CHAPTER 21 – ON MY OWN Pa (1/1)

THE GREATEST MisterSinful 58760K 2023-11-02

3RD PARTY POV DongHae began his opening set. He didn’t queue in a continuous play track for the opening part, like he normally does—keeping himself busy all throughout the first part of his gig. Eunhyuk just sat on the bench behind DongHae, waiting patiently for him to play the track as promised. After a few hours, the club is getting packed as usual and DongHae finally turns to Eunhyuk, bending over to get the cd that’s inside the bag beside the latter.DONGHAE – Yah! I have two more opening songs left before I play that track—its gonna be the first track for my peaktime playlist. Just stay here, okay? EUNHYUK – Of course, Aein…I promise I wouldn’t miss it…I’ll wait…here… Eunhyuk reaches out to hold DongHae’s face and gives him a smack on the lips. As soon as they broke off, SooYoung steps in to the booth—surprising both of them. SOOYOUNG – Oppa! I love the music you’re playing! I can’t wait to work with you…and oh, with Eunhyuk-ssi as well! Eunhyuk stands up and bows slightly to acknowledge SooYoung. EUNHYUK – I’m…excited to work with you too…and, maybe you can call me Hyukkie from now on… SOOYOUNG – Ah, yes…sure, Hyukkie…Please take care of me then… SooYoung bows as well. DONGHAE - *ahem* So what brings you here? You have a request? If I have the track with me, then I could play it… DongHae hands over his cd collection to SooYoung for her to look at, and Eunhyuk suddenly felt out of place and decides to excuse himself. EUNHYUK – Uhm…I think I’ll just…go to the bar and get some drinks… DongHae was about to ask Hyukkie to stay, but he was too late—as Hyukkie is already making his way through the crowd, heading towards the bar. SooYoung notices the sudden change in DongHae’s face. SOOYOUNG – Uhm…Oppa, I’m sorry…I think I’m interrupting…something here…I’ll...get Hyukkie for you then… DONGHAE – No, it’s okay. He’ll be back and don’t think about it… *fakes a smile* SOOYOUNG – So, Oppa, how long have you been with Hyukkie? I must say I got a little jealous seeing you together back in Manager Teukkie’s office but, I see that you’re happy with him so…I’ll be happy for you guys too! DONGHAE – Hyukkie and I just got back together recently…I’ve kinda known him for years and its only until recently that we…we became official… SOOYOUNG – Oh, right…That’s great, then! I…I think its getting a little awkward now so…I guess… I have to leave now… SooYoung hands back the cd collection to DongHae and turns to leave the booth, the latter grabs hold on the former’s hand just in time. DONGHAE – Wait! SooYoung, it was nice seeing you…really…I…kinda missed you too…Thought I’d lost you too… SooYoung looks back at DongHae and nods with a smile before breaking free from DongHae’s grip. EUNHYUK’s POV Aish! This is getting more complicated than I thought! What’s up with SooYoung? Does she and Aein have an unfinished business or something? How come I didn’t know? Well, yeah—that’s because I never asked! I guess I’ll just have to wait for Aein to finish up today and ask about everything… I walked up to the bar and sat on the swivel chair. Once the bartender puts down Aein’s and my drink, I stood up and went back. I was about to take my first step when I heard a familiar voice from my back. MANAGER HEENIM – So, aren’t you gonna thank me for saving your ass back there? I turned around to see Manager Heenim sitting on the bar. Aish, I’m beginning to hate to hate this guy! If not for his manager status here, I would’ve mugged him for sure. EUNHYUK – I’m sorry? What’s was that again, Manager Heenim? MANAGER HEENIM – You know you heard me well, Hyukkie. Don’t you think your Aein would like it if he…knew that you’re stealing his songs? You might’ve been dumped by now if it wasn’t for me… If it wasn’t for you? Yeah, right! I’m not a thief so I don’t have to be guilty about stealing. I was just plain clumsy, that’s all. EUNHYUK – With all due respect, Manager Heenim, I’m not stealing anything. Second, my Aein wouldn’t dump me for something small like that, and lastly, I’m not the type who conspires just to get things that I want so, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go back to Aein…he needs me more than anyone else right now… I turned around and made my way back to the booth. I don’t give a shit if he gets offended or not—he’s the one started it! That bitch! I started to squeeze in to crowd again, heading towards the booth when I felt a hand grabbing me by the shoulder. I quickly looked to my side to see who it was. Siwon. What the hell does he want now? SIWON’s