Lower Life (1/1)

The newscaster didn’t seems to be satisfied. She was going to ask more question to Mr. Jongwoon.When Changmin heard a creaking voice from upstairs.Changmin quickly changed the channel, randomly.The TV’s scene hurriedly changed into a more cheerful channel. A reporter was interviewing bunches of happy teenagers, who seemed to be nineteen years old and going to be matched tomorrow.A soft voice coming from the stair, “Changmin?”Changmin turned.His mom Taeyeon was currently standing at the top of the stair.Her hair was messy, probably because she was just wake up. She wore a light gray dress, with a darker gray light sweater.Her clear eyes stared toward Changmin lovingly. She smiled sweetly as she saw Changmin stood up and reaching toward her.“Hi, dear, how was your school?” Taeyeon asked while accepting Changmin’s hand, which helping her getting down the stairs.Changmin smiled nervously, “It’s just ordinary... like usual...” Changmin answered in a simple manner.As soon as they reached downstairs, Changmin quickly took his bag from the sofa and put it on the dining table. Clearing the sofa area so his mother may sit down comfortably.Taeyeon smiled while whispering “thank you” as Changmin had her seated on the sofa, and he seated himself on the chair of the dining table.For a while, the room was filled with awkward silent.Changmin was still in deep thought of the news he watched.There were, unexpected things that missed from his past.Mr. Jongwoon was right. Somehow, Changmin remembered seeing fire burning on the road.Of course most of them didn’t stay long, because the chaotic Blue “powers” which flew all over the area, quickly turned them down.People, however, only thought of it as an attempt of the Red to defense themself and fight back the Blue.But, there were no Red in sight who could be bringing torch or whatsoever... Changmin thought. Plus the fact that no Red could produce power the way Blue did. Changmin couldn’t help it, but considering if Mr. Jongwoon was actually right.Mom Taeyeon was soon immersed herself to the TV. Where cheerful teenagers were sharing their excited feelings toward the upcoming Wed Ceremony.“Now, here goes to another one! Hi, there! What is your name?” asked the reporter happily.“Sunyoung... I’m Park Sunyoung. Hello, folks!” chimed Sunyoung while waving toward the camera.“Sunyoung, who do you think you will be matched to tomorrow?” continued the reporter, switching the microphone toward himself and Sunyoung.“Oh... I have a boyfriend already. And I’m so gonna matched to him!” replied Sunyoung.She then proceeded to pulled a nervous looking guy. He smiled shyly toward the camera.“Woah! Such a cute looking boyfriend you have here, Sunyoung! So, boyfie, what’s your name?” the reporter turned his microphone toward the boyfriend.The boyfriend was about to answer, but Sunyoung quickly interrupted, “His name is Lee Jinki, and we’re so gonna married tomorrow!” explained Sunyoung in full spirit.The reporter laughed awkwardly, seems to be a little bit surprised as Sunyoung interrupted his attempt to interview Lee Jinki.“Well, alright, Sunyoung and Jinki. We’re gonna see you together tomorrow, alright!” said the reporter, silently moving out from Sunyoung and Jinki.Sunyoung still waving cheerfully toward the camera, while Jinki still stare nervously.“Oh! Look! Such a very gorgeous man we have here!” the reporter pointed toward a very tall and big male. He was well suited, and his hair was also well styled.“So, ehem, young man, what is your wonderful name could be? Spell it for us!”The young sleek man stared at the reporter, grudgingly. He answered him, however, “I’m Choi Siwon. The heir, and the only rightful one, of Choi corporation,” answered Siwon in a very polite manner. His voice was bold and firm.“OH MY GOD! We have the heir of Choi corporation here? Who could have thought?” exclaimed the reporter in surprise.“So, spilled it young man, what is your thought about tomorrow Wed Ceremony? Do you have any preference? Or do you already have someone on your mind, a boyfriend or girlfriend? And break all of our hope in having you?” flirted the reporter.Even though the reporter question was kinda ridiculous, Siwon answered anyway, “No. I’m still single. I don’t have anyone in mind. I also don’t have any preference...”The reporter quickly turned to the camera in awe, but Siwon continued talking, “However, if I could, I truly didn’t want to be matched to a Blue...” insisted Siwon.The atmosphere... quickly become thick. Siwon answer caused the reporter to be frozen in surprise.“We are all aware that tomorrow, a couple will come from the side of Red and Blue. We shouldn’t all pretend that the case isn’t like that...” continued Siwon.