I love you, Dongho (1/1)

There’s a high school student who was an honor student he always studied, every night, every day even there’s no homework or projects his always reading books and make himself busy, he didn’t go out to hang-out with his friends, because for him it just a waste of time. He has six best friends, they’re also an honor student but the boy named Dongho is smarter than them, every time the time stopped at 0330 p.m. all of them must go to Soohyun’s house to talk about something important about his lives, talking about his love life, Dongho’s love life. Soohyun is expert in advising, all of his best friends have a girlfriend, Dongho is a nerdy boy, he always concentrate to his studies that’s why his six best friends called him “smarty-kid” and so  that’s why he still don’t have any girlfriend. While Dongho was walking at the hallway and tossing his baseball ball in the air, he’s about to catch the ball but it slip on his hand and while his running to get the ball that is rolling on the ground, his head accidentally hit by a person who is in the ground as well, getting the papers on the ground.“Ohh,” Dongho touching his head, “What the----“he stopped, Dongho meet the eyes of the girl, “Ohh,” the girl talked.“I’m sorry” the girl talked again, Dongho can’t talked. “Uhmm, Hello?” the girl touched the shoulder of Dongho and that made him move, then Dongho touched the hand of the girl, “Hello.” Dongho smiled.The girl blushed, and removed her hand in the shoulder of Dongho, “Is this yours?” holding the baseball ball, “Yes, that’s mine. Thank you.” Dongho about to stand but he noticed many papers are on the ground, so he sits back and help the girl, “Let me help you, Chin.” Dongho gets the remaining papers on the ground and gave it to the girl. The girl stopped because Dongho know her name,“T---thank you” the girl stammer and continue gets the papers to Dongho. A minute of silent between the two, Dongho phone rings, “Hello?”“Yah! Dongho-yah, where are you?” a mad voice, Eli talked on the other line.“I’m at school.” Dongho replied and look to the girl beside him.“Where already here at Soohyun’s house, we can’t find you anywhere so we thought you’re already here.” a calm voice talked, it was Kevin.“Sorry, I’ll be there in 15 minutes.” Dongho hang up the phone and smiled to the girl.“Is there something wrong?” the girl asked Dongho that still holding his phone.“Mmm” he rubs the back of his head, “That was my friends, we always decided to go to Soohyun’s house to have a simple talk about-----“he didn’t continue his sentence.“About?” the girl asked and smiled to Dongho.“Never mind,” he smiled, “I better go now.” He walks away and wave to the girl.“I have to ask some----“she didn’t continue the boy just disappeared. The girl feels so happy after he met Dongho in minutes ago, “He’s so cute. I can still feel the arm of Dongho touching my hand. The way he smiled at me, my heart wants to jump outside because of super happiness.”Dongho was already in front of Soohyun’s house, “I should ask her number.” He whispered, “She’s surprised after I said her name a while ago.” Dongho opened his phone and there’s the picture of the girl she just talked a while ago, Chin.Dongho likes Chin in a very long time but he doesn’t have any courage to tell it, while he’s talking to himself the door in front of Dongho opened, “Dongho! Finally, your here.” AJ grabbed the arm of Dongho and they’re both entered inside the house. Dongho’s best friends we’re eating foods at the kitchen, Eli is one who is cooking because he’s good at it. "Dongho is already here, guys." AJ talked while they’re both walks towards the others. "Let’s eat guys." Soohyun talked who is eating and the food is inside his mouth."Aish! Soohyun, don’t talked if you’re mouth is full of foods." Hoon talked annoyed. "Bleeh". Soohyun, replied with his tongue out. Dongho sat beside Kevin, "So, Dongho how’s baseball practice?" Kevin asked Dongho. "Little bit tired. Can I ask something with you guys?" Dongho asked his best friends, they’re just nod signaling that he’s free to ask question, "How to court a girl?" Dongho continued.Soohyun spits the food that’s inside his mouth, "Soohyun! The food is all over the table." AJ talked who is standing."Oh! sorry" Soohyun smile.Hoon, Kiseop and Kevin who are eating suddenly stopped and Eli dropped the spatula that he was holding, "What?!", his best friends asked in shocked."Did you just ask us," Kiseop points everyone," how to court a girl?!" Kiseop continued."Yes, you heard it right." Dongho replied."Who is this lucky girl?" Eli asked who is already finished cooking there foods and sat beside Hoon, AJ decided to sat beside Dongho, they’re now all facing each other. "Uhm----mmmm," Dongho starts to rubs the back of his head, his best friends know that his nervous because he always do that."Dongho!" all of them talked in chorus."Okay, fine! It’s Chin." he replied."Is that the girl who is your wallpaper?" Hoon asked.