EP6 (1/1)

WE GOT BABY girl98 11380K 2023-11-03

EP6: A beautiful day in a house with family members inside home doing some things. Watching tv, playing toys. But only two person in the house, their only female in the house is not there with them. Krystal is working with her members. In the house, the father is watching tv while babysitting his son. The son is playing the toys that his parent buy for him earlier. NOON, They heard someone’s car is stopping infront of their house. Yoogeun heard sound of the car, he ran to the door. Minho follow his back walking.“Omma!” yoogeun said while running to the door. He saw his mother coming threw him. He ran to her mother with the hands open let krystal to carry him. Krystal carry yoogeun in her hand, and walk to minho who’s standing infront of the house door waiting for them.“Oppa, what you doing while I went to work?” krystal ask minho that standing infront of them.“That’s the first word you ask when you come home?!” minho ask pretending angrily.“Are you angry? Sorry oppa, I don’t know…”“Soojung I’m kidding. Don’t take this too serious.” Minho cut into krystal line.“Oppaaa….” “Let’s go inside first.” Minho said to krystal, and carry yoogeun from krystal’s hand.“Oppa, have you eaten?” krystal ask minho that’s sitting on the sofa continue watching the tv.“Yes. You?” minho ask back.“Yup, with the members. How about yoogeun? Is he eaten?”“Yes, just finished.”“Yoogeun, what you ate just now?” krystal ask yoogeun that’s concentrate playing his own toys.“Porridge!” yoogeun said while playing with his toys in his hand.“Is it nice?” Yoogeun nodded.“Oppa, how about we invite some of our friends to our home” said krystal to minho who’s sitting on the sofa watching tv pogram.“Sounds good. And our yoogeun also agree isn’t?” minho ask and carry yoogeun that’s playing toys on the floor.“Yess!” yoogeun said until clapping hands in his father arm.“So I guess the answer is yes!” krystal said.“Yup, but now we need to think about the foods,drinks and something else for our guests.” Minho said to krystal while stand from the chair for looking what food left in the house. Krystal follow minho to the kitchen. Minho open the fridge to see anything left in the fridge. While krystal went to the kitchen cupboard to see any snacks or drinks. Unfortunately, they didn’t found anything that can eat even drink.“Oppa, otteuke? Our house is empty…” krystal said to minho.“How about we just go to the market to buy some?”“This is the only way I think. Yoogeun want to go to market?” krystal went to yoogeun. “Yes!!” yoogeun said excitedly. “So let’s go now.” Krystal said. “Wait! You both wear this on.” Minho said to krystal and yoogeun while take their jacket to them. After krystal and yoogeun wear on their jacket, they went to market.