The Epidemic (1/1)
Title: The Epidemic
Fandom: Beast
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 500Prompt: "The fact that we loved was beautiful." When the sickness first appeared, it seemed hopeful that someone would find a cure and it would be out if our lives. It would begin like a common cold, having all of the same symptoms. It killed off the elderly first, but as soon as someone was around the infected people, they would fall sick, too. Eventually the government began containing the infected in sick wards, the entire country falling into fear. After the fear came the paranoia and no one would go out anymore.Yoseob and Kikwang watched as their loved ones got sick, but stuck together, hoping and praying that there would someday be a cure and things would go back to normal. Some days were harder than others, especially when the tension of the situation caused fights. After every fight, they would make up and remind one another that they were in this together. It would make them stronger to stay together and ride out this storm, hoping for a cure. Yoseob hadn't voiced his concerns to his lover of the entire country being wiped out and the two of them being left alone. It seemed inevitable to him, but he still remained strong for Kikwang.One day, Kikwang called Yoseob into the living room, pointing to the tv, where the new was showing images of death. He turned to Yoseob, shaking his head in anger. "You know, I have to wonder if it w