Chapter 3 (1/1)
Everyone was cheering together, all dressed in blue and gold shirts while looking down from the tribunes on the guys that were passing the ball. It seemed as if there were more people here than usual, maybe that was because they were making it closer to the finals and the games were always getting more and more exciting. You though were there every single game and you always did the same thing, cheering for the man that wasn’t yours. He was looking good again tonight, even though his face was hiding in a big helmet and his shirt was drenched in sweat. He was a great player, to you of course he was the best and so he hadn’t become captain of this team for nothing. With your bleacher in your hand you cheered along with all the other students and teachers who had come out tonight to support for their team. Last year the team had made it to the finals but had lost and had gotten a well deserved second place. This year though, they were going for the title, they wanted to be champions. You believed they could do it and you hoped for Baekhyun that it would work out, he deserved it after working for it so hard for so long. “Go Baekhyun!” You yelled when you saw how he got the ball and ran towards the touch down area. He was about to score when someone smashed him towards the ground with a painful tackle and your hand flew towards your fast beating heart inside of your chest. You hated it to see him get hurt like this, each time he went onto the field it seemed as if you were worrying about him. But it wasn’t your job to do that, it was his girlfriend’s job to do so. But instead of seeming worried about her boyfriend who had just been knocked against the ground harshly she was cheering loudly and she was doing her moves while wearing a short skirt and a crop top, two pompoms in her hands. Tonight she seemed even prettier than normal and you felt all the hoped drift away from you again. She was scanning the field instead of watching Baekhyun who was slowly getting back onto his feet and it seemed as if she was checking the other guys out. You shook your head and told yourself that you were imagining that. When he got back into the game he seemed very disappointed because he had lost his point and you could see he was giving up. It pained you to see him this drained so you quickly pushed your fist up into the air and tried to make your voice as loud as possible, hoping that he’d hear you. “You can do it Baekhyun!” You yelled and blushed when he looked up into your direction spotting you in between all those other people wearing their blue costumes and your gazes crossed. A small smile grew onto his face as he ran over to the guy who had the ball and suddenly you felt so proud of yourself. You had just cheered up Baekhyun enough to make him keep on going, you had been the one to make him feel better. The game went on and on and though for a long time it had seemed as if they were going to lose suddenly everything seemed to turn around. Baekhyun scored several point and so did his team mates and all of a sudden there was winning point. The whole crowd went crazy when the last ball landed in the touch down area and you all jump up from your seats. You were happy that they had made it but still you couldn’t take your eyes off of Baekhyun who was pulling off his helmet and stuck it up high into the air. He was yelling out loudly in joy and ran over to his other team mates which all gathered in the middle of the field. Some of them were throw up into the air and bottles of champagne were passing through. The fact that Baekhyun had such a bright smile on his face and that his eyes were twinkling like diamonds probably made you even more happy then that your school’s team had won once again and was getting closer to the title. Even though his hair was stuck against his forehead and he looked gross, covered in mud he was still the hottest guy out there tonight. Everyone was clapping and singing, a whole sea of people in blue and gold moving together. Tonight it seemed as if your school was one big team, as if there were no groups and as if everyone were friends. Actually the biggest reason why you had attended the bleachers was so that you could see the games for free and you could always see Baekhyun play. That was a secret you’d never tell to anyone but that was the truth. Please Subscribe to read the full chapter