POV Where the hell is SooYoung? I thought she went down already? I took out my mobile and dialed her number. Aish! She isn’t answering! I sent her a message instead asking her to meet me outside of the club as soon as possible. Wait! Did she went down to talk to Hae? Well she better not saying anything or else I’m ruined! I looked at the booth and she isn’t there. I made my way through the crowd and saw Eunhyuk, bringing 2 glasses of some drink with him. Hmmm…now’s my chance. I reached out and grabbed him by his shoulders. He looked back at me with puzzled look. That’s right, Eunhyuk, save that look for now on—there’s so much you need to know. SIWON – Got a minute to spare? I need to talk to you about something… He looked at me as if I were a ghost. I couldn’t wait for his answer so I grabbed him by the hand and dragged him upstairs to the VIP room, just across Manager Teukkie’s office. The room is alittle soundproof so I guess we can talk there. As soon as we got there, I took the other drink he was holding and took a sip. He didn’t have time to react, still looking puzzled as ever. SIWON – I’m sorry for dragging you all the way here…I just want to borrow you for a minute or two… EUNHYUK – Why? What’s this all about? That’s Aein drink you’re taking… He tried to get back the drink but before he could, I drank it all up. Damn it, I know I don’t drink but that actually tastes good. I placed it down the table and caught his wrist as he attempts to walk out. SIWON – Not just yet… EUNHYUK – My Aein’s waiting for me down there…save it for tomorrow’s meeting, will you?! SIWON – It can’t wait for tomorrow’s meeting… EUNHYUK – Then make it fast! SIWON – How long have you been with Hae? EUNHYUK – We’ve been together…for 2 years now…why’d you wanna know? Liar. You think I’d buy that? If that were true, you should’ve known by now who I am—and who I was to Hae. SIWON – Really? Well, how come you don’t know me?He looked more puzzled as before. Ah, that expression is indeed priceless. EUNHYUK – Do I have to? I don’t care about Aein’s past…and if you happen to be a part it, well that’s great, but know this—I’m not gonna let anyone get my Aein away from me, so…don’t even think about it! That’s right, provoke me. You just don’t know what I’m capable of. What I want is I what I’ll get. Hae was mine and he will be mine again. SIWON – Fair enough…Just so you don’t know—well, I think you don’t, I’m Hae’s boyfriend and I’m here to win him back…so, I’m telling you as early as now—let him go… His expression somehow changed from being puzzled to shocked. Yes, that’s right. I’m the right one and you’re just nothing but a distraction to Hae… EUNHYUK – You think it’s that easy? Hell no! I will not let Aein go that easily…I’m the one he needs right now and from the way I look at it, he doesn’t welcome you here, so why bother? Aish. This guy is one helluva of prick, alright. But he won’t last that long—I’m in control right now. SIWON – I know that. It’s never gonna be easy but I’ll make sure its gonna be hell for you if you don’t let go of Hae… EUNHYUK – Then bring it on…I’ve been through hell and back for Aein and I won’t give him up that easily! He shoves back his wrist and I let him go. Fine. Go ahead. You’ve been fairly warned. Eunhyuk steps out of the VIP room and I was just about to follow him when he turns to me again. EUNHYUK – So what is it about you and your past with Aein? I bet he didn’t have to let me know because…you…weren’t that important at all… Really now? Just wait and see… SIWON – Oh, but you can’t be too sure of that… I could now see he’s getting a little frustrated now. His hands were closing up to a fist. I smiled back at him and I turned to look down at Hae, who’s busy pumping up the crowd from below. He’s mine. DONGHAE’s POV Where the hell is Hyukkie? He said he’ll be back but what’s taking him so long? I’m about to queue in the track! I’m getting worried now. I hope he didn’t notice anything wrong back in Manager Teukkie’s office. I tried my best to keep my cool. It hasn’t sunk in yet, but what does Siwon want now? It’s been years since I last heard from him—and I don’t keep track of him and his fame lately. Why now? I know he likes to surprise people, but why me? And SooYoung, what is she doing with him? Are they together? I guess I have no choice but to queue in the track now. Oh Hyukkie, where are you?! Once I queued in the track and matched the beats, I felt hands wrapping me up from behind. I put down my headset and turned to see who it was—Hyukkie, of course. EUNHYUK – Sorry Aein, I think I’m just in time…I saw a