“I truly, really didn’t want to be matched to a disgusting Blue. I’d rather be a Seeder. Not being matched at all. No matter how low the job is...”Siwon then stared straight toward the camera. His eyes were sharps and looks very determined, “Whoever is going to be matched to a Blue... is much lower, than any of those who appointed as the Seeder...”The reporter seems to be in utter panic. He didn’t seems to be intending, for the interview to went like this. Well, of course, who would!Changmin sweated nervously a little bit. Enough Blue talk for today, really. Changmin gulped, as he stared toward mom Taeyeon.Mom Taeyeon seems to be all still and calm, though.“Oh! Hahahaha! That was interesting, Mr. Choi. I hope you get all the best tomorrow!” interrupted the reporter quickly, before Siwon started to say something else, out of topic.Taeyeon suddenly let out a loud sigh. That, caused Changmin to quickly turned to her in panic.“Ahhh... that’s right. Tomorrow is the Wed Ceremony already...” whispered Taeyeon softly.Changmin coughed a little. Surprised as his mom suddenly brought the topic up.“Ahhh... my dearest Changmin gonna be matched tomorrow. I couldn’t believe it. My dearest small Changmin...” Taeyeon said proudly, continue to mumbling.Taeyeon turned toward Changmin, trying to reach out on him. Changmin quickly moved his position closer to his mom, who grabbed his arm and softly caressing it.“It feels that it’s just tomorrow that I finally matched to the person I always adore. The person I always have my eyes on. Can you believe it, Changmin? The universe actually wanted us to be together. Me and Miyoung...” reminisced Taeyeon with sparkly eyes.A sudden mention of Changmin’s mom Miyoung, caused Changmin to be stiffened.Changmin carefully stared on mom Taeyeon. Observing Taeyeon’s reaction on her own mention of Miyoung... the love of her life... her rightful forever partner...Taeyeon only sighed, mind seems to be going somewhere else.“That young man was wrong, though, Changmin. Why would you prefer becoming a seeder than being matched? What will the neighbor say if you become a seeder? It’ll be much better if you are matched than being a seeder. Whoever the person is...” Taeyeon continued her mumbling.Changmin gulped again. If there’s anything that broke Taeyeon’s mind... it simply only removes a little bit of her memories. Especially those that happened during the conference nine years ago.But, her soft and caring attitude toward the Blue, considering them as “not wrong”, has never changed.Mom Taeyeon also become much more simple minded. She used to be good in argument. No matter how smart Mom Miyoung was, she always lost to Mom Taeyeon. But, Taeyeon hates being people center of attention. So, while Taeyeon stay low on her dream of becoming a parent and a loving mother, Miyoung continued to shine brightly with her sharp talking ability.Right now, Taeyeon is no different than the neighboring gossip-parents.Only, at time like this, the neighboring parents would actually prefer their kids to be a seeder rather than matched to a Blue.So, Taeyeon’s sentimental-ness toward Blue seems to stay the same?Must be Mr. Jungsoo’s influence... and Mr. Jongwoon. Changmin thought, disappointingly.No matter how much they know on Changmin’s trauma toward the Blue, Mr. Jungsoo and Mr. Jongwoon – and mom Taeyeon. Even though Changmin sure that Taeyeon wasn’t fully aware of it – stay strong toward their opinion, that Blue aren’t completely at fault.At this rate, could someone actually just care a bit, about Changmin current sensitiveness toward the Blue and any word related to it?The Blue who killed one of his dearest mom? Broken down the heart of his other beloved mother?Changmin bit his lips frustratingly. This couldn’t be actually happening... nope...Taeyeon pulled Changmin even more closer toward her. Changmin quickly moved toward his mother, so she could caressed on Changmin’s hair... toward Changmin’s cheeks.“You’ll be matched... and find a good partner, Changmin. A partner who is loyal, kind, understand you... wherever they are from” Taeyeon said, seems to be blessing Changmin with her word.Taeyeon smiled sweetly as she hold Changmin’s face on her hands.She loved watching Changmin’s face. She enjoying watching every curve of Changmin’s skin texture...Changmin, fully reminded her of what she has lost... of what she used to have and hold dearly... of the best memories that Taeyeon could ever remember...Changmin, Taeyeon dearest son... Taeyeon best treasure...Taeyeon have thought of it over and over, and even until now, she’s still amazed on how much the resemblance of Miyoung that Changmin have on him than of Jungsoo.“You will find partner who love you... Changmin...” continued Taeyeon.Her thumb softly caressing on Changmin’s thick eyebag, which fluttering softly at Taeyeon’s touch.The way Miyoung’s eyes always did... Taeyeon thought warmly.“I promise you, your partner will love you to the fullest... Changmin...”