Same Old? (1/1)
Thanks for the comments. You guys keep me happy. :( I'm a bit down right now... 4 years later…. Jiyong's POV “Okay, all of you are going right?!” Seungri excitedly asked. He’s been bugging all of us with his graduation party next week. “And everyone, don’t’ forget your presents.” “Yah, aren’t you a little too old for that? Besides we’re all graduating.” Daesung teased. “Aishht, even just a little gift. Come on, it’s not like I’m asking you guys too much.” He said cutely trying to win sympathy. “Aigoo, stop with your aegyo Seungri, it’s making me sick!” Bom glared at him. “Noona, you’re so mean.” He pouted to further annoy her but she just ignore her this time so he turned to me,“Anyways, hyung, you’ll come right? Even Minho and Hyun Joong promised to be there.” “I don’t know.” I said innocently. “Why do you have a date?! Aiya! So you’re really dating Gyuri-shi?” I smiled. It’s been long but I know my heart’s desire never changed. Yeah I flirt once in a while but it’s getting boring already. “Is it true Ji?” Bom snapped at me. “We go out, nothing serious though.” “We’ll I don’t know if I should be glad that you’re being you again.” Bom heaved a sigh. She never really seemed to get over her guilt with what happened. She never said it but it shows on her actions. However, I chose to continue on with whatever it is in front of me. I tried not to think of her all this time, tried to busy myself with school, stuff, girls but who am I kidding. She left. She doesn’t want a lying shit like me and I have to respect that. “Then bring her then.” Seungri suggested. I nudged him in the head, “It’s nothing serious, I don’t think I need to introduce her to you guys, thinking of it, maybe I’ll just have to stop seeing her. It’s getting kind of lame.” CL widens her eyes, “How could you play with girl’s feelings!” She accused with disgust on her face. “She was the one following me like a dog, I thought to give it a try but it’s not my fault I’m not enjoying her company.” I pointed out. “Whatever.” She turned her back on me and continued her talk with Minzy and muttered a word which sound a lot like "jerks". “Hey Ji Hye!” I called out as I recognize a figure walking towards out. I spread my arms wide ready to hug the now running girl. “Aigoo, you’re getting heavier by the day!” I lifted her up as she gave me a kiss. “Yah Jiyong, my kid is just 2 years old, I could sue you for child molestation.” Dong wook warned as he walk hand in hand with Han Byul. The rest of the guys greeted them. I pouted cutely, “would you want that Ji Hye?” The kid shook her head. “That’s my girl and because of that, I’ll treat this pretty baby anything she wants.” “Jiyong looks cute with a child right? Yah Jiyong, if you want a child too, you should take girls seriously.” Byul remarked. “I know. I know Mom! Seriously, I thought I left my mom at home.” Ji mocked at her. “Yah, hyung. Ji Hye and I will just go to the mall. I promised her I’ll buy her a Barbie doll the next time we meet, and the next time is like right now.” He didn’t wait for Se7en’s reply as he walked away while supporting Ji Hye’s small steps. “Take care of her Ji!” Byul reminded in a loud voice. “And don’t let her eat too much chocolate!” “Neh!” I waved back before finally exiting the door. It took half an hour before Ji Hye finally chose her Barbie doll. Barbie dolls actually…3 barbie dolls, well I can’t really resist buying her just one. We will finally pay for it when I noticed I was short on cash but good thing I know there is an ATM at the far end of the mall. I just decided to leave Ji Hye on the playground inside the toy store and have a store employee watch over her while I withdraw money. Back on the store, I immediately looked for Ji Hye and saw her playing in the corner of the playground, laughing while playing with the other kids. I decided to just wait for her. My eyes roamed around the other kids playing and one particular boy who seemed to be a little older than Ji Hye was just standing looking at the other kids. He seemed envious but he has a cold expression worn on his face. “Hey kid, why don’t you play with them?” He was taken aback by my sudden intrusion but then relaxed after a few seconds. “I don’t like to play. There aren’t drawing books here either so I guess I just have to seat before my mom picks me up” He said while bowing his head, his voice sad and lonely, while dragging his feet to seat beside me. “Really? You choose books instead of playing? I didn’t know a kid who doesn’t want to play existed. But why?” I curiously asked. “Because…because I grew tired easily. I'm a bit sick…and I don’t want my mom to always worry about me.” He admitted shyly. However, I was amazed by how such a young kid could think about such things. “We’ll you can still play even if you don’t run around so much. How old are you anyway?” “Four.” “And you worry such silly things. You see that girl” I pointed out Ji Hye. “She’s my niece and she has asthma. You can play with her. I know she’ll be happy about it, you see her having fun right?” “Really?” His face glowed, first time he smiled, and I couldn’t help but notice his features are familiar. Nah, shrugging the thoughts off my head. I nodded. “I guess, but maybe next time. My mom will get here already soon.” I smiled hesitantly as I was amazed how a 4 year old kid seemed to talk like a 7 year old. “Oh there she is!” He excitedly pointed out. “Joong Ki.” A sweet voice called out. Wait I know that voice. “Can we go now? Are you done playing?” She walked past me but I still didn’t get a chance to see her face as I was immobile in my spot. He nodded sadly. She bent down to him, “I’ll guess. You didn’t play again. How many time s do I have to tell you?” ‘that voice’. She sighed. “Never mind, let’s just go.” She stood up. She then looked at me, “Oh, do you know this guy?” I almost had a heart attack seeing the face that’s been haunting my dreams all these years. ‘But what? Did she just ask me who I am?’ “Yeah, he’s… ” Joong Ki started. “Jiyong” I managed to say. “Oh, nice to meet you Jiyong-shi. I hope my son didn’t bother you or anything like that.” ‘What the heck is happening?’ I stared at her in confusion. “Y-Ye..Yeah.” “Yeah...?” She followed my voice and confusion started to paint on her face too. “Have we met before?...” I got more confused as this conversation went on. She scratched her head, “Never mind. I’m sorry it’s just that, my memories kind of backfired or you could say something like that, it’s complicated. So I got a habit of asking everyone who stares at me. I hope you don’t mind. ” “Ani, it’s okay.” “Okay…” She smiled at me and then turned to Joong Ki. “Let’s go?” The little guy nodded. “Bye Jiyong.” “Bye.”they both waved. “B-Bye.” And just like that I let go of her. Just like that I knew she was really gone. She have her own family now and it seems like she forgot whatever painful memory she had with me. Good for her, atleast I know she’s happy. And just like that with a simple bye. Good bye forever. I have to let her go now. The End. Just trolling! Got yah!.. anyways… “Jiyong?!” My thoughts were broken as a girl waved and run to my direction.“Gyuri?! Why are you here?” “Jiyong…” She smirked as she walked. ‘I’m sorry but I remember now, I know who I am and what I want. I’m sorry about being too selfish about it. I already know who I am. I am not her…Because I am…’ Her son's statement broke her thoughts, “He doesn’t seem to know us.” She kneeled at front of her son and smiled. “He is just surprised to see us.” “Well,I think because you pretended not to know him.” Her son’s answers always amaze her. “You think so smarty pants? We’ll Omma have to punish him for giving me such a stubborn kid like you that’s why.” She then tickled his waist and then his neck and the child struggled to break free. “Stop Omma!” He tried to plead while laughing. She stopped when she heard her phone beeped. She then dialed a number, “Bom? It’s me. We need to talk.” Is it a bit fast? I hope not.