couple of friends in the bar so we chatted abit. Friends, eh? Hmmm…whatever, Hyukkie…what’s important now is that you’re here. Before I could reply, he nuzzled close to my side and kissed me in the nape. I nudged him gently to know it tickles. DONGHAE – Yah, stop that…it tickles, you know…Listen now, the song is fading in… Hyukkie stopped for a moment and rested his head on my shoulder, still hugging me from behind. The crowd seem to respond very well the track—I could see some of them started to sway to the beat. As soon as the vocal part came in, I looked at Hyukkie, smiling back at me. I tried to lipsynch abit to the track, holding on to Hyukkie’s warm cheeks as he started to sway with the beat. Everyone who saw us started to cheer and raised their glasses at us. I nodded to some of them and smiled. Ah, moments like this I wish it would last. For the first time in this career, I felt so happy and loved—and with Hyukkie behind me, everything else seem to fade away… If only the track wouldn’t end so we could stay this way… And as the song comes to an end, Hyukkie lets go and shifts me to face him. He pulls me close and passionately kisses me. The crowd wooed at us and ShinDong puts us on a spotlight. Then a loud popping sound followed. Confettis soon rained down. Aish, Hyukkie does it again. We broke off from our kiss as the song ended and just I thought I messed up by not queueing the first track for peaktime hour, Manager Teukkie spoke through the speakers. MANAGER TEUKKIE – Chiiiiiillldrennnnnn! Motherrrr feels your love right now…and I’m sooo happy for DJ D.Hae and Hyukkie…Motherrrr wants her children to support them, alright? *the crowd responds in a loud cheer and screams of yes! and more!* You want more, children? Stay then! The party’s just begun, so stay—and feel the loveeeeee! I felt my mobile vibrate and I took it out to see who texted. It’s from an unknown number. “Great show…Look up and play something for me, too…” Hyukkie read the message too and looked up. Aish, I bet that’s Siwon. What a scene stealer. So he wants something? Well hear this. I quickly replied to his message and queued in the first peaktime track as Manager Tuekkie wrapped his introduction. MANAGER TEUKKIE – Let me bring back DJ D.Hae to you now, childrennnn! Time for peaktime! Work it, DJ Hae! “Request? Well, this one’s for you…” I pressed play and as soon as Manager Teukkie voice echo faded, the dance floor was filled with heavy drum beats… LISTEN TO SIWON’S REQUESTED TRACK BELOW:   Hyukkie looks back to me, looking puzzled as ever. I think he knows now, but I’ll make sure he knows it well from me. DONGHAE – Yah! We’ll talk later, just trust me on this…*I hugged him this time* I love you, Hyukkie…and this song will never be for you…so cover your ears… Hyukkie breaks away and he laughed. He nodded and settled back on the bench. I turned back to the console and looked up just in time for song’s full vocal part. I don’t need you to tell meI don’t need you to tell meI don’t need you to tell me I don’t need you to tell me what I can do, where I can goI don’t need you to tell me what I can know, what I cannot knowI don’t need you to tell me who I can see, who I cannot seeI don’t need you to tell me who I can be with, who I can be notI don’t need you to tell me who I can be with tonightAnd if it feels right…That is only mineThat is only mineThat is only mine (Mine!)That is only mineThat is only mine (Mine!) I tried to mouth the lyrics to the person looking down on me. Yes, look at me now. This song definitely for you! We’re through and I have no intention of bringing the past now. This time don’t try to control meThink again ‘cause you don’t own meI’m on my own now!I’m on my own now! This time don’t try to control meThink again ‘cause you don’t own meI’m on my own now!I’m on my own now! (That is only mine)(That is only mine)I’m on my own nowI’m on my own now Think again ‘cause you don’t know!Think again ‘cause you don’t know! Looks like I got the message through. That’s right Siwon, walk away while you can. Whatever it is that you’re planning—you won’t win. You don’t belong here and I’ll make sure you’ll never be. As soon as the track comes to an end, I queued in a continuous play peaktime track. I sat down beside Hyukkie, he his hand and rested my head on his shoulder. I know what you’re feeling right now, Hyukkie. Just trust me on this. I won't let anyone ruin this moment--our moment...Whew! I have to cut it short once again but there'll be more revelations to come!The ring is open! Place your bets! Team SiHae or Team EunHae--choose one! ^_^