CH9 (1/1)
A/N: Chapter 9 is finally up! (/^▽^)/ This chapter is mainly Baekhyun-centric, but it'll shift back to our lovely Jongdae next update! To be honest, it was kinda heartbreaking to write specific scenes in this chapter. You'll see which parts I mean as you read. As always, thank you all for the subscriptions and comments! Enjoy~ (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧Baekhyun wakes up as the sun’s rays peek through the blinds and feathers from the pillow beneath him dance in the air. At first, he feels panicked, the bed feeling unfamiliar. But soon enough he recognizes he’s in Jongdae’s room, and tries to sit up. He is immediately hit with head pounding, and suddenly remembers how much alcohol he consumed the night before. “You were pretty drunk,” a voice resonates from the door in front of him. Baekhyun rubs the drowsiness from his eyes and finds his best friend leaning against the frame of the door, a drink in his hand, which he gives to Baekhyun. “Drink it,” he says, and Baekhyun does, making a face at its bitter taste. “Just drink it, you baby.” Jongdae laughs at the pout Baekhyun makes. “It’s supposed to help with hangovers. At least, that’s what Minseok told me. Minseok, the bartender at the coffee shop next door?” Jongdae adds when he gets a confused look from Baekhyun. The latter snorts. “Don’t you mean barista? There’s a huge difference between the two.” But Baekhyun downs the drink nonetheless, and he lets out a sigh of relief when he feels his nausea subside. “Thanks for the drink. Ugh, I still feel like shit. I’m going to shower, if that’s alright?” Jongdae nods. “You know where your toothbrush and clothes are.” And Jongdae excuses himself to make breakfast to the duo. Baekhyun gets up after a minute, and is about to make his way to the bathroom when something in the corner of his friend’s room catches his eye. He strides over and curiously picks up what appeared to be… a watch? “Did Jongdae get one of those watches…?” Baekhyun murmurs to himself, turning the watch so he can check the time. He is surprised to find that the screen is broken, obscuring the time or any clue of who his best friend’s soul mate might be. Although Baekhyun wonders why his best friend didn’t confide in him of the situation, he sets the watch down and makes his way to the shower. Last night’s party left him with a throbbing headache that needed soothing. After a much needed shower, Baekhyun slips on his clothes and freshens up before having a brief breakfast. The two chatter aimlessly about last night’s party and upcoming game releases. Eventually, Baekhyun thanks his friends before departing for his own home. “It’s Friday tomorrow, right? You up for a couple of rounds of Resident Evil 5?” he asks when he’s stepped out of the comfortable apartment. “Of course! I’ll totally kick your ass,” Jongdae jokes and he bids Baekhyun farewell with a laugh and innocent embrace. Baekhyun sticks out his tongue before making his way to his own home. He pulls out his phone and feels slightly disappointed that he has no missed messages or calls whatsoever. But he shoves those feelings aside and shoots off a text to Chanyeol asking if he was feeling any better from his hangover. (140118, 12:03PM)To: BaekhyunFrom: ChanyeolCould be worse, but thanks for asking. ^^ How about you? (140118, 12:04PM)To: ChanyeolFrom: Baekhyunaww, poor baby. jongdae gave me some weird drink that made me feel a lot better thankfully.anyways, you probably need to rest today, so how about we hang out tomorrow? *: (140118, 12:06PM)To: Baekhyun From: ChanyeolJongdae, huh? Well, that’s good. And yeah, sounds like a plan. See you tomorrow then? (140118, 12:07PM)To: ChanyeolFrom: Baekhyunyay! see you tomorrow then <3 rest well! Baekhyun smiles earnestly at their exchange. It was short, but nonetheless, he gets to see his boyfriend tomorrow and he was absolutely ecstatic. He decides to pass the rest of the day finishing up his homework and hanging out with Jongdae and Sehun at the cafe (Lu Han decided to stay home due to his hangover). Baekhyun smiles as he stares absent-mindedly at a girl’s attempt to flirt with Jongdae, but the male just politely puts down her advances. Baekhyun and Sehun share amused glances at how persistent the girl was, but she eventually backs down when Sehun throws an arm around Jongdae and tells him to get back to work. Baekhyun cracks up when the door slams shut, but Jongdae only sends him a fatal glare. “You could’ve helped me earlier, you know!” Jongdae whines, but gives Sehun an appreciative look. “At least I had Sehun here to save my sorry ass.” “Why didn’t you just tell her no?” Baekhyun says as he rolls his eyes. “Or tell her you’re taken or something.” He remembers seeing the watch at his friend’s house and immediately wants to ask him about it. Of course, his mouth opens before he can even think about it. “Don’t you have a soul mate?” Jongdae sputters and stares at Baekhyun in astonishment. “What do you mean?!” He fumes, obviously embarrassed. “Shoot. Uh, I saw the watch at your house,” Baekhyun admits. Well, might as well keep pressing, Baekhyun thinks before interrogating his friend. “The screen was broken though, so I don’t know anything. How could you keep your dearest friend out of the dark? Who is the lucky girl? Or guy, I don’t really care.” He waves his eyebrows suggestively at his beet-red friend who just stares at him in horror. “Hyung hasn’t found him yet,” Sehun interrupts, catching Baekhyun’s gaze. “Or rather, he hasn’t found hyung yet.” Baekhyun finds himself a bit confused at Sehun’s explanation, but decides not to press the issue any further. “Sehun knows and I don’t?” Baekhyun says as he feigns