Cute (1/2)


When he woke the touchy lady was gone. He hadn't allowed her to do what she wanted to do and he knows that she didn't because he's trousers were still on and his belt hadn't been touched. However, she wasn't where he had left her. Usually, when someone is pushed off a building and land on their face, they stay where they had landed but she wasn't there. He decided not to wonder about her whereabouts too much and headed to his room for a shower. He opened his room door and there she was.

"I gathered that maybe you didn't want to up there since it was a public place but your room isn't public at all."

"You have a kid that you should be getting to." He held the door wide open for the to leave but she threw her arms around his neck and kicked the door shut.

"She's with my husband so we've got time."

"YOUR MARRIED! GET OFF ME!" She didn't listen and began kissing his neck. The door opened slightly.

"Hello? I heard yelling?" The touchy lady covered Jungkook's mouth and pushed him towards the wall behind the door. He must be her husband. Jungkook couldn't talk but he could still bang his head on the door which is what he did and a tall dark haired man came to look. He pulled the touchy lady off Jungkook.

"You promised me you wouldn't anymore." He dragged her out the room and apologised for his wife. The door was closed and locked so no one could enter and he showered for a long time making sure there wasn't any lipstick left on his skin. He scrubbed hard on his neck but it wasn't lipstick she left a hickey. Now when people ask how he got it he'll have to make up some girlfriend that never existed. He turned the shower off and put on a top that covered his hickey.

"Jungkook? Are you coming to play?" She probably never knew off what her mother had done to him so he acted like nothing happened and played with the kids, chucking them into the fountain one by one.

"Your turn." They all pointed at him and threw him into the fountain altogether. They were much smaller than him but their strength made it possible for them to succeed.

"Jungkook..." They gathered around him and handed him pieces of paper, "We love you. Please play with us a lot." They had drawn pictures of them all playing. He smiled and promised that he would. Then he noticed how much they had grown. When he first met them they were missing out words whenever they spoke but now they knew very big words and never missed a word but added more. They were even more adorable than before. Little baby's speaking like adults with the same vocabulary. How funny.