“You know her?” AJ and Kiseop looks to Hoon.Dongho was surprised in what Hoon said, "Yes. Wait! Hoon, how did you know--- that" he stammered."You forgot already? Two days ago, I borrowed your phone so I can call to my girlfriend, and so I saw it." Hoon explained."Oh, I see." Dongho replied. "You like her?” Kiseop asked, then Dongho nod.“Then, why you didn’t ask her out?” Kiseop continued."I don’t know, why. Maybe because I’m afraid that she will---" Dongho stopped then Soohyun continued it, "reject you." Dongho just nod."Why, don’t you call her now and ask her to go on a date with you." AJ suggested. "No." Dongho replied. "Why?" Eli asked."I don’t have her number, while I’m walking towards the gate of the school we bumped each other I want to get her number but I don’t have any courage to do it." Dongho replied with sad emotions. "Be a man, okay?" AJ pats his back. Two days after that talked, it’s a rainy Thursday morning, while Dongho was walking towards their house, and he saw Chin outside the coffee shop alone so Dongho decided to go in there together with Chin, "Your clothes are so wet." Dongho talked who is already besides Chin, Chin was surprised because she didn’t know that Dongho was already beside her, "Oh no. It’s fine." Chin smiled shyly.A minute of silent between them, then Dongho talked, "Let’s get inside, Chin." Dongho grabbed her hand and walks towards the coffee shop, they’re already inside the coffee shop and they’re sat beside the window, "Here take this. Go change your clothes and use this mine instead." Chin doesn’t want to take it but since Dongho keep on insisting it, she doesn’t have any choice but to take it. Chin left Dongho in there table and walks towards the bathroom, in about 10 minutes of changing Chin left the bathroom. She saw Dongho looking outside the coffee shop looking for the raindrops, Chin poked Dongho’s shoulder to inform him that she’s already there.Dongho turned around, "You’re so cute with my t-shirt Chin." he smiled gently, Chin smiled shyly. Chin look on her watch, "I better go now." Chin got her bag on the table and about to start her first step but Dongho grabbed her hand, "Can I get your number?"Chin was surprised and she didn’t know what to do, "Uhm---mm, I don’t know---" she rubs her head using her other hand. "Please, Chin." he begged. Chin in the end she gave her number to Dongho. Dongho was at his room he don’t know if he will going to dialChin number, it’s already 9p.m. in the evening and he now start dialing the number, while waiting for Chin to answer the phone, Dongho on the other line is nervous, 5minutes later he heard a voice in the other line,"Ahem, hello?" he talked in a nervous voice."Who is this?" the person asked on the other line. "It’s me, Dongho." he replied. "Ohh, mmmmm---- “,  Chin cough."Are you okay? Are you sick? What happened?" he asked in a worried voice."No, I’m not sick." she replied."Pwew, that’s a relief." Dongho smiled and chuckle in the other line. Chin and Dongho are so happy in there both accompany, Dongho is teaching Chin playing piano, he didn’t even go on Soohyun’s house. Dongho called his best friends about his relationship with Chin, and his best friends understand him.Days passed and it’s Monday, Chin was reading her biology book, and a hand cover her eyes at her back, "Who’s this?" she removed the hand in her eyes and turned around, "Y----ou." Chin gave Dongho a surprised look. "Hello, Chin." Dongho smiled."Hi." Chin smiled. "After class, meet me at the rooftop of our school, okay?" Dongho gave Chin a sweet smile. "But, why?" she asked. "I’m going to tell you if you’re already there. You’ll be there, right?” Dongho smiled. “Promise me?” "Okay. I promise.", Chin smiled.After the class, as promise by Chin, she went to the rooftop after their class Chin already saw Dongho in there, "Hi.", Chin talked and poke Dongho’s shoulder. "Oh, you’re already here.", he replied happily."Yes, so, what do you want to talk about? Is it that important that we should talk here in the rooftop only the two of us?" Chin asked."Yes, I’m going to say it straight now, Chin." Dongho breathe heavily, and he continued, "I want you to be my----" Dongho is shaking. “Be my girl, Chin. I want you to be my girlfriend.” Dongho kneeled in the ground and lift the flowers he was holding.Chin cover her eyes, and a fell on the cheeks of Chin, Dongho stood up and hugged Chin, “Are you okay? Am I that fast?” Dongho asked.