Chapter 3. Contract (1/1)
Chapter 3. Contract If it had hurt hearing about Jongin's fate, it was a lot worse fearing the same would happen to his sister.No, Kira was more than that. Kira was his best friend, his partner in crime and his shield, just like he was hers. It was their family's number one rule. Keep each other safe. And he failed. He had utterly failed."It's not... you can't be sure..." Chanyeol struggled to get the words out. The defeated look in Xiumin's eyes held the answer for him.The tall boy shook his head to clear his thoughts. "We'll get her back. It doesn't matter. Even if she become a werewolf, she's my sister. I will be there for her, just like my parents were there for Jongin.""Do you really want to subject her to this? This life? I know what it's like... leading a cursed life. Trying to keep your face to the light as every natural senses in your body urge you to become the dark monster you are. Trying to stay sane. Trying to keep whatever humanity is left." Xiumin asked him tiredly."It's different for werewolves isn't? Jongin managed to still live his life..."Xiumin gave him a resigned look before replying him. "He was very lucky. Your parents managed to find a way to help him. In a way, they were the pack that he needed. But Jongin's a very young werewolf who still has no control over his wolf counterpart. He will not make a good alpha. And you will end up with two wild werewolves on your hands every full moon, Chanyeol. Imagine what she will feel if she realized she had hurt someone when she transformed? Imagine what is going on through your friend's head now that he realized he had infected your sister?""I... we will have to manage it... she can learn how to live like a werewolf..." Chanyeol stammered out."This is not living." Xiumin glanced away to look at the snow covered mountains in the distance.The resignation in Xiumin's behavior was seriously bothering Chanyeol. "What choice do I have! What can I do? You want me to wish her dead instead? I can't!"As much as he was shaken by what was happening, he was not one to accept defeat easily. There was no purpose in worrying, he would take his sister back in whatever form she became. And they would figured it out day by day. He could not understand what Xiumin was going on and on about. Chanyeol glared at the vampire who was still watching the mountains. “She doesn’t deserve this… I cannot let her transform.” He spoke at last.Chanyeol frowned slightly. “What do you mean?”Xiumin nodded to himself determinedly. “There is someone… who could reverse it. If I am fast enough, if I make it there before the night ends.”Was it possible? There are creature with such abilities? Chanyeol had never heard of such strange powers before. “I am coming with you.”Xiumin hesitated as he contemplated what Chanyeol had said. “Alright, it would be for the best but you have to be quick. You have to get Kira away immediately.”“Get Kira away?”"Yes. We will take your jeep."The vampire made a move towards Chanyeol's jeep and the confused car owner ran behind him.“Who exactly are we going to meet?” Chanyeol held the vampire back.Xiumin paused before answering him. “Her name is Yue. She would be what you humans call... a caster. She manipulates dark magic and I had the opportunity to witness how powerful her abilities are. She would be able to reserve a werewolf's curse.”“She will help us?” Chanyeol wondered out loud as he hopped into the jeep with Xiumin taking the wheel.There was an odd look on Xiumin’s face as he began driving towards the direction of the snow covered mountains. “Yue offers her services to supernatural creatures that she liked. She has the ability to grant any request but at a cost. In other words, I will have to repay the debt. Do not worry about it. You will have Kira back.”There was something odd about the vagueness in Xiumin's explanation. Chanyeol knew Xiumin was not telling him everything.“What exactly are you planning to do?” The boy probed.The vampire avoided his stare as he continued driving. “It is what Yue is best at, Shadow Magic. It works like a simple contract. Yue needs a large amount of dark energy to bring Kira back. In return for that effort, I... have to serve her.”“Serve her?”“Yes… To do her bidding as I will be indebted. It’s merely a precaution. She needs a lot of dark energy as most requests aren't easy, and will be severely weakened at the end of the spell. Shadow Magic meant that she could channel my dark energy to fulfill the request as well as ensuring that I have to protect her as she recovers, that I cannot harm her. As I said, do not worry.”Chanyeol frowned as he took in the information. “For how long?”“Till she returns to full strength. Promise me, would you Chanyeol? Do not let Suho or Sehun know where Yue is. They cannot make a contract with Yue in exchange for my release. Yue is cunning, I cannot afford for them to do anything they might regret.” The vampire turned to him with a firm expression.There was an unsettling feeling in Chanyeol's stomach when he looked into Xiumin's eyes. It had returned to his usual indifferent look. “What about you?”“I know Yue well enough. I will be fine after I served my contract. The only thing I worry about, is Kira. Once the contract is sealed, Yue will not go back on her word. Kira will be safe and sound, but please don’t stay around. I cannot protect you further at that point. You two have to leave before she realized you two are hunters. She is generally not bothered with humans, but don’t give her a reason to hurt you. She may be weaken after, but she is not an easy opponent. Furthermore, she won't be alone.”Chanyeol glanced at him nervously. He couldn’t help having a feeling that Xiumin wasn’t being entirely honest with him. He regretted following Xiumin without anyone else knowing. What if the rest found Kira first? Would this be for nothing?"So, where is Yue?" He asked the pale vampire. "At the base of Mt. Taigi.""That's only a few hours drive away!" Were there these many supernatural creatures near their town the whole time?"Yes... she was always close enough. Yue made sure to let me know where to find her."Chanyeol raised his eyebrows. "Why is that?""She is very... interested in my clan. We are the only vampires with such unnatural powers... that she knew of."There was a lot going through Chanyeol's mind as they continued the rest of the drive in silence. Yue did not seem like the best type of person to be making a deal with, yet he had to trust Xiumin to know what's he was doing. Xiumin was doing whatever he could to get Kira back. And Chanyeol could only admit that, Xiumin really cared for his sister. He had been worried about his sister's increasing affection for the vampire and the vampire's obvious attraction in return. He had been worried that this unusual relationship would only end badly, especially for Kira. But he couldn't be more wrong. If he could so easily looked past the fact that Jongin (and possibly Kira) was a werewolf, why couldn't he look past what Xiumin was? Why couldn't he accept the vampire even after this very vampire stood with them against Kris' clan?Perhaps, not every monster does monstrous things."I am sorry, Xiumin." Chanyeol whispered out loud. The vampire heard him loud and clear even though he was focused on driving. Xiumin gave a small subtle nod in response. He had understood. They finally arrived after a long drive through the forest, at the b