Fight Me (1/1)
Hyung Jun and Jung Min had been out on a date when they had ran into one of Hyung Jun's ex girlfriends. They hugged and began talking, leaving Jung min to just stand and watch them. Before, Jung Min's hand had been intertwined with his husband's, but now Hyung Jun's hand was occassionally touching her hand and arm. Even touched her hair.Jung Min was fully aware while watching them that they had sex when they were together. It seriously irritated him to watch them together and basically get pushed to the side. Hyung Jun didn't even introduce them, though they had met before. But not even placed the guideline down that they were married now.When she finally left, Hyung Jun had a smile plastered on his face. Jung Min put his acting skills to good use and began to show a face to not let Hyung Jun know that he was pissed. Very pissed. But he also didn't want to make a scene.Lucky for Jung Min they were already on their way home. Hyung Jun looked over to Jung Min who smiled at him and smiled back. "So .. when we get home?"Jung Min glared at the ground from the question, "I'll think about it." Hyung Jun laughed and nodded, "arasso arasso."They walked in silence and finally got inside of their house. Hyung Jun tried to wrap his arms around Jung Min's waist and only got pushed away. "Yah... I thought you were thinking about it."Jung Min finally snapped, "I already knew my decision when I saw that girl with her hands all over you! Was she your first, hmm? That big stupid grin you had on your face was thinking about how times were better back then?"Hyung Jun was shocked, he hadn't even thought of it that way, "Jung Min that is--" Jung Min slapped Hyung Jun while tears fell down his face.Hyung Jun really was shocked, that was the first time Jung Min ever actually seriously hit him. Jung Min glared directly at him while the tears flowed down his face. Taking a deep breath, Hyung Jun sighed, "Jung Min..." The hand was brought up again but this time Hyung Jun was prepared and grabbed it. "Just listen to me!"Jung Min shook his head and pushed his husband to get away, but Hyung Jun was definitely stronger than him, "LET ME GO!""Not until you listen to me." Jung Min struggled more until he was almost outside his grasp, but Hyung Jun pinned him up against the wall and whispered, "listen."Hyung Jun waited until Jung Min didn't seem like he would struggle anymore, "yes... she was my first." Jung Min began to struggle again and Hyung Jun had to put more effort into holding him."Jung Min! Listen!" Jung Min shook his head and just screamed out, "NO! I waited for you, you were my first! And you just... flirt with your ex girlfriend in front of me?" Hyung Jun began to cry and kept his grip, "That is the past Jung Min! I married you! I know.. I made mistakes. But if there is one thing I know... you were not one of them."Jung Min bit his lip and shook his head, "not good...enough."Hyung Jun stopped gripping his arms and wrapped his own around Jung Min and held him to him. "That smile was thinking, how even though her and I had fun, I was even happier with you. That I was glad she seemed well and especially, that I moved on from her and found that I had what I really wanted."Jung Min pouted and rested his head on Hyung Jun's shoulder, "then why... touch her so much?" Hyung Jun pouted, "I didn't even realize.. I'm sorry. She..was my first... after all I guess, I just do those things.. without realizing. I... am so sorry. I was being inconsiderate to you."Jung Min just stood there quietly. Hyung Jun pouted and kissed the top of his head, "I love you my husband. You're the only one for me. This is my truth. No matter how dumb I get, you are the one I'm never giving up on."Jung Min wiped his eyes and nodded, "I'm sorry for getting jealous." Hyung Jun shook his head and shushed him gently, "you had every right to be... I'm sorry for making you feel that way. So... very very sorry."They embraced tightly and Hyung Jun nuzzled his head, "I'll understand if you don't want to make love tonight." Jung Min shook his head and looked at him, "no.. I need a little extra proof that you love me."