“I’m sorry,  Dongho. I don’t like you.” Chin replied to him and runaway. Dongho threw the flowers on the ground and shouted. Two days, after that his best friends noticed that he’s changed. Dongho didn’t go anymore in Soohyun’s house, didn’t answered there calls, and the big problem of his best friends that they’re noticed is that he didn’t read his books, all his grades are getting lower. So they’re asked Dongho while they try to visit him in there house, Dongho was at the back of their house, “Dongho, what’s wrong?” Soohyun asked while his hand was on Dongho’s shoulder. “Nothing!” he removed Soohyun’s hand.“We’re your best friends, tell us your problem, Dongho” Kevin asked. “I said! “Nothing!” Will you just leave me alone!!” Dongho stood up to the wooden bench and walk away. Eli grabbed his hand, Dongho pushed him. “Hey!” Kiseop try to hold Dongho’s hand but he fail to do it.Dongho faces his best friends, “Will you just leave me alone!!” Dongho threw his phone in the ground and his best friends saw Chin photo in his phone as wallpaper, “Is it because of her?” Soohyun asked. “Just leave me, guys. Please.” Dongho cover his face with his both hands.One week after that happened, Chin saw Dongho walking in the hallway of their school, “Dongho.” Chin hold Dongho wrist.“You can still remember me, Chin.” He replied annoyed.“Of course. Dongho, I want to talk to you.” She replied.“What’s with the talking?” Dongho replied then he opened his locker.“About what happened in the rooftop, I’m sorry. I lo------“Chin stopped because Dongho cuts it. “Sorry? Let’s just leave that likes didn’t happened.” Chin about to open her mouth but Dongho continued, “Just forget it, Chin.”“But, Dongho-----““I said, “Forget it!”” he repeated then closed his locker that made the people in the hallway looks at them, Dongho just left her.After their class Chin saw Soohyun while she’s leaving the school, Chin talked to Soohyun, “You’re Soohyun, right?”, Soohyun stopped because he heard someone called his name from behind.“Yes. And you must be Chin, right?”“Uhm----mmm, yes. How did you know my name?” she replied with a surprised look.“Dongho, has talked to you many times.” He replied.“Oh, I see.” She replied.“Can I ask you something?” he asked while looking at her.“Sure, what is it?” she smiled.“What happened after you’re talked in the rooftop? Sorry, I don’t want to get involve in your relationship but it was Dongho we’re talking about, our friend.” he asked.Chin rubs her head, “That’s the reason, why I want to talk to you, Soohyun.” “Ahh, okay. So, tell me, Chin.” He replied, “Why don’t we sit at that wooden bench.” He continued.“Oh, okay.” Chin told the whole story what’s really happened in the rooftop to Soohyun.After that talked, two days ago, Soohyun noticed that Dongho is avoiding him so he walks towards Dongho while his at the sofa, “Dongho, what’s your problem? Are you avoiding me?” he asked then he sat beside him. Dongho throws the book in the floor and yelled, “The problem is you, Soohyun!!”. Kevin and Eli was shocked that who are also in the living room playing chess.“Wait!! What?! What did I do?” Soohyun stood up and give Dongho a surprised look. “What is your relationship with Chin?!!” he asked and pushed Soohyun. The two boys who are playing chess left the chess board in the table and runs towards Dongho and Soohyun who are fighting. “Hey! Dongho, what’s wrong?” Kevin hold Dongho both hand, “Why don’t you ask him?!!!” Dongho points Soohyun.“Can you let me explain what really happened between me and Chin, Dongho.” He replied. “Wait!! What’s between you and Chin,  Soohyun?” Eli asked who’s holding Soohyun hand.“You know that I like her, long time ago. But, you’re flirting with her!!” Dongho shouted. “Flirting?” Eli and Kevin talked in chorus. “I’m not flirting with her, Dongho. Will you just let me explain!!!” he replied.“NO!!!”“You’re Chin is leaving!!!” Soohyun yelled and pushed Eli who’s holding his both hands. “What???” Kevin and Eli talked again in chorus. “Kevin and Eli will you stopped talking in chorus.” He look at Eli and Kevin, then he continued, “And, today is her flight, you stupid!!!” he shouted.“It’s not true! You’re just making fun of me!”“No, I’m not.”A ring from the phone of Dongho made them stopped in fighting, “Who’s this?!” he asked. “It’s me, Chin.” She replied, and then she continued, “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to hurt you that time but that’s the best thing for me to do, Dongho. Don’t worry, you’ll never see me again. I’m leaving.” Chin hung up.