Puppy Eyes (1/1)
More than 30 minutes has past and Luhan and Xuimin was not back."What is taking those two so long" Saied the teacher"God knows what happen to them"Chen Yee replied"Ok forget about those two lets start the class"When the class is about to start Luhan and Xiumin came in the class "Wow both of you what took you so long" "Sorry the waiter was so stupid I feel like killing him" Luhan saied still irritated by the waiter"Ok I'll forgive you this time and also no more next time if you are late for my class you are gonna sit outside and study""Yes teacher!" all for us saied in reply"Now can we start class""Ya!""Oh Shit!" Xiumin shouted"What happen?" Luhan ask"I didn't bring my book""Looks like someone didn't bring there book""Is't ok teach I can borrow Luhan's one" Xiumin saied thinking that he solve the pazzle"If I borrow you my book than I don't have a book""Thats true..... Than I'll sit next to you and we can share the book""Ya you should sit next to me"Luhan saied happly "I'm afraid that is not gonna happen Mr! Both of you will talk alot in class"The teacher saied "Than this time I promise we won't talk at all"Xiumin saied angrily "No no no! Xiumin you sit next to Chen Yee"The teacher saied pointing at the sit next to Chen Yee "What! Hell no he is not gonna sit next to me"Chen Yee saied hoping that the teacher will change her mind "What do you mean no! I want to start my class so faster take your sit Xiumin""Hell no you'r not gonna sit next to me"Chen Yee saied looking at XiuminXiumin took the chair at the opposite table infront of Chen Yee and sit donw facing her."Happy I'm not siting next to you""I like it better you not here" Chen Yee snaped at Xiumin"Better you like it or not I'm here so live with it"Xiumin snaped back at Chen YeeHas the class continued Chen Yee look up ever minute to look at Xiumin's face. After taking a few peek at Xiumin who was looking infront turn his haed to look at Chen Yee.*Damn I never notice this but she is very pretty* Xiumin thought still looking at her Chen Yee wanted to look up to see the teacher but ended up looking at Xiumin who is gazing at her.*Why the hell is he looking at me* Chen Yee thought The class was suppose to end by now but the teacher carry on teaching because Luhan and Xiumin was late. In the middle of class Chen Yee's phone started to ring.*Oh it just mom* Chen Yee thought hanging up the call "If you have to go Chen Yee you leave now""Really I can leave the class now""Ya or do you wanna stay""No thanks I'll be going" Chen Yee replied standing up and picking her bag ready to leave the classroom "Thanks for everything teacher Bye""Your welcome Chen Yee bye"the teacher saied waving good bye to Chen Yee"Bye Chen Yee!" Chen Yee look at Xiumin that is giving her the puppy eyes look causes Chen Yee to blush a little *Somebody kill me PLS cuteness overload here*Chen Yee thought looking away and ran out the door And that is the end of this chapter hope you like it :)