them. They sat awkwardly in the back seat, making sure to buckle himself in remember how Jeonghan had drove last time. “The8. Tell Woozi to have that man put on guard duty near the exchange house. Rotate out the guards at our house.” Jeonghan ordered as he drove. There was an eerie sort of calm that settled into the car. Both men in the front seat seemed tense, which in turn made Joshua and Jun anxious. All at once it all changed. Jeonghan let out a loud sigh at a stop light and looked Joshua in the eyes through his mirror. “If anything like that happens again you tell me. Understand?” Joshua feels trapped in his gaze and nods. The eye contact doesn't break until the light turns green and they move again. They finally stop at a restaurant, a small American looking diner. A few bikers are relaxing outside leaning on bikes of various sizes. They come to the car after Jeonghan parks, opening the doors for them. “Hi boss.” They greet Jeonghan cheerfully moving to stand around the four like a entourage. The gang leader leads the pack, no one taking a step further than him. He made for an intimidating sight. Flanked by large men in leather jackets and skin painted in tattoos. Joshua and Jun must look out of place with them. Their threadbare T-shirts and faded jeans had nothing on the flashy leather jackets Jeonghan and The8 wore. Jeonghan’s jeans were such a perfect fit for him Joshua felt the must have been tailored. Who tailors jeans. “Boss there's a table here for you.” A few men sitting in a private booth cleared it and give it to Jeonghan. They were all so eager to please him. “Thank you. Feel free to eat anything boys. I'm paying today.” The gang members cheer and quickly find other places to sit. It was quite the odd site for them to see such normally stoic faced men so lively and actually grinning happily. Jeonghan pulled Joshua into the booth next to him. Leaving The8 to sit on the other side. Jun stood hesitantly not wanting to sit next to him. The8 sighed loudly and pat the chair next to him. “Sit, it's ok.” Jun sat at the edge of the seat reluctantly. “Order whatever you guys want.” Jeonghan hands them menus before flipping his own open. Joshua stared at the menu in his hands noting the Korean characters on the paper. His eyes dart up to catch Jun’s worryingly. Jun was originally from a Chinese tourist family that had gotten “lost”. So his Korean wasn't always the best. They had been working on reading and writing whenever they could. But having to constantly be on the run, find sources of food and money had made it always take the back burner. “Do you wanna share with me? The American portions are huge here.” The8 beat him to the punch offering to share with Jun. “Ah that's a good idea. Joshua share with me too.” Jeonghan chimed in an easy smile on his face. A stark difference to just 10 minutes ago when he had shot someone. “Ah sure.” Joshua replied, mostly out of fear of what the male would do if he said no. Who was he to say no to the free food anyways. “Do you like American food?” He nods, he knows Jeonghan is fishing for information. His name is Joshua. “Alright we’ll do the classic breakfast then.” After they order they go silent again. The noise from the other gang members is enough to keep Joshua and Jun on edge. Escape here isn't even a thought. The several gang members between them and the door was intimidating. Especially with Vernon and Chan still back at their base. It's a helpless feeling having to sit with their captors knowing pretty much nothing of what they were expected of. “So The8.” Jeonghan looks up from his phone and leans back casually, throwing an arm around Joshua’s shoulders. A smirk forming on his lips. “What?” His subordinate answers rudely, glancing up from his phone. Joshua is almost worried for him, but Jeonghan continues on like he doesn't care. “Do you want to pick up a collar for your new puppy?” Their reactions are instantaneous. Joshua and Jun tense up further, fear crossing Jun’s face and he leans away from the man next to him. The8,on the other hand, just sighs exasperatedly. His hand coming up to pinch at the bridge of his nose. “Can you not? You're scaring them.” His face twisted in irritation. Jeonghan laughed. Joshua felt his hand rest on his neck softly stroking the healing skin where the collar had been. Shivers course through his body, he tried staying as still as possible. Ignoring the want to jerk away. “But really, I don't have a use for him. If you want him around you should claim him.” “Why not, he speaks Mandarin?” The8 counters back. “I have you and the girl from interrogation.” Jeonghan replies nonchalantly, a smirk on his lips. “That's only two people. What if we’re both on missions?” The8 huffs. “Cantonese.” They both look at Jun with surprise. “I speak Cantonese too.” The two gang members look at each other. Jeonghan seems to contemplating the new information carefully. “Don't look at me. Jiĕ and I don't speak Cantonese.” “Fine. He can stay. But you're still taking care of him.” “In interrogation? He wouldn't last a day with us.” The8 scoffs. “No, I was thinking more along the lines of negotiations. We’ll talk about it more later.” He ends the conversation as their food is brought to the table. The spread of food was, as they said, huge. It was a welcomed sight compared to what they were used too. A heaping pile of scrambled eggs, sausages, crispy bacon, and hash browns. Joshua hadn't seen this stuff in years. The smell was enough to make his mouth water. “Your waffles will be out soon.” The waitress told them. ‘Waffles!’ “Here puppy.” Jeonghan had filled a fork with the food and held it up to him, he could feel the others hand on his neck encouraging him to come forward. His want of the delicious smelling bacon overpowered his embarrassment and he let himself be fed. “Jeonghan really?” The8 said as he split his own food onto two plates for him and Jun. “You know. Woozi said the same thing.” He laughed feeding Joshua another bite. This time hash browns and sausages. Amazing. “Probably cuz we’re actually sane.” The gang leader laughed again. His arm, that was still around his back, hitting Joshua lightly in mirth. “He can have his own plate when the waffles come. That stuffs too sweet for me.” Waffles The thought of real American waffles made Joshua excited. The last time he had them he was with his mother years ago. “Full?” After several bites Joshua refused a forkful Jeonghan tried to give him. He shook his head negative. He wanted to save space for the waffles. “You need to eat more Joshua.” Jeonghan told him encouragingly, the hand on his neck rubbed gently under the sensitive skin under his ear. It made shivers run down his spine again. The soft, almost kind, voice luled the tension pent up in his body. It was a false sense of security that his mind sent warnings that his body seemed to ignore as he relaxed slightly. “But waffles.” His voice whined out so quietly Jeonghan leaned closer. “What was that?” He questioned. “I wanted to try the waffles before I'm full.” He felt like a child trying to get dessert early. His ears burnt in embarrassment. “Oh right. They haven't come yet have they.” Jeonghan seemed pleased with his answer, resuming his petting along his neck. His other hand flicking casually at where the waitress stood, she rushed over in a panic. From the fear on her face, Joshua suddenly felt bad for saying anything. “Where are the waffles?” He questioned stiffly not bothering to even look at her. His hand was lifting the fork to Joshua again, he took the bite as to not make him upset. “Ah! So sorry. They're having trouble with the waffle iron.” Joshua watches as Jeonghan’s eyes turn to slits. “Trouble? What kind of trouble.” “Umm I'm not sure. I'm sorry.” Jeonghan hummed and took a bite himself. “Kyuhyun.” A large man stands from one of the side tables. “Yes boss.” “Go in the back and help this lady with their trouble.” The man nods and grabs the poor woman’s arm pretty much dragging her towards the kitchen. Minutes later there's sound of a scuffle and the man returns dragging a different person with him. The sight of the man's face had him wincing as it was rapidly turning purple. As the man was released he noticed Jeonghan and panic filled his expression. “He didn't want to make them for you boss.” Jeonghan barely spared a glance at the poor man. “Ah I see. Well. Get rid of him.” Joshua watches as tears well up in the man’s eyes, guilt tears at his conscious. “Wait! Pleas-” He turns away as the man is brutally punched across the face. “Please I have kids!” The man begged his mouth bleeding. “Jeonghan,” He tries to plead with him. “Don't worry they'll make your waffles now.” Jeonghan smiles at him, as if he didn't just condone a man to death. He’s being dragged towards the back door now. Whatever was going to happen to that man was on him. He couldn't just sit there and do nothing. “Please don't kill him!” The expression on Jeonghan's face freezes at his outburst. Out of the corner of his eye he sees Jun’s terrified expression, as well as the ever passive The8’s. “He refused to serve us. You want to spare him?” He tenses as the gang leaders hand grips the back of his neck firmly. “Yes. Please.” He let his eyes fall submissively. It was his fault the man was in the position to begin with. If he hadn't mentioned the stupid waffles none of this would have happened. “I'll tell you what, if you agree to take a punishment in his place I'll let him go.” Joshua felt like he had been dipped in ice, the restaurant suddenly too cold. The hand on his neck felt like fire. He could feel eyes on him from every direction. Jeonghan could use anything as a punishment. A typical gang beating that would leave his body riddled in bruises and cuts, or possibly the damned collar being locked around his neck again. Or, even worse, refusing to treat Vernon. But the sound of the man begging and the guilt he knew he would feel if he refused made his fear of all those things crumble. “I'll take it.”