hurt. “But good luck Jongdae! I’m sure they wouldn’t be able to resist your charms,” He sees Jongdae laugh and roll his eyes at him before thanking him. After that, the air of the coffee shop returns to normal, and soon enough, Baekhyun’s already at home and falling on his bed, too excited to sleep. Sure, him and Chanyeol have hung out countless times as a couple, but he knew tomorrow was going to be especially special. Amber had called Baekhyun in the morning and told him that Chanyeol was planning something special for him the next day, and Baekhyun could not keep his excitement in. He was a sucker for romantic adventures and sappy gestures of love, so he tries his best to sleep, and he eventually does, his thoughts filled with love and hope. --Baekhyun wakes up the next morning to a buzzing phone, and he lights up in delight to see it’s a text from Chanyeol, asking him to meet him at the park at 1. The eager boy glances up at the clock and realizes he has 2 hours before he has to meet Chanyeol, so he decides to freshen up. He takes a shower, fixes his hair, and uses his favorite eyeliner pencil before throwing on a casual (but cute) outfit consisting of a red button-down and black skinny jeans. After a light breakfast he heads down to the park, and he feels as if he’s on cloud-nine. Unfortunately, it looks as if rain clouds would roll in at any moment, but that doesn’t put a damper on Baekhyun’s mood. He spots the giant at the same bench where he had confessed to him so long ago (“so long ago” being a few weeks) and he makes his way towards the bench, and wraps his arms around his boyfriend’s neck. “Hey Yeollie,” Baekhyun greets, beaming. But when Chanyeol only turns around and looks conflicted and lost, Baekhyun immediately drops his arms. “Yeol?” He tries again, resting his hand on Chanyeol’s own. Baekhyun flinches when Chanyeol moves his hand away. “Chanyeol, what’s wrong? Is everything okay?” and Baekhyun feels his heart sink. Was this about his family? His job? A few seconds pass in dead silence, and Baekhyun hears thunder clouds boom nearby. “Baekhyun,” Chanyeol finally says, and the small boy immediately lets his gaze rest on a pair of lost eyes. “Yes? Is there something I’ve done wrong? Or is it cause of classes? Whatever it is, I’m here for you,” Baekhyun speaks hurriedly, attempting to cheer up his lover. “No, Baekhyun.” Chanyeol says, and Baekhyun cringes at the indifferent tone. But nothing surprises Baekhyun more than when Chanyeol pulls up his sleeves and reveals a watch sitting on his wrist. “You… You got a Cupid’s Watch?” Baekhyun whispers. Baekhyun prays that this is all a joke, that the clouds would all go away and Chanyeol would get up and hug him and tell him it was all just for show and the watch was a fake. But when Chanyeol only shows him the screen and he sees the name of someone else(*), Baekhyun knows that this is all real. It was all very real and very cruel. He feels his heart drop and his throat close up. “That watch doesn’t mean anything!” Baekhyun suddenly cries. No one’s around to see the lovers’ quarrel, so Baekhyun’s voice just rises even higher. “It’s some scientific bullshit! Love can’t be predicted or calculated at all!” Baekhyun’s throat feels dry and he sees Chanyeol flinch at Baekhyun’s sudden outburst. “I’m sorry, baby,” Baekhyun apologizes. “It’s just that… We were so in love, right? Why is this stupid watch getting in the way of our relationship?”Chanyeol gives Baekhyun a sad look before shaking his head. “No, Baekhyun, we weren’t in love. At least, I wasn’t.” Baekhyun takes a step back at the giant’s confession. What?! His mind is screaming, but Chanyeol continues. “At the beginning, maybe, but recently, I know it hasn’t been working. Don’t cry, Baekkie,” he says, reaching up to wipe a droplet off of Baekhyun’s cheeks. “... I’m not crying,” Baekhyun insists, as he points to the sky. Droplets of water begin to fall down slowly, but Baekhyun knows that tears are threatening to fall out of his eyes at any second. “Don’t call me that,” he adds, taking another step back. “Don’t call me that when I know that affection is all just an illusion.” “Baekhyun,” Chanyeol says, rising from the bench. “Baekhyun,” he says again, “I don’t want things to end badly between us. I really did like you, but I knew from the moment we walked into Jongdae’s bakery on the first day that it wasn’t going to work out.” Baekhyun sniffles as he feels the rain soak through his shirt. “Jongdae’s bakery? What does that have to do with us?” Baekhyun demands, but Chanyeol just shakes his head. “I’m sorry, Baekhyun, I really am. I wish it didn’t have to end this way. It just wasn’t meant to be this way,” and Chanyeol plants a swift kiss on Baekhyun’s forehead before walking away. “I’ll see you around,” he says, giving a sad smile to his ex-lover.Baekhyun watches the giant’s back, as it gets farther and farther, eventually consumed by the fog created by the rain. Baekhyun doesn’t say a word after Chanyeol’s departure. He only curls up on the bench, and cries.(*) - One detail of the Cupid's Watch I didn't go over was that if you've already met your soul mate by the time you get one, it shows the name of your partner instead of the time.Thanks for reading and upvoting! You have no idea how happy that makes me. ;u;. I know their break-up was kinda sudden, but a lot will be cleared up next chapter! Our poor Baekhyunnie is too sad to think about why and how it all happened.Update on the second fic I'm doing; it seems that as of now, I'll be doing a Suchen fic! I'll probably start drafting either tonight or tomorrow, so depending on when I start is when I'll close the poll. Thank you all for voting! <3