Chapter 2 (1/1)

“Yah stupid, stop running! You make me dizzy here!” I’m shouting at Donghae who happen to running around me. “Hyukkie, help me again, please! I’ll do anything if you help me this time. Please please please!!!” whining Donghae.“And why it’s always me who has to cross dressing, AGAIN? It’s already 10th times you know? And stop doing that puppy eyes!” I reply while pouting and pointing to his puppy eyes. And guess what? You guys right, this stupid Donghae here want me to cross dressing as a ‘GIRL’ and pretend to be his ‘girlfriend’ to get rid from his crazy fan girls. “Hyukkie, please! You know Hangeng hyung will be mad at me if I ask Chullie to cross dressing for me and you are my super duper bestie, and super duper bestie should help each other right? Right? HELP ME!!” Donghae whining is really annoying me but really I can’t do nothing except to help him because he make me crazy when he start to pretending to cry! “God dammit Hae!! Stop it, okay. Don’t cry, I’ll help you in one condition!” I reply and he nodded “Okay, I’ll do anything for you. Thanks Hyukkie, I love you!” he reply and hugging me. Oh heart, please beating slowly, Donghae might hear you. Stay calm, heart. “Okay, this is the last time I’ll cross dressing for you. Promise me you’ll not ask anything like this again and if your fans chasing you or do pervert things to you again, allowed me to help you using my own trick. Do you agree?” I said with serious tone, hopeful he won’t hear my crazy heart beating!! “Agree Hyukkie! Thanks Hyukkie!!” he said and jumping all around me. Haihh I thought I’m the one monkey here!We walk to Donghae’s house to change ‘myself’ from a boy to a girl. Well, Donghae’s sister, Jess really understanding girl since she’s the one who provide everything, the dress and makeup. Well, actually I get used to it, I mean cross dressing and everything. Donghae always make me to do it, I don’t mind at all but it getting annoying since his fans really doesn’t know how word of ‘GIVE UP’ is function. Even Donghae is not some kind of artist or dancer, he really that attractive and that the main reason why all the girls in school always chasing him, molest him do the pervert thing. I think Donghae won’t mind at all if his fans is behave but since the day he got molest by some of his fans, he keep asking me to help him. Here I am, in white dress and long black wavy wig. A little makeup and DANGG I’m so beautiful!! Thanks to Jess, she’s the one who do everything here. “You look beautiful than other girls out there, Hyukkie!” Jess praises me. She so kind and I believe her boy friend is so lucky to have her. “Hehe, thanks Jess. You really that supportive and I can’t imagine if you’re not here helping Donghae and me. Well, his crazy fans really annoyed him a lot lately.” I reply with a smile. “Yeah I saw it too, Hyukkie. Please take care of him, will you?” Jess asks me. Hell I’m gladly to help him, well as a friend of course. “Jess, you know I won’t let him trough this by himself, and that’s what friends to be. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of him.” I said and smile to her. Then we both hear knock at the door. Jess open the door and and i saw Donghae stiff at his spot, and blushes? Did I saw him blushes? Over what? Okay, that’s weird, like he never saw me in girl outfit before. “Err Ha-Hae, w-what are you do-doing?” I’m stutter because his face was inch of me and he suddenly kiss me on my left cheek. He freaking kiss my cheek! Oh heart, please calm down right now!! “Sorry Hyukkie, I can’t stop myself from kissing your cheek. I’M SORRY!” he shout at me. “Relax Hae, no need to shouting over nothing. Can we go now?” I reply while smile. A simple “Okay” is given by Donghae and he grabs and intertwines our fingers together.So here we go, another harsh word will throw to me from his fans. Hopeful they'll not throwing eggs to me again!(End of Hyukkie's POV)