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Chapter 4 (1/1)

The cool breeze hit luhans face as he got out of his car. Luhan offered xiumin his scarf when he saw xiumin shivering. Xiumin rejected his offer, saying that he'd warm up after eating. 'So, where are we having dinner? ' xiumin asked as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. Luhan grinned before he answered the question. ' Hotpot! This place has the best food i've ever tasted. ' Xiumins face immediately lit up after the ' hotpot' was mentioned. His eyes widened in excitement, and luhan thought he looked like a kitten. 'How did you know I like Hotpot? ' xiumin questioned. Luhan swore he could see hearts in xiumins eyes. 'Oh, I asked se-' Luhan answered without thinking, and paused his sentence when he realised what he just said. A light pink blush started forming on luhans cheek, and he turned his gaze away from xiumin so that he wouldn't be able to see him blushing. Instead of getting weirded out, xiumin just laughed it off. He took out his hands from his pockets and grabbed luhans wrist, which startled the doe eyed boy. 'come on, I'm getting hungry. . ' xiumin said with a pout. 'it's cold...'Luhan directed his eyes to xiumins tiny hands on his, cheeks burning red. He then started walking towards the Hotpot store as xiumin stared at him with a questioning look. He walked a few steps ahead of xiumin, trying to hide his blush.   As they reached the Chinese owned Hotpot store, the waitress led xiumin and luhan to a table on the top floor. Luhan ordered all the food, speaking jn his fluent Chinese. Before the waitress left, xiumin surprised luhan by ordering two beers using fluent Chinese. As the waitress left them to submit their orders, luhan had his mouth hanging open. It was weird to know that xiumin knew how to speak luhans native language as well. 'you. . You can speak Chinese? ' Luhan asked. Xiumin nodded, stating that he lived in changsha for 4 years when he was alot younger. Luhan nodded at the response, feeling slightly betrayed that sehun didn't tell him that xiumin could speak Chinese. They chatted for a while, learning more about each other until the food arrives. Xiumin exclaimed that it was the best food he had in decades, and luhan chuckled at his exaggeration. However, their conversation kept going as they ate. When their bellies were filled, luhan stood up to pay for the bill. Xiumin then stood up as well, attempting to rush to the counter to pay before luhan did. 'no, xiumin, I'll pay for this one, since I brought you here. ' Luhan said as he blocked xiumin, and seated him down at the chair. Xiumin pouted in response, but grinned as luhan assured him that he'd have to pay for their next 'date'. Luhan then made his way to the counter to pay up. As they left the restaurant, they were welcomed by the cold wind. They walked around a lake for a while, not saying anything and enjoying each other's presence. The silence is broken when xiumin spots a coffee store. 'Do you wanna go grab a coffee?' the feline eyed boy asked. Luhan loves coffee, so he nods aggressively, accepting the offer. The pair then walks to the coffee store, and is welcomed by a gush of warm air and the greetings of the staff. They both stand in front of the counter, deciding on what to get. Even if it's nearly zero degrees outside, luhan still decides to order an iced Americano.'I'll have an iced Americano please' luhan and xiumin both said in sync. They stared into each other's dark brown orbs, and xiumin laughed like a child, luhan joining in a few seconds later. The barista just stared at then awkwardly, letting out an awkward chuckle. 'then we'll have 2 iced Americanos please! ' xiumin said with his ever gummy smile. Luhan smiled stupidly at the thought of having so many similarities with the older boy. Xiumin then payed the price required. The batista handed xiumin the receipt and told them to have a seat while waiting for the drinks. Xiumin led luhan to a table with cushioned seats, and they sat opposite each other. The table is relatively small, so they were barely half a metre away from each other. Xiumin rested his head on his arms, signalling that he's sleepy. Luhan melted at the sight, he really wanted to pull the smaller into an embrace. Luhan and xiumin stood up at the same time as they heard their order number being called out. Xiumin glanced at luhan and told him that he'd get it. Luhan slumped into his seat as the older picked up their iced Americanos. They enjoyed their drink while talking, and luhan suggested that he'd drive xiumin home when he sees the orders eyelids getting heavier. Xiumin accepted, not bothering to get a cab as he was too tired.Luhan led xiumin to his car, getting xiumin to write down his address on a piece of paper before he dozed of to sleep. Luhan stared at the paper for a while. He had no idea where that place was, so he fished his phone out and looked for directions. He then started driving to the elders house as he found directions. As he stopped at a red light, he peeked at xiumin. He wanted to touch him so bad, but that'd wake him up. He listened to the elders soft breaths as if it was a lullaby, and his entire days worth of stress disappeared instantly. Luhan was at cloud 9.