Chapter 5 (1/1)

Sometime I feel like I know this guy. His face, I mean his smile. His adorable yet innocent smile who I guess will melt a thousand of girls out there. I also can’t deny myself when I feel my heart pumping like crazy. He just reminds me to ‘HIM’, someone who saves my life 10years ago. The way the electricity catch whole my body when his hand on my cheek, and the way his soft voice covering my ears, he really looks like ‘HIM’ and seriously he makes me melting right now. Oh calm down, heart. Or else I’ll collapse at here, right now if you won’t calm down. Please stop beating like crazy, heart! “What are you doing here, Hoya? I thought you wanna buy something to eat? That crazy maknae really annoying and make me wanna slap him!” A cute looking guy come out from nowhere and asks the stranger in front of me. Oh I guess this stranger name is Hoya. Well, he definitely not my ‘savior’ because as far as I know, my savior’s name is Howon, Lee Howon. Why I feel sad after get know about his name? Maybe, just maybe, I hope that he’s my savior. “Oh erm, yeah. I’m about to go to cafeteria just now. L, would you mind give ‘us’ a second?” ask the stranger to his friend, or I guess I’ll call him Hoya after this. “Yup, suit yourself, bro! I’ll wait you at cafeteria, okay?” his friend said and smile to both of us. Wahh, he really cute, or I think the word ‘handsome’ is more suitable with him. Minnie would happy if he sees this guy. “Erm, here. You can use my IPod for a while.” Hoya said to me and he hand me his purple IPod. Well, I don’t expect that, seriously! And for God sake, we're just met about a minute ago, yet he handed me his IPod. Did he really trust me? “Is it okay with you? I mean, you without your IPod?” I ask him and hopeful he’ll take back what he just said. I mean, I, myself can’t even live without IPod, and I think that same thing happen with everyone else. What he said after that really shocking me, “Nu-uhh, it’s okay as long as my IPod is in your hand, Hyukjae.” Again, he is calling me with that name. Who are this Hoya guy huhh? I think I can die with this shit curiosity! “How do you know my real name? And FYI, no one can call me that way. Even my friends here called me Hyukkie.” And then, he just smiles and walks away. His IPod is still in my hand. OMG! Did he just leave me here without say anything? Dammit, why I feel so lost? Then I just headed to my class, and forgot anything about going to men’s room. He just makes me blur....“OUCH!!  Dammit, Minnie! What was that for?!” Minnie just hit my head with his history book. He really pissed me off! It’s really hurt I tell you! My head is fragile, not like his head, a stone head!“I called you for almost a hundred times, you idiot! Daydreams like always! What are you thinking just now?” Minnie replies me while pouting. I really can’t resist his cute pout because he really cute likes bunny. “Well, I don’t know either. What point talking with you even I can’t understand it myself?” I sigh. “Seems like you falling in love, my friend! I’m so happy with you! So who’s the lucky guy? Hae? Haha, tell me!!” Minnie said while jumping and giggling. He knows that I’m a gay since 1st day we met. He really that clever, I tell you! Like, he can read people mind. “And why of all people, it has to be Hae? No he’s NOT! He just my bestfriend, you know. I won’t ruin this relationship with this shit thing!” I said to Minnie with serious tone. Yeah, I won’t ruin this beautiful relationship with Hae, I know he won’t too. Even I’m a little bit felt something special whenever Hae is around me, but I just let it be. Well for me, I love the relationship that we have just now. That’s enough for making me happy with all my friends. “Oh, I thought you guys love each other, because from what I saw, Hae really take a good care of you! And it’s beyond the ‘bestfriend’ thingy!” Minnie whispering to my ears. He doesn’t need to do that because there are only us in this class room. I just let out the heavy sigh in front of Minnie. Author note: First of all, thanks to readers and lovely subs! For now, I think this story is way deflected from my original plot. But I'll fix it soon, and I'm sorry for my very "BAD ENGLISH" but I'll try my best on the next chapter. Please comment and enjoy! Love ya!! ^^