“What’s the time of Chin flight, Soohyun?” he grabbed Soohyun t-shirt. “Mmmm--- Let me, remember.” Soohyun think. “Soohyun!” Eli and Kevin in chorus again as usual. “ElVin stopped talking in chorus, I said.” He talked annoyed by the two, then he continued, “10:00 a.m.”“Okay! Thank you, Soohyun!” Dongho is already outside, “By the way, Soohyun, I’m sorry.”“Okay, fine. Just when you get back here, you have good news, Dongho!” he shouted. “I will.” Dongho replied. While Dongho is running towards his car, he passed by Kiseop, AJ, Hoon, carrying a grocery, “Where are you going, Dongho?” Kiseop asked.“I’m going to get my love back, Kiseop.” He shouted.“Okay!” he replied, “Wait! What? Who?”, he asked but Dongho already disappeared. “Hey, guys! What’s with Dongho, and his…. love?” Kiseop runs towards Kevin, Soohyun and Eli who’s inside the house.“Kiseop!” Hoon and AJ shouted that’s still outside. “What?”Kiseop turned around with them, “You forgot this.” Hoon and AJ points there index finger on the ground where the grocery bags was left by him. “I’m sorry, guys.” he run backs get it.Chin was waiting inside the airport and looking at Dongho’s picture as her wallpaper, “Who is that handsome boy in your screen wallpaper?” her mother asked who’s beside her.“My one and only love,  Mom. The guy who made me insane every time he smiled at me, those beautiful eyes that every time he looks at me made me melt, those red lips that when he start talking made my heart jumps because of his sweet voice. I love everything about him.”“Is that him?” her mother asked who’s pointing at the door.“Huh?” she looks at her Mom and eventually looks to the guy that her mother pointing at. “Mmmmm—mmmm, yes. But, I don’t want to talk to him. I don’t want to see him sad or hurt before I leave.”“Swettie, you already hurt him after you said that you don’t like him at the rooftop. I guess, it’s better for the both of you to tell what you really feel about him. I understand you, Chin. I don’t want to see you sad after we leave. My daughter’s feeling is much more important to me. Tell him that you love him.” Her mom suggested. “But, Mom----““Just go, Chin.” Her mom smiled at her.Chin runs towards Dongho, they’re already facing each other, “Hi!” Chin talked. Dongho hugged Chin, “Chin, please don’t leave. Don’t leave me.” Dongho begged.“Dongho, I just want to say that-----““If you don’t like me, then I’ll do everything to make you like me. Just don’t leave.” He hugged Chin tightly. “Dongho, will you let me explain, please. I love you, Dongho, okay. And, I’m not leaving.”Dongho was surprised in what he heard, “Really?” he removed from the hugged and immediately kissed Chin lips, and that made her blushed. “You said, “I love you, Dongho”, right? Tell me, I heard it right.” He smiled.“Yes, you heard it right. I’m sorry, Dongho about what happened in the rooftop.”“Let’s just forget about that, most important is today. We both love each other, and I’m so happy for that.”“Me too.” She smiled.“Can I ask you a favor?” he asked.“Uhmm, what is it?” she replied.“Will you said it again, those words, “I love you, Dongho.”” He replied happily.“Okay.” Chin takes a deep breath and continued, “I love you, Dongho.”“Again, please.” He begged.“But,------“ Chin didn’t continue her sentences because a soft lips was on top of her lips, Dongho kissed her again, “I’m just kidding, baby~~ I love you too, I need you, I miss you and”,  Dongho whispers in Chin ear, “I ….. want….. you…. Chin.” Dongho talked in a seductive voice, and that made Chin shiver.  “Yah!! Dongho!”, she pats Dongho’s shoulder.Chin looks at her mom and Chin already read on her mom eyes the happiness. Chin’s mom flew in Seoul without Chin, but her mom still happy because she saw Chin smiled again. A year passed, Dongho has a surprised to Chin, “Where are you?” Chin texted Dongho. “Do you still remember the coffee shop that we both stayed on while we’re still in high school, that’s the time we’re I leaned my t-shirt to you.” Dongho replied.“Ahh, yes. Why?”“Get inside on that coffee shop.” He instructed.Chin entered in the coffee shop and after she opened the door a tarpaulin caught her attention saying, “Happy Anniversary, baby Chin. I love you.” Chin saw Dongho holding a cake, “Happy Anniversary, baby Chin.”Dongho smiled. “Baby Dongho, I love you too.” Dongho put the cake on the table, then he grabbed Chin waist closed to him, then he’s touching Chin lips while biting his lips and slowly Dongho moves his head and he kissed Chin passionately.“Okay, guys. Let’s leave them.” Soohyun whispers to Kevin, and then Kevin signaled the others to leave. After his best friends disappeared Dongho walked to the wall and corner Chin to kiss her more.  ~~~ COMMENTS AND SUBSCRIBE :)