Hakyeon (1/1)
"You have Jaehwan on your Facebook?" A low voice came from behind him. His heart jumped at Hongbin's question. He usually never used the home computer to check what everyone was up to but today by some fluke, he had opened it to see Jaehwan's post on the top of his news feed. Something pathetic about being 'forever alone' again. Which had actually made him a little sad and annoyed. Hongbin walking by or however he'd noticed the post, just an evil accident of fate. fuck you fate. Hakyeon turned around with a smile. "Everyone has their exes on social media. Just to see how miserable they are without them. And look.." He pointed out the post. "miserable. 'Video game night marathon with the boys'. What a loser." Hongbin was staring past him at the monitor and he turned. "What?" "Click on him." The curser was hovering over the name Leo DaVinci. Enlarging his profile pic. Hakyeon clicked and it flipped to the man's page. 'The Last Supper' as his banner. "Jaehwan sure has some strange friends." Hakyeon muttered. "Maybe he's an artist too. Would explain his love for old Leo, here. Wonder what his real name is." "Taekwoon." Hongbin whispered. Barely. Then cleared his throat as he stood up. "Looks like I'll have to friend request him if I want to see anything about him. Do you.. know this guy?" There was definitely something Hongbin wasn't telling him. "Uh, I don't know." Hongbin admitted. "He looks like someone I knew a long time ago." That got Hakyeon's attention. Hongbin rarely talked about his past. Just letting a few things slip here and there but nothing big. Maybe Taekwoon was an old boyfriend. Maybe they had an even worse break up than he and Jaehwan's was. "You want me to add him so we can stalk his page?" He smirked up at his boyfriend."No." Was the only word out of Hongbin's mouth before he walked straight-faced out of the room. And Hakyeon turned again to look at 'Leo'. He had a small smile on his pleasant face. Good looking, yes. But all the assholes are. Hakyeon clicked on the friend request anyway. He could be facebook friends with Hongbin's jerk ex just as well has he could with his own.